Infovoo tõhusus tootmisettevõttes AS Norma näitel

dc.contributor.advisorJanno, Jelizaveta
dc.contributor.authorMaamets, Merit
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö probleemiks püstitas autor AS Norma komponentide tootmisüksuse logistikaosakonna töötajate vahelise puuduliku informatsiooni liikumise, mille tõttu ei suudeta täita kliendi tellimusi 100%-selt õigeaegselt. Probleemi uurimiseks rakendas autor kvalitatiivset arendusuurimust, mille käigus viis läbi osalusvaatlused ja süvaintervjuud. Osalusvaatluse käigus kaardistati NRC logistikaosakonna protsessid nagu klientide graafikute käsitlemine, tootmise ja materjalide planeerimine. Kaardistatud protsesside põhjal analüüsiti tekkivaid kitsaskohti, mis mõjutasid töötajate vahelist informatsiooni liikumist. Osalusvaatlusel selgunud kitsaskohtade analüüsi järel viidi läbi süvaintervjuud NRC logistikaosakonna tarneahela planeerijatega, materjalide planeerijatega ja osakonna juhiga. Süvaintervjuudest kogutud informatsiooni põhjal analüüsis autor töötajate poolset nägemust igapäevasest informatsiooni liikumisest ja probleemi olemust erinevate töötajate jaoks. Osalusvaatlustest ja süvaintervjuudest kogutud informatsiooni põhjal teostas autor sünteesi, leidmaks kitsaskohtadele tekkimise põhjused. Sünteesist selgus, et ettevõttes teostavate protsesside läbiviimise kord ei ole kindlalt määratletud. Klientide graafikute käsitlemise puhul ei peetud kinni lepingutes ettenähtud 10%-sest koguselise suurendamise võimalusest nelja nädala peale. Kindlaks määramata olid kindlad nädalapäevad erinevate klientide graafikute käsitlemiseks. Puudus teiste tarneahela planeerijate ja materjalide planeerijate teavitamise kord erandjuhtudel kokkulepitud kliendi suurendustest. Seega ei uuritud tootmise võimekust ega materjalide saadavust suurenduste kinnitamisel. Tootmise planeerimise protsessis tekitas selline kliendi tellimuste suurenduste aktsepteerimine vajaduse igapäevaselt tootmisplaane üle vaadata, milleks kulus tarneahela planeerijatel mitu tundi päevas. Sünteesist tuli välja tootmisosakonna poolne puudulik informatsiooni edastamine tarneahela planeerijatele hetkeolukorrast tootmises, millest tingituna koostati ebareaalseid tootmisplaane. Materjalide planeerimise puhul selgus sünteesist planeerijate teadmatus saabuvate materjalide ja tarnete hilinemise puhul. Ühelt poolt oli see tingitud klientide nõudluse kõikumisest, kuid teisalt tarnijate poolsete tellimuskinnituste puudumisest. Seega polnud materjalide planeerijad alati kindlad tarnija poolsest materjalide lähetamisest. Seejuures puudus tarnete hilinemise või probleemidest teavitamise kord logistikaosakonna töötajatele. Informatsiooni jagamise eesmärgil oli töökorraldusse sisse viidud igahommikused koosolekud, kuid koosolekud ei täitnud oma eesmärki. Osalt tarneahela planeerijate arusaamast, et kliendi tellimuste suurendustest ei pea kedagi teavitama ja kõik kliendi tellimused tuleb aktsepteerida. Teisalt tootmise planeerimisega tegelevate tarneahela planeerijate teadmatusest, mis tootmises tegelikult toimub. Kolmandaks materjalide planeerijate kindla teadmise puudumise, millised materjalid on teel ja millal materjalid ettevõttesse jõuavad. Sünteesi tulemusel selgunud informatsiooni liikumise kitsaskohad lahendas autor iga käsitletava protsessi jaoks protseduurireeglite koostamisega. Protseduurireeglid on töö korralduslikud dokumendid, mis sisaldavad nii ettevõttes olemasolevaid juhendeid kui ka uusi töökorraldust parandavaid punkte. Protseduurireeglid aitavad määrata töötajate kindlad vastutusalad ning millised on töötajate kohustused antud protsessis. Protseduurireeglite sisseviimisega ettevõtte logistikaosakonna töösse paraneb tarneahela ja materjalide planeerijate töö kvaliteet läbi kindlate kohustuste ja vastutusalade määramisega. Kvaliteetne töö aitab kaasa tõhusale igapäevasele infovahetusele, tänu millele on tagatud ettevõtte AS Norma klientide tellimuste õigeaegne täitmine. Autori hinnangul täitis lõputöö oma eesmärgi seoses NRC logistikaosakonna töötajate vahelise informatsiooni tõhustamisega. Edaspidisteks uurimussuundadeks antud ettevõtte põhjal soovitab autor analüüsida ettevõtte raiskamisi kulude ja ajalisest
dc.description.abstractThe final paper is written on the example of the PLC Norma. PLC Norma is a company with 125 years of experience, during which the last 43 years it has been producing safety gear systems and components for the international car industry. The object of the final paper is the components production division of PLC Norma logistics department. The problem established by the author is the ineffective movement of information between employees of the PLC Norma logistics department of the components production division due to which the clients’ orders are not executed 100 per cent on time. The aim of the final paper is the improvement of the information movement between the employees of the components production division of the PLC Norma logistics department to guarantee on time and smooth execution of clients’ orders. The author uses the qualitative research methods to solve the problem, including the participatory observations and in-depth interviews. The final paper consists of three main parts. The first part deals with both - the broad and narrow supply chain of AS Norma, the current situation and the performed procedures in the company are described. In addition, information about the theoretical handling of the information movement of the supply chain and the organisation level are described. The essence and the principle of the compilation of procedure rules are described. At the end of the first part the author introduces the chosen research strategy and justifies the principles of choice. The second part focuses on the procedures performed in the logistics department of PLC Norma based on the fulfilment of orders placed by clients. The author carries out participatory observations of procedures as follows: handling of clients’ schedules, planning of the production and materials. On the basis of the mapped procedures the problem areas, which hinder the movement of information between employees, are analysed. The third chapter comprises the analysis of the data obtained during the in-depth interviews to find out the employees’ vision of the everyday movement of information and to find out whether all employees, dependant on the work assignments, perceive the essence of the problem in the same way or differently. Based on the information collected during the in-depth analysis, the author analyses the employees’ vision of the everyday movement of information and the essence of the problem for different employees. Based on the information collected from the participatory observations and the in-depth interviews, the author carries out the synthesis of the data to find out the causes of problem areas. The synthesis shows that the order of carrying out procedures in the company is not definitely established. In the handling of the clients’ schedules it is not taken into account that according to the contract the quantities may be increased by 10 per cent within 4-weeks’ time. No definite weekdays were established for handling the schedules of different clients. There was no established order in the delivery of information to the planners of other supply chains and material planners in case the corresponding client wanted to increase the quantity. By this the potential of the production and the availability of the material in case of increased quantities were not studied. In the production planning process, the daily acceptance of the clients’ increased quantities created a necessity to review production plans, which required the supply chain planners several hours a day. The synthesis demonstrate the ineffective delivery of information of the current situation by the production division to the supply chain planners due to which unrealistic production plans were compiled. The planning of materials show thanks to synthesis the planners’ non-awareness of the received material and late deliveries. On one hand it was caused due to the fluctuation of the clients’ needs, but on the other hand the lack of the confirmed orders on behalf of the suppliers. Therefore the material planners were not sure about the delivery of materials by the suppliers. Also there was no established order of delivering information to employees of the logistics department about the delayed supplies or problems. For the better distribution of information firstly morning meetings were introduced into the work arrangement; however, the meetings did not fulfil the purpose. Partly due to the planners’ understanding that no one has to be informed about the clients’ increased order and all orders placed by the client have to be accepted. On the other hand partly due to the ignorance of the supply chain planners, who did not know what actually happened in the production. The material planners had no certain knowledge about materials being sent and the possible time of their arrival in the enterprise. The end of the third part comprises standard operating procedure compiled for the solution of problem areas in the movement of information established as the result of synthesis. Standard operating procedure are documents of work arrangement, which contain guidelines available in the company and new provisions in the work arrangement. Standard operating procedure enable to establish employees’ scope of responsibility and employees’ obligations in the procedure. Thanks to the implementation of standard operating procedure in the logistics department of the company, the quality of the work of the supply chain and material planners is improved. High quality work enables efficient everyday information exchange, which ensures that PLC Norma performs all clients’ orders on time.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistics--Logistics and Supply Chain Managementen
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistics--Logistics and Supply Chain Management--Organization of Productionen
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistics--Logistics and Supply Chain Management--Supply Chain Managementen
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistika--Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimineet
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistika--Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimine--Tootmiskorralduset
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistika--Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimine--Tarneahela juhtimineet
dc.subject.otherTransport ja logistikaet
dc.subject.otherTransport and Logisticsen
dc.titleInfovoo tõhusus tootmisettevõttes AS Norma näitel
dc.title.alternativeThe Efficiency of Information Flow on the Example of Production Plant PLC Norma
