Tesla Model 3 esivedrustuse kohandamine driftiks

dc.contributor.advisorKõiv, Risto
dc.contributor.authorNetsajev, Ivan
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö üks eesmärkidest oli uurida elektriautode sobivust driftispordi jaoks ning leida sobiv elektriauto, mida saaks hiljem ümber ehitada ja katseteks kasutada. Esimese valitud autona oli Tesla Model 3 Performance, mille kere ja vedrustus sai skaneeritud. Tehasevarustusega auto testiti ning määrati edasine suund. Peale esimest testi selgus, et „Track Mode´i“ kasutamisel stabiilsuskontroll ega esimootor ei lülitu täielikult välja, mis tõttu tuli uurida järelturul pakuvataid lahendusi. Lahendusena leiti S3XY Buttons kasutamise võimalust. Lisaks sellele otsustati vahetada originaaldiferentsiaal Quaife piiratud läbilibisemisega diferentsiaali vastu, mis tagas parema stabiilsuse ja juhitavuse libisemise ajal. Uue testi järel selgus, et libisemise alustamine sõidu ajal on keeruline, kuna elektriautol puudub sidur ja auto võimsus ei ole piisavalt suur. Seetõttu otsustati paigalda auto külge hüdrokäsipidur koos lisa pidurisadulatega. Testide käigus saime aru, et olukord paranes ja autol on potentsiaali, kuid roolinurk on liiga väike ning roolimine närviline. Seni oli see grupitöö, mis toimus Tallina Tehnikakõrgkooli ja Wisefab OÜ koostöös, autokonstrueerimise kursuse raames. Grupitöös osalesid Kirill Tšutšman, Nikita Shamsiev, Ranet Sikk ja Ivan Netšajev. Roolinurga suurendamiseks tehti Wisefabi poolt Performance mudeli jaoks lihtsam vahetükk koos alumise ja ülemise õõtshoovaga, mis andis natuke suurema nurga võrreldes originaaliga. Samuti paigaldati autole FealSuspensioni poolt toodetud jäigemad vedrud ja amortisaatorid. Performance mudeli eripära on nelikvedu, mis antud juhul osutus aga piiravaks teguriks kuna püsikiirusliigend läks vastu võlli, mistõttu ei saanud suuremat nurka saavutada ning otsustati vahetada neliveoline Performance mudel tagaveolise mudeli vastu. Performance mudeliga töö käigus leiti lahendus ka teisele püstitatud eesmärgile: S3XY Buttons kontroller, mis võimaldas stabiilsuskontrolli täieliku väljalülitamise. Siit edasi töötas autor iseseisvalt, koostas ja töötas välja lahenduse tagaveolise Model 3 testimiseks. Mis võimaldas suuremat pöördenurka. Autori valis kahe variandi vahel ning otsustas modifitseerida olemasoleva käänmiku suurema pöördenuga komplekti loomiseks, et testida elektriauto üldkontseptsiooni. Pärast käänmiku punktide muutmist võimaldava vahetüki ja hoobade projekteerimist ning valmistamist pandi tagaveoline Model 3 kokku ning viidi läbi sõidukatsed. Testide käigus selgus, et auto juhitavus paranes märgatavalt. Nüüd elektriauto oli võimeline külg ees sõitma, kuid roolikäitumine jäi kehvaks, rool ei jooksnud ise tagasi keskasendisse, vaatamata Ackermanni ja lahkujooksu seadistusele. Rooli otseks keerav moment oli väike. Kuigi lõputööd võiks lugeda lõpetatuks, sest kõik eesmärgid olid saavutatud ning kõik testid läbi viidud, otsustati lahendada ka rooli tagasi jooksmise probleem. Selleks otsustati paigaldada BMW E90 elektriline roolilatt koos Wisefab EPS-mooduliga Tesla Model 3 külge, kuna antud lahendus toimub hästi ka teistel autodel. Lisaks Risto soovil valmistati kinnitus, mida saaks paigaldada nii Tesla originaalse roolilati asukohta kui ka võimalikult tahapoole. Selleks valmistati 3 osast koosnev kinnitus, mis sobib antud ülesande täitmiseks. Peale BMW roolilati paigaldamist tagaveolisele Tesla Model 3 viidi läbi sõidukatsed. Katsete ajaks oli BMW roolilatt paigaldatud võimalikult tahapoole. Katsetel selgus, et auto juhitavus paranes ning auto käitumine ei muutunud oluliselt, sõltumata lahkujooksu seadistusest. Rool jooksis ise ilusti tagasi, mis oligi roolilati vahetamise ja tahapoole nihutamise eesmärk. Autori hinnangul oli lõputöö eesmärk täidetud. Lõputöö käigus valiti elektriauto, millega viidi läbi testid ning kontrolliti selle võimekust driftimisel. Valmistati prototüüp, millega valideeriti roolinurga komplekt. Lisaks lahendati töö käigus tekkinud probleem rooliga. Lõputöö käigus koguti palju uut informatsiooni, mis aitab tulevikus Wisefab OÜ-l välja töötada uue esivedrustuse komplekti.
dc.description.abstractOne of the goals of this thesis was to investigate the suitability of electric cars for drifting and to find a suitable electric car that could later be rebuilt and used for testing. The first car chosen was the Tesla Model 3 Performance, the body and suspension of which were scanned. The car with factory equipment was tested and the future direction was determined. After the first test, it became clear that when using “Track Mode”, the stability control and the front engine do not turn off completely, which is why it was necessary to investigate solutions offered on the aftermarket. The possibility of using S3XY Buttons was found as a solution. In addition, it was decided to replace the original differential with a Quaife limited slip differential, which ensured better stability and controllability during a skid. After a new test, it became clear that starting a skid while driving is difficult, since the electric car does not have a clutch and the car’s power is not large enough. Therefore, it was decided to install a hydraulic handbrake with additional brake calipers on the car. During the tests, we realized that the situation had improved, and the car has potential, but the steering angle is too small, and the steering is nervous. Until now, this was a group work, which took place in cooperation with Tallinn University of Applied Sciences and Wisefab OÜ, as part of the car design course. Kirill Tsutsman, Nikita Shamsiev, Ranet Sikk and Ivan Netsajev participated in the group work. To increase the steering angle, Wisefab made a simpler adapter for the Performance model with lower and upper control arms, which gave a slightly larger angle compared to the original. Stiffer springs and shock absorbers produced by FealSuspension were also installed on the car. The special feature of the Performance model is four-wheel drive, which in this case turned out to be a limiting factor because the constant velocity joint went against the shaft, which is why a larger angle could not be achieved, and it was decided to replace the four-wheel drive Performance model with a rear-wheel drive model. During the work on the Performance model, a solution was also found for another set goal: the S3XY Buttons controller, which allowed the stability control to be completely turned off. From here on, the author worked independently, compiled and developed a solution for testing the rear-wheel drive Model 3. Which allowed for a larger steering angle. The author chose between two options and decided to modify the existing steering knuckle to create a set with a larger turning radius to test the general concept of the electric car. After designing and manufacturing the adapter and control arms that allow changing the pivot points, the rear-wheel drive Model 3 was assembled and driving tests were conducted. During the tests, it turned out that the car's handling improved significantly. Now the electric car was able to drive sideways, but the steering behavior remained poor, the steering wheel did not return to the center position on its own, despite the Ackermann and toe-in settings. The torque that turned the steering wheel directly was small. Although the thesis could be considered completed, since all goals had been achieved and all tests had been carried out, it was decided to also solve the problem of the steering wheel running back. For this purpose, it was decided to install a BMW E90 electric steering rack with a Wisefab EPS module on the Tesla Model 3, since this solution also works well on other cars. In addition, at Risto's request, a mount was made that could be installed both in the location of the original Tesla steering rack and as far back as possible. For this purpose, a 3-part attachment was prepared, which is suitable for the task. After installing the BMW steering rack on the rear-wheel drive Tesla Model 3, driving tests were conducted. During the tests, the BMW steering rack was installed as far back as possible. The tests showed that the car's handling improved, and the car's behavior did not change significantly, regardless of the offset setting. The steering wheel ran back beautifully on its own, which was the purpose of replacing the steering rack and moving it back. In the author's opinion, the goal of the thesis was met. During the thesis, an electric car was selected, which was used for tests and its drifting capabilities were checked. A prototype was prepared, which was used to validate the steering angle kit. In addition, a problem with the steering wheel that arose during the work was solved. During the thesis, a lot of new information was collected, which will help Wisefab OÜ develop a new front suspension kit in the future.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectTransport::Autotehnika::Mootorsõiduki konstrueerimise alused
dc.titleTesla Model 3 esivedrustuse kohandamine driftiks
dc.title.alternativeAdjusting the Front Suspension of a Tesla Model 3 for Drifting
