Kaitsekinnaste paigaldusmasina projekteerimine polüuretaanvahu tootmisliinile

dc.contributor.advisorKangru, Tavo
dc.contributor.authorJunus, Karl
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärgiks oli projekteerida Proven OÜ kliendile uus polüuretaanvahu liinile kaitsekinnaste liimimise seade. Projekteerimise põhiparameetriteks oli kiire tsükliaeg ning võimalus seadet lihtsasti liinilt teisaldada. Majanduslike ning ökoloogiliste eesmärkide saavutamiseks loobuti vanast purkide korkimise lahendusest, mis hõlmas endas mitu erinevat keerulise ehitusega sõlme. Uue lahendusena on kasutatud SCARA tüüpi robotit, mis liimib kaitsekinnaste pakke otse purgi suudmele. Seadme karusselli tõstetavaks konstrueerides täideti ka liinilt teisaldamise tingimust. Teostatud kindapaigaldusmasina projekt on Proven OÜ jaoks esimene kus kasutati robotit, ettevõte sai sellega väärtusliku kogemuse robotite programmeerimise osas ning ka järgmised tellimused analoogsetele seadmetele.et
dc.description.abstractThe overall goal of thesis in scope named „Development of The Automatic Glove Gluing Machine for Polyurethane Foam Production Line“ is to develop a novel automatic gluing device of safety glove packages for polyurethane foam cans produced at one of the factories of Proven OÜ’s client. The main criteria for the development were fast gluing time, and the ability for easy freeing of the production line for unrestricted product flow. The project fulfilled also other client objectives among which pursuit of economic and ecological savings was to achieve by abandoning old corking unit. Newly developed solution involved use of SCARA robot for fast and precise placement of glove packages over cans previously sprayed with glue for adhesion of the package, and a lifting device for the part of the devices carousel which otherwise would obstruct the production line conveyor when not using the device. For Proven OÜ the project was first of its kind, in the terms of implementing robots. The company has never used a robot in any of its projects before, so the new experience provided a valuable lesson in robot application and programming. Trough this successful project, the company got several more orders for new similar devices.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technologyen
dc.subject.classificationMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogiaet
dc.subject.otherMechanical Engineeringen
dc.titleKaitsekinnaste paigaldusmasina projekteerimine polüuretaanvahu tootmisliinile
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of The Automatic Glove Gluing Machine for Polyurethane Foam Production Line
