Tallinna tänavate teeseisundi hindamine ja analüüs
dc.contributor.advisor | Saar, Karel | |
dc.contributor.author | Lomp, Karel | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-03-17T09:22:06Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-03-17T09:22:06Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2014 | |
dc.description.abstract | Käesoleva lõputöö teemaks oli „Tallinna tänavate teeseisundi hindamine ja analüüs“. Töös oli juttu katte lagunemispõhjustest; nende katsetamistest, mõõtmistest ja hindamisest. Töö eesmärgiks oli läbi viia Tallinna tänavate teekatte hindamine ja analüüs. Kuna autor ise töötab Tallinna Teede Aktsiaseltsis, siis sidus autor lõptuöö oma tööülesannetega (tee katte hindamine aastal 2014 kevad). Hindamisel saadud tulemusi arvesse võttes tõi autor töös välja andmed, mis näitavad, kui palju on erineva kattega teid Tallinnas ning mis seisukorras on asfaltbetoonkattega teed. Lisaks on välja toodud võrdlus eelmise ja selle aasta Haabersti linnaosa tänavate seisukorra kohta. Püstitatud eesmärgid saavutati. Esimene peatükk käsitleb teehooldust. Esmalt mõtestati lahti sõna „teehooldus“, seejärel kirjeldati erinevaid seisunditasemeid, nende liigitust ning räägiti lühidalt autori töökohast ning töökogemustest ettevõttes Tallinna Teede Aktsiaselts. Teine peatükk käsitleb katte eluiga puudutavaid küsimusi, erinevate vigastuste liike ja lagunemispõhjuseid, tee ebatasasusest kaasnevaid ohte teekasutajale. Peatükki on illustreeritud paljude teemakohaste joonistega. Kolmas peatükk käsitleb teekatte mõõtmist. Räägib lähemalt erinevatest mõõtmismasinatest, mõõtmisviisidest ning mõõtmistulemustest. Sealjuures pöörab tähelepanu erinevate näitajate mõõtmisele nagu näiteks tee kandevõime, tee tasasuse- ja roopa sügavuse määramine jne. Lisaks autori poolt tehtud Tallinna tänavate visuaalsest kontrollist, selle tingimustest ning mida hinnati. Neljas peatükk käsitleb Tallinna Kommunaalameti juhtimissüsteemi. Kuna Tallinna Teede Aktsiaselts saab enamuse töökorraldusest kommunaalametilt, siis see on ka põhjus, miks autor pidas sellest kirjutamist oluliseks. Tutvustatakse struktuuri ning iga aastast mõõtmiste tellimist ja nende maksumust. Kuna maksumus on suhteliselt suur, siis valitakse hoolikalt, mida ja kus mingil aastal lastakse mõõta (kandevõime, teekatte tasasus-, roopa sügavus ja haardelised omadused). Keskendutakse teeregistri ülesannetele ja eesmärkidele. Lisaks toob autor illustreeriva pildi Tallinnas paiknevatest ajutistest liiklusmärkidest ja nende asukohast asukohtadest. Seda infot valdab ja koostab Tallinna Teede Aktsiaselts Tallinna Kommunaalameti palvel. 46 Viies peatükk käsitleb tänavate ja teede seisukorra lähteandmeid ning räägib nii katse meetodil kui ka visuaalsel vaatlusel teostatavatest uuringutest. Seletab lahti, kui tihti ja miks mingit uuringut on mõistlik teostada. Lisatud on illustreeriv pilt näitamaks 2013.aastal teostatud uuringu mõõtmiskohti. Kuues peatükk käsitleb magistraal-põhitänavate seisukorra mõõtmistulemusi. Välja on toodud koondtabel 2013 aasta kriitilisematest kohtadest, mis ei vastanud nõuetele. Mainitakse kolme kõige nõrgema teekonstruktsiooni kandevõimega magistraal – põhitänavat. Samuti on lisatud kokkuvõtlik joonis teekatte seisukorra kolme parameetri mõõtmistulemuste kohta 2013. aasta seisuga. Seitsmes peatükk käsitleb visuaalse hindamise tulemusi. Autori ning tema kaaskolleegide koostööl Tallinna Teede Aktsiaseltsis valmis visuaalse hindamise tulemusi käsitlev statistika, mis on selles peatükis ka välja toodud. Statistikas on näha linnaosade kaupa erinevate hindamistulemustega asfaltbetoonkatted ning loodud selle põhjal koondstatistika. Lisaks hindamisele on välja toodud ka erinevate katete osakaal Tallinna linnas. Võrreldud on eelmise ja selle aasta visuaalset hindamist Haabersti linnaosas, selgitamaks välja ajas toimunud muutusi. Autori poolt püstitatud eesmärk saavutati. Koostatud statistikatest saadi teada, et kõige halvemas olukorras on teed Haaberstis. Kogu Tallinna linna tänavatest on halvas (remonti vajavas) olukorras 66,34 km. Erinevatest kattetüüpidest esines kruusakattega teid kõige rohkem Haaberstis – 2,8% ehk 16582 m² (arvestatult ainult kogu eelnimetatud linnaosa kilometraaži). Kogu pealinna peale on kokku kruuskattega teid 1,0%, ehk 63647 m². Eesmärgiks oli võrrelda eelmise ja selle aasta olukorda Haabersti linnaosas. Selgus, et olukord on paranenud ning halvas seisukorras, remonti vajavaid teid on 14,5% ehk 12 km vähem. Selle tõttu on rahuldavas seisukorras olevate teede maht suurenenud 17 kilomeetri võrra. Paraku on heas seisukorras olevaid teid vähem, koguni 5,3 km. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The topic of the present work was „The evaluation and analysis of status of streets in Tallinn“. The work talked about wearing surfaces of streets, the reasons of their decay and about their measurement and evaluation. The objective of present work was to evaluate and analyze the status of streets in Tallinn. Since author is working in Tallinna Teede Aktsiaselts he has connected the present work with his job tasks (evaluation of wearing surfaces of streets on spring 2014). Based on acquired results author has made analysis how many there are streets with different type of wearing surfaces in Tallinn and in what state are streets with asphaltic concrete wearing surfaces. Author also has made comparison of the status of streets in Haabersti local district between this year and the last. The objective of the present work was achieved. The first chapter covers road maintenance. It talks about different status levels and how they are ranked and what is meant under the concept of road maintenance. Author is working at Tallinna Teede Aktsiaselts in monitoring department as road maintenance monitoring specialist. He is giving overview of his job duties and of ensuring safety. He also gives overview of the actions and experiences of this company. The second chapter covers the reasons of decay of wearing surfaces. Author is writing about the life period of wearing surfaces, about different types of damages and reasons for decay. Illustrative charts have been added. He also writes about dangers and discomforts that unevenness of streets wearing surfaces causes to road users. The third chapter covers the measurement of wearing surfaces of streets. Author is telling how the results were obtained, what was measured and how. In addition for instrumental measurements author and his five colleagues conducted also visual evaluation for all the streets in Tallinn. The process of work and what was evaluated is being described. Also measuring methods of different characteristic is being described: carrying capacity, unevenness of streets wearing surfaces, the depth of rut. The fourth chapter covers the management system of Tallinn City Municipal Engineering Services Department etc. The reason why author is writing about this is that Tallinna Teede Aktsiaselts gets 48 most of its work orders from Tallinn City Municipal Engineering Services Department. Structure of this institution is covered as well as yearly orders for measurements and their cost. Since the cost is relatively high it is carefully selected what and where is ordered to be measured on which year (carrying capacity, unevenness of streets wearing surfaces, the depth of rut and gripping properties). It is being written about the function and purpose of road registry. Author is also bringing illustrative picture of Tallinn’s traffic signs and their location. This information is held and put together by Tallinna Teede Aktsiaselt by request of Tallinn City Municipal Engineering Services Department. The fifth chapter covers the source data of the status of streets and roads. It also covers compilation of measurements made by testing and visual inspection. It explains how often it is reasonable to conduct certain surveys etc. Author has added illustrative picture to show the measuring points of year 2013. The sixth chapter covers the measuring results of status of main streets. Author has brought a summary table of most critical points what were not in accordance with requirements in year 2013. He brings three main streets with the lowest carrying capacity. He has added summary chart for measuring results of three parameters of roads wearing surfaces on year 2013. The seventh chapter covers the results of visual inspection. Since author himself is working in this field and has conducted the visual inspection in Haabersti local district then he has good overview of status of streets in this area. He has also added the inspection results of his colleagues and made statistics based on them and on his own. In the survey has been brought different status grades of asphaltic concrete wearing surfaces and based on them made summarized statistics. For addition to evaluation author has also brought the percentage of different wearing surfaces in Tallinn City. Author has considered visual inspection results of Haabersti local district in this year and the past year and compared these results in order to find out what has changed during the one year period. The objective that author set for the present work was achieved. From collected statistics was found out that roads are in worst condition in Haabersti local district. From all the streets in Tallinn there are 66,34 km in bad condition (are needing repairs). From different types of wearing surfaces in Haabersti local district grovel covered were the most frequent – 2,8% that is 16582 m². In the capital in total there are 1,0% that is 63647 m² of grovel covered roads. The goal was to compare last year’s and this year’s situation in Haabersti local district. It was found out that situation has improved and there is 14,5% that is 12 km less of roads that need to be repaired. The amount of 49 roads that are in satisfactory level has increased by 17 km. Unfortunately the amount of roads that are in good condition has decreased by 5,3 km. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1001 | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction--Road Building--Road Maintenance | en |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus--Teede ehitamine--Teede hooldus ja korrashoid | et |
dc.subject.other | Teedeehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Road Construction | en |
dc.title | Tallinna tänavate teeseisundi hindamine ja analüüs | |
dc.title.alternative | The evaluation and analysis of status of streets in Tallinn | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |