Lauluväljaku dirigendipuldi rekonstrueerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Antud lõputöö eesmärgiks oli leida rekonstruktsiooni lahendus Laulupeo dirigendipuldi amortiseerunud teleskoopmehhanismile samuti projekteerida puldi käideldavust parendav lahendus. Töö alguses vaadeldi olemasoleva dirigendipuldi algset kontseptsiooni ja toimimispõhimõtteid ning toodi välja selle nõrgad kohad, millele siis töö käigus asuti lahendusi välja töötama. Kõigile kriitilistele sõlmedele tehti tugevusarvutused ning simuleeriti mõjuvaid jõude ning koostati kõigi elementide kohta joonised. Samuti võeti kokku mõlema lahenduse maksumus ning võrreldi seda dirigendipuldi oletatava eluaega ning võimalike riskidega. Lõputöö tulemuseks saadi 2 lahendust - üks, mis sobitub täielikult olemasolevate kinnitustega, on ilmastikukindel ning asendab amortiseerunud teleskoopmehhanismi ja teine, mis annab vabaduse transportida dirigendipulti turvalisemalt ning paigaldada seda vabalt valitud kaugusele laululavast.

The current thesis analyses the condition of the conductor's console completed for the 2019 jubilee General Song and Dance Festival, and in the course of the work finds a reconstruction and improvement solution for the conductor's console. The author of the thesis has also previously collaborated with the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration Foundation, e.g. in year 2009, the work of the project was used by inventing of the decorations "Puri" and reconstrutcion of the symbolic torches in year 2019. This project mentioned above is the fourth in a row. At the beginning of the thesis, the background of the conductor's stand is described and the current situation is analysed, problems and shortcomings are highlighted. These are the deteriorated wooden parts, which have now been replaced, the obsolete telescopic lifting mechanism and the handling problems due to the weight and the large volume of the console, which limit its use and are dangerous for both console and transportation crew when moving it. The first baseline task, the reconstruction of the telescopic mechanism of the conductor's console, is then formulated. The aim is to replace the depreciated bearing system with stainless steel bearings and relays. The conditions and criteria to be met by the reconstruction are then formulated. These are the need to maintain the given cubic capacity, to exploit the available openings and to make sure the materials are weather resistant. Thereafter the necessary load calculations are carried out, the appropriate components are identified and strength analysis are carried out to test critical components in extreme conditions after which the final drawings are produced. Then the second baseline, the transport platform, is formulated. The aim is to make the conductor's console more transportable without the need for crane lifts and to find a way of installing the conductor's console in front of the acoustic arch, further away from the current location. It then formulates the prerequisites and criteria that the design solution must take SUMMARY 33 into account and be met. These are: the permanent attachment to the console; the attachment must not damage the console and it must be possible to place the console on any smooth surface. As the conductor's platform originally had a concrete foundation in front of the bandstand, one of the functions of which was to act as a counterweight, the new projected transport platform must be massive enough to have the same functionality. The necessary load calculations will then be carried out, and the appropriate components identified. One of the problems is the load carrying capacity of the asphalt pavement, which is found through the normal load characteristic of the Estonian Transport Administration directive. The frame of the finished transport platform, which will be fixed under the console and fixed to the existing lifting holes, will then be designed, together with transport wheels to be fitted during transport, which will enable the conductor console to be rolled along the ground in the future. In the final section of the thesis, the cost of the project will be calculated. While this cost may seem expensive, it should rather be seen as an investment in the repair and improvement of the equipment. The downside is the cost, but the improved performance of the singers guaranteed by a working console and better positioning is invaluable.



