Digitrüki tehnoloogia standardi koostamine ettevõtte Lipuvabrik OÜ näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli kaardistada Lipuvabrik OÜ-s kasutusel olevad digitrüki meetodid ja tööprotsessid selleks, et koostada digitrüki standard. Käesoleva lõputöö raames valmis digitrüki üldstandard. Lisaks koostas töö autor kahe erineva Lipuvabrikus kasutatava tehnoloogia digitrüki standardid, millest üks põhineb DTF- ja teine sublimatsioontrüki tehnoloogial. Standardi koostamisel lähtuti digitrüki kontseptsioonist, mille järgi digitrüki neli põhielementi on riistvara, tarkvara, tindid ja tekstiil. Nende elementide õigel valikul ning nende omavahelisel sobivusel saavutatakse vajalik trükikvaliteet. Lõputöö teoreetilises osas käsitleti DTF- ja sublimatsioontrüki tehnoloogiaid, digitrüki eeliseid traditsiooniliste trükitehnoloogiate ees. Kirjeldati digitrükis kasutatavaid värve ja kangaid. Samuti uuriti digitrüki tehnoloogia eeliseid traditsioonilise trüki tehnoloogia ees. Digitrükk on ökonoomsem ja efektiivsem. Võrreldes traditsioonilise trükiga sisaldab digitrüki protsess vähem etappe ja toode jõuab turule kiiremini. Seda kõike eeldusel, et on olemas tootele vastav printer, tarkvara, kangas ja värv. Töö empiirilises osas tutvustati Lipuvabrik OÜ-d, ettevõttes kasutatavaid printereid, tarkvara, materjale ja värve ehk digitrüki protsessi alustalasid. Peatükis 4.4 käsitletakse ruumide tingimusi, lisaks digitrüki sisenditele on olulised trüki hea tulemuse saavutamiseks näiteks ruumi õhuniiskus ja temperatuur. Ettevõttes kohapeal kasutatakse kangaid, mis on kanga tootja poolt juba eeltöödeldud. Seega Lipuvabrik OÜ-s kanga eeltöötlemist ei toimu. Vajaduse korral rakendatakse kangale eeltöötluse protsessi, mille käigus liimitakse sünteetiline tekstiilmaterjal (liimitäppidega) originaalkanga külge kuumpressimise teel. Töös kirjeldati ning süstematiseeriti Lipuvabrik OÜ digitrüki tööprotsesse. Kogutud info põhjal koostati kaks standardinäidist, mis vormistati tabeli kujul. Üks standard DTF- ning teine sublimatsioontrüki tehnoloogia kohta. Standard hõlmab praktiliselt kogu digitrüki tööprotsessi, seetõttu on see ettevõttele oluline dokument. Standard on mõeldud kasutamiseks ettevõttes juhendina trükkalile. Standard sisaldab trükiprotsessi eri etappe ning juhul kui printeri operaator peaks vahetuma, siis uuel töötajal on hea toetuda sellele dokumendile. Standardis sisalduvat infot saavad kasutada ka teised ettevõtte spetsialistid töö planeerimiseks ning põhi- ja abimaterjalide tellimiseks. Samuti töös kogutud andmeid on võimalik kasutada digitrüki temaatilise õppematerjali koostamiseks 52 Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolis. Uurimustöö käigus autor vaatles tööprotsesse Lipuvabrik OÜ-s kohapeal ning intervjueeris töötajaid. Intervjuu küsimused on toodud välja lisas. Vaatluse käigus koguti infot, fotomaterjali printimisprotsessi eri etappide kohta. Intervjuu andis võimaluse täpsustada arusaamatuks jäänud teemad ja küsimused. Lipuvabrik OÜ-s seni ei ole taolist standardit olemas. Autori loodud standardi võib võtta aluseks ametijuhendi koostamiseks. Tabel on pigem inforohke ja seda võiks graafiline disainer kujundada kasutajasõbralikumaks. Autor on lõputöös uurinud informatsiooni eesmärgil reaktiiv- ja happevärve juhuks kui ettevõte soovib tulevikus kasutada teisi tehnoloogiaid ning nendega koos ka reaktiiv- ja/või happevärve. Tehnoloogiate areng toimub pidevalt ning seadmete tootjad töötavad välja efektiivsemaid ja säästlikumaid printereid. Juba on olemas printerid, kus kujutise printimine paberile jääb vahele ning sublimeeritakse otse kangale. Lipuvabrik OÜ võiks tulevikus soetada ka sellise seadme, see muudab töö veelgi kiiremaks ning keskkonnasäästlikumaks. Lõputöö autorile andis tehtud uurimistöö suurel hulgal uusi teadmisi ning praktilisi oskusi digitrüki valdkonnas.

This thesis is titled “ Compilation of a Digital Printing Technology Standard on the Example of the Company Lipuvabrik Ltd“ and is written as a diploma work for TKTK University of Applied Sciences, in the Institute of Engineering and Circular Economy. The development of digital printing technology has been rapid and consistent. Compared to traditional technology, digital printing is more efficient, more environmentally friendly and more economical. The topic chosen by the author was due to the need of the company to prepare a document that describes and sorts the work processes. In addition, within the framework of the Erasmus Plus project of TTK University of Applied Sciences, a new course Digital Printing Technologies will be created in the Fashion Industry program. This topic is relevant firstly to a company that uses similar digital printing technologies and to an educational institution that trains students in this field. This thesis is important for the company, because so far, the company does not have a digital printing standard that would determine the work processes in digital printing technology. To achieve the objective of this thesis, the author set the following research tasks:  Conduct a technological literature review about digital printing  Gather information and theories of a digital printing technologies from the literature  Examine the work processes required for on-site digital printing through observation  Map the digital printing work processes of Lipuvabrik Ltd using the observation method  Conduct an interview with a company printer to gather information  Compile a digital printing standard for DTF and sublimation technology for Lipuvabrik Ltd The objective of this thesis was to map the digital printing methods and work processes used in Lipuvabrik Ltd in order to compile a digital printing standard. A digital printing standard was completed within the framework of this thesis. Within the framework of this thesis, a digital printing standard for two different technologies was compiled, one based on DTF and the other on sublimation printing technology. The standard was based on the concept of digital printing, according to which the four main elements of digital printing are hardware, software, ink and textiles. The required print quality is achieved by the fair selection of these elements and their compatibility. 54 The theoretical part focused on DTF and sublimation printing technologies and the advantages of digital printing over traditional printing methods. Colours and fabrics used in digital printing were also described. The advantages of digital printing technology over traditional printing technology were also studied. Digital printing is more economical and efficient. Compared to traditional printing methods it has fewer steps and the product reaches the market faster. All this provided that a right printer, software, fabric and ink are available. The use of digital printing technology contributes to the reduction of fabric waste and the saving of used resources. In the empirical part of the thesis, the digital printing work processes of Lipuvabrik Ltd were described and systematized. The company uses fabric that has already been pre-treated by the fabric manufacturer. Therefore, no pre-treatment of the fabric takes place in Lipuvabrik Ltd. If the natural fiber content of the fabric is higher, a pre-treatment process is applied to the fabric, during which the synthetic textile material (with glue dots) is glued to the original fabric by hot pressing. Currently, Lipuvabrik Ltd does not apply any other pre-treatment in its technology. Based on the information gathered, two standard samples were prepared and formalized. There is one standard for DTF and the other for sublimation printing technology. The standard is intended for use in the company as a guide for the printer. The standard includes different stages of the printing process and should the printer operator change, then it is good for the new employee to rely on this document. The data collected in the thesis can also be used to compile digital printing thematic study material at TTK University of Applied Sciences. During the research, the author observed the work processes in Lipuvabrik Ltd on site and interviewed the employees. The interview questions are listed in the appendix. During the observation, information and photo material were collected about the various stages of the printing process. The interview provided an opportunity to clarify issues and questions that were not understood. So far, such a standard does not exist in Lipuvabrik Ltd and the topic could be further researched. The standard created by the author can be used as a basis for compiling a job description. The table of the standard is quite rich in information and could be made more user-friendly by a graphic Designer. In the thesis, author has studied reactive and acid dyes for information purposes. If the company wants to use other technologies in the future and with them also reactive and/or acid dyes, then this thesis contains information about this topic. 55 Technologies are constantly evolving and equipment manufacturers are developing more efficient and cost-effective printers. There are already printers that skip printing the image on paper and sublime it directly onto the fabric. Lipuvabrik Ltd could also purchase such a device in the future, it will make the work process even faster and more environmentally friendly. This thesis has provided the author with a large amount of new knowledge and practical skills in the field of digital printing.


