Eurostauto OÜ töökoja riskianalüüs
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Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli teostada Eurostauto OÜ Tallinna esinduse töökojas töökeskkonna riskianalüüs, et kaardistada töökohas esinevad ohutegurid ning nende riskitase. Uurimuse tulemuste alusel oli sihiks koostada ettevõttele tegevuskava, et töökeskkonnas olevad ohud viia miinimumini või likvideerida. Andmete kogumiseks kasutas töö autor töökeskkonna vaatlust ning töötajate seas läbi viidud küsitlust. Lisaks teostas autor töökeskkonnas mürataseme mõõtmised. Riskianalüüsi tegemisel kasutati Euroopa Töötervishoiu ja Tööohutuse agentuuri eestikeelse riskianalüüsi koostamise juhendi abi. Peale selle võrdles töö koostaja ettevõttes olevaid tingimusi seadustes ettenähtuga. Võtnud kõik saadud tulemused kokku, esitas uurimustöö autor ettevõttele tegevuskava puuduste likvideerimiseks.
The following graduation thesis The Risk Analysis of Eurostauto OÜ’s Workshop is written in order of finding out any shortcomings in working environment safety at Eurostauto OÜ Tallinn based workshop. Eurostauto OÜ is an Estonian based company, which has contracts with Nissan Nordic Europe and Inchcape Motors Finland, therefore being an official dealership of Nissan and Mazda brands in Tallinn and Pärnu. This investigation has practical value as the last work environment risk analysis was done back in December of 2010. It was important to understand how has the working environment been evolving over 6 years and what could be done to make the environment safer and healthier. Survey and poll were used to gather information about subject. Author got inspiration for poll and survey topics from European Agency for Safety & Health at Work made instructions. Additionaly noise level were measured by the author of the thesis. Also all information gathered, analysis followed. In the analysis phase all the potential threats were rated as I (low risk), II (medium risk) or III (high risk). No high risk threats were found in the working environment. Suggestions for improvements were given by author for most of the problematic factors. In the final paragraph action plan was presented to the company. It consists of 14 suggestions, including deadlines and approximate costs, to improve safety of working environment.