Konkurentsianalüüs ja laienemisstrateegia kujundamine Blorade OÜ näitel

dc.contributor.advisorStelmak, Inga
dc.contributor.authorSepping, Karl Robert
dc.description.abstractLõputöö kirjutamise käigus leidis autor, et kõige mõistlikum on jätkata ning areneda Amazoni siseselt ning keskenduda Amazoni siseste probleemide lahendamisele või vähendada probleemide negatiivset mõju. Blorade OÜ peaks kontsentreeruma Amazoni platvormi sisesele kasvule. Esialgne eesmärk on USA Amazoni turul tulla kolmel suurimal otsingusõnal välja esimese viie toote hulgas. Need otsingusõnad on „hair mascara“, “flyaway hair stick” ning “flyaway tamer”. Tavapärases majanduslikus seisukorras tuleks eesmärk saavutada kuu aja jooksul, kuid tulenevalt maailma majanduslikust seisust on Amazon pikendanud tarneaegu ligi kuu võrra. See omakorda raskendab eesmärki saavutada, sellegipoolest peaks eesmärk olema saavutatav vähemalt pooleteise kuu jooksul. Järgnevad Amazoni turud kuhu tuleks liikuda on Kanada ning Suurbritannia. Mis suurendaks päevas müüki 5-8% võrra, toote puhaskasum ühe toote kohta kuus oleks Suurbritannia turu puhul 555$ ning Kanada turu puhul 445$. Eelarve eesmärgi teostamiseks peaks esimesel kuul eelarve olema vähemalt 633$ USA turu puhul, 350$ UK turu puhul ning 350$ Kanada turu puhul. Positsioonide hoidmiseks tuleks USA turu puhul turundamise eelarve hoida 300$ kuus. Selleks, et turul võidetud positsioone hoida tuleks Kanada ja Suurbritannia puhul hoida turundus eelarvet 100$ piires. Eelarvele ei ole lisatud toodete tootmishinda ning saatekulusid tehasest Amazoni lattu. Lisaks on soovitav üles ehitada brändi veebileht. Veebilehe olemasolul on võimalik pakkuda professionaalsemat teenust, kuid peamine põhjus on tõsta konversiooni määra (converison rate). Veebilehel on võimalik pakkuda kliendile lisandväärtust, erinevate teemakohaste blogide ja instruktaažide kaudu.et
dc.description.abstractThe title of the thesis is competitive analysis and expanding strategy on the example of Blorade OÜ. At the moment Frizzno brand is available only in USA Amazon market, but Amazon has multiple problems, for example, sellers do not see customer data, payouts are limited to every two weeks, the seller does not get any feedback why customers return products, amazon doesn’t disclose what is the keyword where organic sells are coming, etc. The aim of this work is to analyze potential markets and choose the best option whether to move forward to the next market or stay in Amazon and solve the mentioned problems. The first chapter will give a preview of what Blorade OÜ is selling, who are potential clients and what are brand strengths in the market. In addition, there are facts about how the cosmetic sector has been growing and what is the demand in Frizzno market niche. The second chapter focuses on Amazon problems, a brief description of them and how they affect Blorade OÜ activity. The third chapter involves strategy. What an efficient strategy consists of and how the author plans to collect the information to find out Frizzno best-expanding strategy. Forth chapter describes all potential markets' pros and cons, expenses, and analyses every potential market competitor and sales. In this chapter, it becomes clear which market has potential and which not. The fifth chapter will give a preview on what are efficient marketing platforms to market and what could be different options. It contains social media channels, manychat and e-mail marketing. One option to successfully market is to use an insert cart, where a company can direct customer into his website or in manychat flow. The sixth chapter contains three different scenarios. One scenario involves only Amazon and describes in detail the strategy of how to move forward in Amazon and start selling in new markets like the UK and Canada. Every scenario has a mutual goal to raise USA Amazon cash flow in a month SUMMARY 40 to 10 000$. The second scenario is to move into the Walmart market and analyze how much it would cost and what are the benefits of selling in there. The third scenario is to start creating brand own website, using the Shopify platform. The seventh chapter involves successful Amazon sellers, whose revenue is at least one million in a year. These interviews aim is to get my strategy plan approved or rejected. To understand what successful strategies are and which market successful sellers have been focusing their attention. The chosen strategy is to keep growing in the USA Amazon platform and starting to sell in the UK and Canada Amazon platform. In that case, monthly marketing budgets should be at least 633$ in the USA to get ranked in the top five keywords, 350$ in UK and 350$ in Canada to successfully Launch the product. The best marketing strategies is to use Manychat flow combined with Facebook ad and ambassadors, who would me related with Frizzno.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationEconomy and Management--Retail and Wholesale Tradeen
dc.subject.classificationMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Jae- ja hulgikaubanduset
dc.subject.otherTööstustehnoloogia ja turunduset
dc.subject.otherIndustrial Technology and Marketingen
dc.titleKonkurentsianalüüs ja laienemisstrateegia kujundamine Blorade OÜ näitel
dc.title.alternativeCompetitive Analysis and Development of Expansion Strategy on the Example of Blorade OÜ
