Pesu kollektsiooni loomine ettevõttele Marc & André

dc.contributor.advisorPeets, Teele
dc.contributor.authorŠeljug, Anastassia
dc.description.abstractLõputöö tulemuseks on ettevõttele Marc&André õmmeldud valmis kolm põhitoodet: rinnahoidja, pesupüksid ja hommikumantel, ning lisaks sai valmistatud kaks kollektsiooni täiendavad toodet: öösärk ja lühikesed püksid, millele pole tehtud tehniline dokumentatsioon. Kõik tooted saab ka koos kanda. Pesu kollektsiooni loomisel autor lähtus ettevõtte konsteptsioonist ja selle eelistustest. Esietapiks on materjalide ja aksessuaaride valik. Pärast materjalide valimist skanneeritakse pitsi spetsiaalse skänneri kaudu ja luuakse fail pitsi mustriga Adobe Illustrator arvutiprogrammis. Peale mustri valmimist joonistatakse toodete tehnilised joonised. Konstrueerimis süsteemid olid võetud erinevad. M. Müller & Sohn süsteemi järgi oli modelleeritud pesupüksid suuruses 40. Winifred Aldrich`i inglise süsteemiga oli tehtud hommikumantel suuruses 14, mis vastab Euroopa suurusele 40. Ja vene konstrueerimis süsteemi järgi valmistati rinnahoidja, kasutades ettevõtte suuruste tabelit. Rinnahahoidja on valmistatud suurusega 75C. Rinnahoidja ja pesupükste moekohased lõiked olid modelleeritud proovide käigus tehnoloogi, konstruktori, õmbleja ja tootejuhi abiga. Ülejäänud toodete lekaalid vaadati üle ja proovideta õmmeldi valmis. Töös oli kõige olulisem tuua esile naise keha ilu. Suurt tähelepanu pöörati rinnahoidja konstrueerimisele. Enne toote õmblemist oli tehtud mitu prototüüpi, et vaadata vormi ja istuvust, kus tehti kommentaare. Lekaalid tehti manuaalselt ja kui kõik vead olid parandatud, digiteeriti neid Lectra Modaris konstrueerimis arvutiprogrammis. Arvutis juba pannakse suuruste järgud ja lekaalid kodeeritakse õigete materjalidega, kust edasi saab viia toote tootmisesse. Tehnilise paigutuse valmistamiseks luuakse andmete fail programmis Marker Manager, kust leiab informatsioon paigutuse, ladestuse ja kangakulu kotha. Peale andmete faili loomist, sisestatakse seda paigutus programmi Marker Making. Selle programmi abil tehakse paigutusjoonised koos järgmise informatsiooniga: paigutatud suurused, materjali kasutatav laius, paigutuse pikkus ja effektiivsus. Paigutuse abil arvutatakse toodete oma- ja müügihinnad. Informatsioon toote omahinna arvutamisest on konfidentsiaalne, mille tõõtu omahinna arvutamine on esitatud materjalide kogulises väärtuses. Töö käigus esinenud vead said likvideeritud, ning lekaale saab edaspidi tootmises kasutada. Iga toote kohta on koostatud tootekaart selle tehnilise joonise- ja kirjelduse, kasutatavate materjalide ja hooldusjuhistega.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the graduation thesis Creating a lingerie collection for Marc & André company is to make an underwear collection based on the company's requirements, specifics and preferences. The collection consists of three main products: a bra, briefs and a dressing gown, and two additional products: a top and shorts for which technical documentation has not been made. All products can also be worn together. The thesis is divided into four chapters, where all stages of production are described. The first chapter presents the introduction of the company, the stages of creating the collection from scanning the materials to the completion of the technical drawings of the products, tables with the materials used and a technical description of the products. When creating the lingerie collection, the author was based on the company's concept and its preferences. The first step is the selection of materials and accessories. After selecting the materials, the lace is scanned through a special scanner and a file with the lace pattern is created in the Adobe Illustrator program. After the pattern is completed, the technical drawings of the products are drawn. The second chapter is the structural part, which describes the process of making basic constructions and the necessary measurements and calculations. The first part of the chapter talks about the methods chosen for construction. The second part gives an overview of the process of making fashionable cuts. Fashionable cuts are shown as painted details on top of the basic constructions. For all products different construction methodologies were used. Basic briefs construction was made by using the German M. Müller & Sohn system. The briefs size is 40. Winifred Aldrich's English system was used to make a dressing gown in size 14, which corresponds to European size 40. Basic bra construction has been done according to the Russian system using company`s size charts. The bra is made in size 75C. The fashionable cuts of the bra and briefs were modeled during fittings with the help of a technologist, designer, seamstress and product manager. The patterns of the remaining products were reviewed and finished sewn without samples. The most important thing in the thesis was to highlight the beauty of the woman's body. Great attention was paid to the construction of the bra. Before the product was sewn, several prototypes were made to look at the form and fit. The third chapter describes the process of pattern making and digitization using different computer programs. The patterns were made manually and when all errors were corrected, they were digitized in the Lectra Modaris computer program. To prepare the technical layout, a data file is created in the Marker Manager program, where you can find information about layout, fabric consumption and efficiency of layout. After the data file is created, the layout is entered into the Marker Making program which is used to calculate the selling prices of the products. The last chapter is dedicated to the price calculations of the collection products. Information about the calculation of the self-cost price of the product is confidential, which means that the calculation is presented in quantitative value. The selling price of a bra is 89,95 euro, the selling price of briefs is 39,95 euro and the selling price of the dressing gown is 219,95 euro. The mistakes occurred during the working process were corrected, and the patterns can be used in production in the future. A product card with its technical drawing and description, used materials and maintenance instructions has been prepared for each product.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectRõivad ja tekstiilid::Disain::Rõivakollektsioonide koostamine
dc.subject.otherRõivaste tehniline disain (moetööstus)
dc.titlePesu kollektsiooni loomine ettevõttele Marc & André
dc.title.alternativeCreating a Lingerie Collection for Marc & André Company
