Brändi kriteeriumite loomine elustiilipoele Watch Wear

dc.contributor.advisorLaid, Marika-My
dc.contributor.authorKasemets, Greete-Liis
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli luua elustiilipoele Watch Wear brändi kriteeriumid, mis aitavad edaspidi strateegiliselt valida kauplusesse brände, mis toetavad ettevõtte eesmärke ja edukust ning tarbija vajadusi. Teema sai valitud kahel põhjusel, esiteks puuduvad ettevõttel konkreetsed ja asjakohased kriteeriumid, mille alusel brände kauplusesse valida ja teiseks oli ettevõtte poolne soov viia läbi oma klientide seas rahulolu-uuring, sest seda pole varasemalt tehtud. Lõputöö jaguneb kaheks, kus teoreetilises osas antakse ülevaade brändi olemusest ja ülesannetest nii tarbijate kui ka ettevõtte seisukohast. Kirjeldatud on brändivaliku kriteeriumite kujunemist ja sortimendi planeerimise olulisusest ning brändi kontseptsiooni loomise võimalusi. Samuti on vaadeldud tarbijate ostukäitumist mõjutavaid tegureid ning kliendi rahulolu-uuringute olulisust ja parandamise võimalusi. Lisaks on käsitletud uuringutes kasutatavat metoodikat. Vastavalt lõputöö eesmärgile viis töö autor empiirilises osas läbi intervjuu ettevõtte tegevjuhiga, et teada saada ettevõtte eesmärgid, visioon, missioon ja praegused strateegiad brändivalikul. Pärast intervjuud ettevõtte tegevjuhiga viidi läbi kliendiküsitlus, mille kaudu uuriti Watch Wear Eesti klientide brändieelistusi ning omadusi, mida nad brändide ja toodete puhul enim hindavad või soovivad. Uuringuga sooviti ka teada saada klientide rahulolu Watch Wearist soetatud toodete ja kaupluses hetkel müügil olevate brändidega. Kokku osales uuringus 116 inimest. Küsimustikust selgus, et Watch Wear klientide kõige suuremad ootused on kvaliteetsete ja praktiliste toodete järele. Uuringust tuli veel välja, et kliendid soovivad kaupluses näha suuremat valikut naiste rõivaste osas, see ühtib ka ettevõtte tegevjuhi sooviga suurendada rõivaste osakaalu kaupluses. Tuginedes lõputöös käsitletud teoreetilistele alustele, tegevjuhiga tehtud intervjuule, klientide seas läbi viidud rahulolu-uuringule ning uuringute analüüsile, tõi autor lõputöö viimases peatükis välja brändivaliku kriteeriumid, millele elustiilipood Watch Wear edaspidi saab toetuda: • Brändi maine • Brändi tuntus • Brändi toodete stiil / disain • Brändi toodete kvaliteet • Brändi tootevalik • Brändi pakutavate toodete istuvus / suuruste vastavus • Tarbijate rahulolu • Tarbijate lojaalsus • Brändi jätkusuutlikkus • Brändi kasvupotensiaal • Brändi koostöö tingimused Lähtudes lõputöö eesmärgist, saab järeldada, et lisaks ettevõtte brändivaliku protsessi lihtsustamisele olid uuringus saadud tulemused vajalikud ka elustiilipoe Watch Wear klientide seisukohast. Kriteeriumite loomisel arvestati klientide tagasisidet, mis tulevikus aitab ettevõttel brändide valikut mitmekesistada oma tarbijate vajadustele vastavalt. Lisaks sai klientide seas läbi viidud küsitluse põhjal ettevõte vajalikku informatsiooni enim eelistatud brändide ja kaupluse külastatavuse kohta, mis on väga kasulik teadmine edaspidiseks arenguks.
dc.description.abstractThe title of the thesis is „Creating Brand Criteria for the Lifestyle Store Watch Wear”. This thesis has been developed in collaboration with the lifestyle store Watch Wear. The company has been operating since 2015 and is involved in reselling original and sustainable brands. Their selection includes clothing, footwear, and accessories for men and women. Additionally, they offer original and practical gifts for any occasion, as well as beautiful design products. The aim of this thesis is to establish brand criteria for the lifestyle store Watch Wear, which will help strategically select brands for the store that support the company’s goals and success, as well as meet consumer needs. To achieve the goal of the thesis the following tasks have been set: • To interview the CEO of Watch Wear to obtain missing information about the company and to explore past strategies and goals. • To conduct a consumer survey among the Estonian consumer base to determine the actual needs and expectations of Watch Wear’s customers and their satisfaction with the current brands. • To create a brand criteria portfolio for Watch Wear based on the research findings. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical section provides an overview of the roles of a brand from both the consumer and company perspectives. It describes the formation of brand selection criteria, the importance of assortment planning, and the possibilities for creating a brand concept. It also examines factors influencing consumer buying behavior and the importance of and ways to improve customer satisfaction surveys. Additionally, the methodology used in the research is discussed. In accordance with the thesis objective, the author conducted an interview with the company's CEO in the empirical section to understand the company's goals, vision, mission, and current brand selection strategies. Following the interview with the CEO, a customer survey was conducted to investigate the brand preferences of Watch Wear's Estonian customers and the aspects they value or desire most in brands and products. The survey also aimed to evaluate customer satisfaction with products purchased from Watch Wear and with the brands currently available in the store. A total of 116 people participated in the survey. The questionnaire revealed that Watch Wear customers expect high-quality and practical products. It emerged that customers want to see a bigger selection of women’s clothing in the store, which aligns with the CEO’s desire to increase the proportion of clothing in the store. Based on the theoretical foundations discussed in the thesis, the conducted research, and their analysis, the author outlined in the final chapter the created brand selection criteria that the lifestyle store Watch Wear can rely on in the future: • Brand reputation • Brand recognition • Style/design of brand products • Quality of brand products • Brand product range • Fit/sizing accuracy of brand products • Consumer satisfaction • Consumer loyalty • Brand sustainability • Brand growth potential • Brand cooperation conditions Based on the thesis aim, it can be concluded that, in addition to simplifying the company’s brand selection process, the research and results obtained were also essential from the perspective of Watch Wear’s customers. Customer feedback was considered in creating the criteria, which will help diversify the company’s brand selection in the future to meet consumer needs. Additionally, the company obtained valuable information from the survey about the most preferred brands and store visit frequency for further development.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectRõivad ja tekstiilid::Tööuuringud
dc.subject.otherRessursikorraldus (moetööstus)
dc.titleBrändi kriteeriumite loomine elustiilipoele Watch Wear
dc.title.alternativeCreating Brand Criteria for the Lifestyle Store Watch Wear
