ATV tänavapuhastushari



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva lõputöö raames sai projekteeritud ettevõttele Iron Baltic OÜ uus toode – ATV tänavapuhastushari. Harja kasutatakse lume, langenud lehtede ja muu prügi teelt kõrvaldamiseks teeäärele. Harja energiaallikaks on Honda GX160 5,5 HP bensiinimootor. Harja jõuülekanne koosneb kahest komponendist: rihmülekandest ja kettülekandest. Jõuülekande lõplik ülekandearv on 7,97. Harja töövõlli pöörlemiskiirus on vastavalt mootori pöördele vahemikus 251–452 p/min, maksimaalne võimsus töövõllil on 3,05 kW ja maksimaalne pöördemoment 70,7 Nm. Harja tööasend on pööratav paremale ja vasakule kuni 24º sammuga 12º. Harjal on olemas ka transportasend, millele üleminek toimub ATV esivintsi abil. Hari on varustatud tugiratastega ning nende asukohta on võimalik muuta vastavalt töötingimustele – kokku on selleks ette nähtud viis kinnituskohta. Tänu tugiratastele ja ujuvale seosele harja ja raami ning raami ja ATV vahel toode kopeerib maapinna kuju. Toote konstruktsioonile on teostatud mitu tugevusarvutust, milleks on:  Võllide tugevusarvutused paindele ja väändele;  Laagrite eluea arvutused;  Liistude muljumispinge kontrollarvutus;  Regulaatori pöördteljes asuvate poltide tugevusarvutus nihkepingetele;  Regulaatori ratta kandurite tugevusarvutus paindele;  Regulaatori enda arvutus paindele;  Mootori alusplaadi arvutus paindele. Samuti on määratud iga detaili valmistamise tehnoloogia, arvutatud iga detaili valmistamise, koostude koostamise, keevitamise ja värvimisajad, arvutatud materjali kulu. Lõputöö majanduslikus osas olid välja arvutatud kõik harja tootmisega seotud kulutused liikide kaupa ning teostatud omahinna ja tasuvusaja arvutused. 63 Töö eesmärk oli jagatud kaheks osaks: tehnoloogiliseks ning majanduslikuks. Lõputöö eesmärgi tehnoloogiline osa nõuab, et projekteeritud toote omadused oleksid enam-vähem konkurentidega samalaadsed ja nii nad on: projekteeritud tootel on natuke väiksem töölaius (1,3 m, konkurentidel 1,35 ja 1,5); samalaadne energiaallikas (5,5 HP bensiinimootor, konkurentidel 5,5 HP ja 6 HP); samalaadsed harja kettad (läbimõõt 45 cm, konkurentidel eeldatav 45–46 cm ja 46 cm); harja tõstmine toimub vintsi abil (mis ühe konkurendi puhul läheb lisana); harja tööasend käsitsi on pööratav paremale ja vasakule (ühel konkurendil samuti käsitsi ning teisel – elektriliselt); harja mass võrreldes vähemalt ühe konkurendiga (teise konkurendi toote massi pole teada) on oluliselt väiksem – 124 kg, kusjuures konkurendil on 243 kg. Lõputöö eesmärgi majanduslik osa nõuab, et projekteeritud toote müügihind oleks konkurentidega võrreldes madalam ning toode peaks olema selle tõttu kättesaadav suuremale auditooriumile, ehk jutt käib suurest hinnavahest. Projekteeritud harja realiseerimishind 1920€ on võrreldes konkurentidega 1,8 ning 2,1 korda madalam (konkurentide toodete müügihinnad on 3500€ ja 4000€). Kuna lõputöö tulemused vastavad nõudmisele, loetakse lõputöö eesmärk saavutatuks täies mahus.

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) rotary broom is constructed in current diploma work. Rotary broom can be connected in the front of ATV and has its own energy source – petrol motor. The project is done for Iron Baltic OÜ company, which designs and produces auxiliary equipment for power sport vehicles - mostly ATV-s. The purpose of current diploma work is to design a new product, the main advantage of which would be its availability for a wider range of potential buyers - minimum selling price. The product is positioned as low cost replacement of more expensive products on the market, but its parameters must be more or less similar to expensive products. In other words, a new product has to be better value for money. Market research shows that there are very few companies in the world that produce a similar product for ATV, so the competition is very low and the probability of success of the product is relatively big. The product must also meet the following requirements:  Product working width should be about 1.3 meters;  The product must be able to change working angle relatively to direction of movement of ATV.  The product must have a transport position, and the switch to this position and back must be quick and easy;  Product must copy the shape of the surface; The product can be used in various situations, such as: removal of fallen leaves in autumn, snow removal in winter, and removal of other garbage the rest of the time. It is expected that this product is not meant for collecting garbage into the garbage bag, but dumping in to roadside. The target group of the product is private sector, and just because of this the product must have a minimum set of features and must be available with minimum cost. 65 The designed rotary brush uses Honda GX160 5.5 HP petrol engine energy source. Brushing transmission consists of two components: belt drive and chain drive. Transmission final drive ratio is 7.97. Operating shaft speed (according to engine revs) is in the range of 251 to 452 rpm, maximum shaft power is 3.05 kW and a maximum torque is 70.7 Nm. Rotary brush can be rotated to the right and to the left in increments of 12 º and 24 º. The switch between working and transport position is performed by front winch. The brush is equipped with support wheels and their location can be changed in accordance with working. Thanks to the support wheels, and a floating connection between the brush and the frame and between the frame and an ATV, the product will copy the shape of the surface. Product design has been carried out for several engineering calculations, namely:  Shafts bending and torsional stress calculations;  Bearing life calculations;  Parallel keys buckling stress calculations;  The bolts (located in the axis of rotation of brush, when it is being lifted by winch) shear stresses calculations;  The support wheel bracket of the regulator bending stress calculation;  The regulators own bending stress calculation;  The engine base plate bending calculation. The manufacturing technology has also been assigned to every detail of rotary brush, calculated production time and material cost. In the economical part of current diploma work were calculated all the brush manufacturing costs (by type), production and selling price and payback period. The purpose of work was divided into two components: the technological and economic. The technological component requires that the product features are more or less similar to competitors and so they are: product has a bit smaller width (1.3 m, competitors have 1.35 and 1.5); the same kind of energy source (5.5 HP petrol engine, competitors have 5.5 HP and 6); similar brush discs (diameter 45 cm, competitors have 45...46 cm). Raising of brush if performed by winch (only one competitor has this function); brush 66 work position is rotated to the right and left manually (both competitors have the same function, but one provides electronically controlled rotation); mass compared to the at least one competitor (another competitors product weight is unknown) is significantly lower – 124 kg, comparing to 243 kg of competitors mass. The economic component requires that product sale price is lower compared to competitors. Designed brush selling price is € 1,920 what is 1.8 and 2.1 times lower than competitors (competitors products have the sale prices € 3,500 and € 4,000). As the results of diploma work are corresponding to required, the purpose of diploma work is considered to be attained in full.


