Modulaarse hooldusplatvormi väljatöötamine automaatikaseadmetele ettevõttes Windak OÜ



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Kokku võttes kogu lahenduskäik, siis püstitatud probleemile ei saadud 100% soovitud tulemust. Jõuti väga lähedale soovitule. Kuna tegemist ei olnud standardtootele lahenduse loomisega, siis tekkisid keerulised probleemid, mille lahendamine ei oleks olnud majandsulikult mõistlik. Kuna kokkupuude toodetega oli üsna vähene, siis ei suudetud piiratud aja sees leida sobivat lahendust, mis autorit oleks rahuldanud. Tehti ära suur töö, mille käigus siiski loodi mingil määral modulaarne lahendus. Oldi rahul just treppidega ning käsipuude kinnitustega. Kui platvormi raame ei suudetud luua täielikult modulaarseteks, siis teised moodulid olid piisavalt modulaarsed, et neid lugeda eesmärgi päraselt lahendatuks. Kui oleks olnud rohkem kogemusi ning teadmisi masinatest, siis oleks ilmselt ka suudetud luua rahuldav lahendus. Optimeerimise puhul saadi soovitud tulemus. Materjalide valikul saadud kokkuhoid oli majanduslikult kasulik ning probleemi lahendati mõistlikult. Tugevusanalüüsid aitasid tugevalt kaasa, et luua majanduslikult säästlikum lahendus. Võrdluseks sai tuua, et optimeerides materjalide kasutust, tuli iga kolmas platvorm tasuta, võrreldes varasemate materjalidega. Projekteerimise käigus omandati palju uusi oskusi, et edaspidi teha paremini. Loomulikult kavatsetakse antud modulaarset lahendust edasi arendada, kuni jõutakse soovitud tulemuseni. Kogemuste ning teadmiste edasisel omandamisel, jõutakse kindlasti õigele teele ning luuakse lahendus, mida seekord ei õnnestunud täielikult luua. Modulaarset lahendust saab koheselt kasutama hakata selliselt nagu ta on. Töö käigus loodi ka standardtoodete kataloog, mida saab järjest enam suurendada. Eesmärgi täitmiseks tehti kokku 11 tugevusanalüüsi ning projekteeriti 77 unikaalset detaili.

In summary, the entire solution process did not achieve 100% of the desired result for the stated problem. It was close to what was wanted. Since it was not a matter of creating a solution for a standard product, complex problems arose, the solution of which would not have been economically reasonable. Since the contact with the products was rather small, it was not possible to find a suitable solution that would have satisfied the author within the limited time. A lot of work was done, but still a somewhat modular solution was created. Author was satisfied with the stairs and handrail modules. While the platform frames could not be made fully modular, the other modules were modular enough to be considered fit for purpose. If there had been more experience and knowledge of machines, it would probably have been possible to create a satisfactory solution. In the case of optimization, the desired result was obtained. The savings obtained from the choice of materials were economically beneficial and the problem was solved sensibly. Strength analyzes strongly contributed to create a more economical solution. For comparison, by optimizing the use of materials, every third platform came free, compared to previous materials. Many new skills were acquired during the design process to do better in the future. Of course, the given modular solution is planned to be further developed until the desired result is reached. With the further acquisition of experience and knowledge, the right path will definitely be reached and a solution will be created, which at this time was not created completely. The modular solution can be used immediately as it is. During the work, a standard product catalog was also created, which can be increased more and more. To fulfill the goal, a total of 11 strength analyzes were performed and 77 unique details were designed.



Mehaanika::Tootearendus::Metallkonstruktsioonide tehnoloogia ja rakised
