Ettepanekud Eesti tagasitäite määruse koostamiseks

dc.contributor.advisorGrents, Kalle
dc.contributor.advisorMatti Viisimaa
dc.contributor.authorLubi, Kaidi
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärgiks on uurida tagasitäite määruse olulisust ning erinevate riikide tagasitäite nõudeid ehitus- ja lammutusjäätmetest väljasorditud taaskasutatavale mineraalfraktsioonile, mida saab kasutada karjääritäitena. Kogutud informatsioon tuleb analüüsida eesmärgiga leida rakendust Eesti tagasitäite reguleerimisel. Töö tulem on ettepanekud Eesti tagasitäite määrusele ehk mida peaks antud teemal
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis, Proposals for Drafting an Estonian Backfill Regulation, was to examine the significance of the backfill regulation in Estonia. Also to examine the different countries' backfilling requirements for recyclable mineral fraction, sorted from construction and demolition waste, that can be used as quarry backfill. The collected information was analyzed, with the aim of finding an application, in the regulation of backfilling in Estonia, as there is currently no regulation or guide regulating backfilling in Estonia- the Environmental Board and the Inspectorate proceed on a case-by-case basis. Although there is an authority for a regulation in the Waste Act, the Ministry of the Environment has not yet established it. The result of the work are proposals for an Estonian backfill regulation, ie what should be regulated on this topic. In order to achieve that objective, the importance of the backfill regulation was first justified. To this end, the author of the dissertation prepared questionnaires for both- the authority and the companies, in order to examine their assessment of the use of the sorted mineral fraction from construction and demolition waste in quarrying. Documents and instructions regulating backfilling in different countries have been compiled, which contains information on which materials and in what quantities would be suitable for use in quarries. Examples from countries are one of the bases for the author's proposals. An analysis of the assessments made by the authorities and the operators has shown that a backfill regulation is needed to specifically regulate the sampling methodology for checking backfill material and its quality. The backfilling practice in Sweden and Austria was one of the bases for the author to be able to make proposals for a backfill regulation. According to the author of the work, the regulation should first define the concept of backfilling, ie what it covers and what its uses are. It would be possible to formulate more clearly the recovery operation R5t, which could include the filling of areas such as excavation cavities, ie quarries or even mining passages, the filling of other holes and gaps in nature during construction works. The concept of inert waste also needs to be defined. As a solution, the criteria for inert waste for backfilling should be quantified. The concept of foreign matter must also be regulated, ie what foreign matter is and a lot of it can be included in the backfill. According to the author, the amount of impurities in the mineral waste classified as refill code 19 12 09 could be 5-10%, taking into account the low leachability of construction and demolition waste, the content of organic matter and the unlikely environmental impact of plastics under refill conditions.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationEnvironmental Technology--Laws and Regulations--Regulation of Waste Treatment and Preparation of Waste Projectsen
dc.subject.classificationKeskkonnatehnoloogia--Seadused ja regulatsioonid--Jäätmekäitluse regulatsioon ja jäätmekavade koostamineet
dc.subject.otherKeskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimineet
dc.subject.otherEnvironmental Technology and Managementen
dc.titleEttepanekud Eesti tagasitäite määruse koostamiseks
dc.title.alternativeProposals for Drafting an Estonian Backfill Regulation
