Raudteejaama teedearengu rekonstrueerimine Tallinn-Kopli jaama näitel

dc.contributor.advisorOjala, Rita
dc.contributor.advisorOksana Ragozina
dc.contributor.authorAgalarovi, Mark
dc.description.abstractKäesolevas töös on analüüsitud Tallinna jaama Kopli rajooni raudteede kasutamise intensiivsust perioodil 2006 kuni 2016, kõrvutades teede kasutust ja veomahtude statistilisi andmeid. Põhilisteks andmeteks oli Tallinna jaama Kopli rajooni tehnokorraldusakt, mis kajastab jaama võimekust, ühelt poolt, ning AS EVR Cargo andmebaasist saadud kaubavedude mahtude statistilised näitajad, teiselt poolt. Kopli rajooni läbinud kauba veomahud on vähenenud nimetatud kümneaastase perioodi jooksul 76% võrra. Arvestades majandusolukorda ja kaubavedude tendentse eeskätt raudteeveos, kus suurimaks kaubaartikliks olid naftatooted, mille mahud on juba vähearvestatavad, ei ole oodata raudteeveomahu kasvu. See omakorda tähendab, et Kopli rajooni teid suure tõenäosusega ei hakata kasutama oluliselt suuremal määra kui 2016 aasta lõpu seisuga. 2016 aasta lõpu seisuga oli Kopli rajooni kõigist teedest kasutusel 36%, mis viitab sellele, et suur osa teedest on kasutuseta. Need kaks tendentsi kokku võimaldavad järeldada, et suur osa Kopli rajooni teedest on võimalik demonteerida, ilma et see ohustaks kuidagi jaama kaubavoogude läbilaskevõimet. Jaama rekonstrueerimise ettepanekus on peamiseks tegevused kasutuskõlbmatute ja kasutult seisvate teede demonteerimine. Selle alla lähevad tervikuna vana sorteerpark ja väljapanekupark. Sorteerpargis on tarvis alles jätta ainult üks tee, mis viib Miinisadama rajooni. Vastuvõtu-ärasaatepargis saab demonteerida kaks teed ning alles jätta 4 peateed. Sorteer- ja ärasaatepark on ainus park, mis saab püsima jääda praeguses seisus. Teede demonteerimine hõlmab ka kõigi nendel teedel paiknevate fooride ning muude rajatiste likvideerimist. Lisaks on vaja asendada osad ebavajalikud pöörmed (sh nendega seotud foorid), mis paiknevad allesjäävatel teedel ja viivad demonteeritavatele teedele, tavaliste rööbastega.et
dc.description.abstractThe following thesis The reconstruction of railway station roads on the example of Tallinn-Kopli station focuses on the volumes of cargo carried via Kopli station during last 10 years and the resulting future expectations of the real need of the usage of Kopli station railways. Analytical data is coming from AS EVR Cargo internal database – statistics on cargo volumes for Kopli station per commodity types over the period 2006-2016. Special attention is given to the commodity type which compiled the biggest part of the volumes 10 years ago – solid mineral fuels. Some pages are dedicated for the overview of economic reasons behind noticeable decrease in railway cargo volumes over the last decade, especially earlier mentioned solid mineral fuels. The location of Kopli station in the heart of Tallinn provoked particularly during the peak volumes time repeatedly several discussions around the environmental danger of the tanks and wagons filled with dangerous goods. It was suggested to take the transit transport out of Tallinn to avoid all trains that pass Tallinn just to move from Ülemiste side to Paldiski direction. As of today as the volumes have decreased significantly, it is not so topical theme anymore. By now large part of the roads in Kopli station is standing uselessly. It has been raised multiple times that the territory under these non-used roads could be reused properly for public purpose. This thesis is not providing ideas how to develop the part of the current territory of Kopli station but how to understand the real need of railroads so that Kopli station can continue to perform its first and most important function – to be a rotation station for the rolling stocks coming from Ülemiste side to Paldiski direction. The analysis of historical volumes which has passed Kopli station together with the real usage of roads in the station shows that Kopli station uses by now only 36% of all roads. Many of non-used roads are unusable, so that it is impossible to use them without serious repair works. All of these non-used roads could be dismounted and big part of the territory behind them could be sold by AS EVR Cargo the city. As the cargo volumes in Kopli station have decreased by 76% by 2016 since 2006, it is quite obvious that Kopli station can serve current volumes with much smaller amount of roads. The reconstruction proposal says that 3 parks in Kopli station could be dismounted as a whole as the roads there are either not used for a long time or are in a very bad state. In 2 other parks most of the roads could remain and some additional rotations and maneuver foors built. In that reconstructed form Kopli station will be still able to serve needed cargo volumes as there are no expectations they could increase significantly in the nearest years. At the same time quite big territory of current Kopli station could be released for public purposes, and the costs of maintenance of the station will be decreased significantly.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Rail Transport--Railway Engineering--Railway Designen
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Rail Transport--Rail Trafficen
dc.subject.otherRailway Engineeringen
dc.titleRaudteejaama teedearengu rekonstrueerimine Tallinn-Kopli jaama näitel
dc.title.alternativeRailway road reconstruction development Tallinn-Kopli example of stations
