Kala ladustamissüsteemi moderniseerimine ettevõttele OÜ Morobel

dc.contributor.advisorTiidemann, Mart
dc.contributor.authorNõmmik, Enrik
dc.description.abstractProjekti eesmärgiks sai seatud moderniseerida ettevõtte OÜ Morobell kalaladustamisliini. Projekteeriti uus kalalaud, kus kala liigub konveieri peal edasi kaalumispea suunas ja iga kaalumine sai salvestatud arvutisse, et kui keegi peaks tegema kaaludes vea, siis see on kohe tuvastatav. Tööliste arv vähenes 12 inimeselt 8 inimesele. Tänu sellele hoiti kulutusi tööjõupealt 15% kokku. Kala ladustamiskiirus tõusis 30%. Praeguseks on kalalaudade pealt läbi käinud rohkem kui 13000 tonni kala ja suuremaid tootmiskatkestusi pole juhtunud. Lõputöö eesmärgiks sai seatud ka majanduslikult efektiivne tootmine. See sai ära tõestatud kui toote riiuli omahind tuli 2,62€ odavam.et
dc.description.abstractThis thesis concerns the construction and manufacturing of the storing system for the fishing industry for a small series production. Thesis is based on a company “Haapsalu Metal OÜ” company-specific manufacturing and device capabilities. “Haapsalu Metal OÜ” was selected to manufacture the construction and manufacturing of the storing system for the fishing industry for a small series production by the contractor “OÜ Morobell”. Aim of the thesis is the construction of the storage area were the fish is being weighted and the self were the fish is stored also the preparation of the technological documentation, which should ensure high quality and economically justified production. Production cost must be as low as possible and can’t be over 1422 Euros. It is being considered if it is rational to use jigs for the manufacturing. Function for the storage area were the fish is being weighted is to weigh 10 kilos of fish at the time. It consists of 21 pieces and is made primarily of stainless steel AISI 304. Those parts that are exposed to the fish are made of stainless steel AISI 316. Purpose of the shelf is to accommodate 10 kilos of packaged fish. 64 pieces of packaged fish will fit on a shelf. Shelf is constructed on stainless steel AISI 304 EN 1.4301 square tube 50x25x1,5 mm. Gratings inside the shelf are constructed of the same material, round steel with diameter of 8 mm. The aim of the project was to modernize OÜ Morobell fish storing system. Number of employees decreased from 12 to 8. Because of that labour costs decreased 15%. Fish storage rate increased 30%. Today more than 13 000 tons of fish has been stored without any production interruptions. One of the purposes of the thesis was also economically effective production. This was proven when cost of the shelf was 2,62 Euros cheaper than originally estimated.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Product Developmenten
dc.subject.otherMechanical Engineeringen
dc.titleKala ladustamissüsteemi moderniseerimine ettevõttele OÜ Morobel
dc.title.alternativeFishing Storage System Modernization in Enterprise OÜ Morobel
