3D-printimistehnoloogia rakendamine varuosade tootmiseks

dc.contributor.authorToropov, Hendrik
dc.description.abstractLõputöö käigus selgitati välja autovaruosade tootmiseks sobiv 3D-printimistehnoloogia, mida kasutada alustavas tootmisettevõttes. Selle tegemiseks võrreldi enimlevinud printimistehnoloogiad ja nende hinnataset oma vahel. Sobiva materjali leidmiseks valiti eelistatud 3D-printer ning võrreldi sellele saadaolevaid enimlevinud toormaterjale. Tehtud järelduste põhjal valiti tehnoloogia ning materjal vastavad, et toota sõiduauto ukselink kasutades 3D-printimist, eesmärgiga viia läbi katsetused, et kontrollida 3D-prinditud toote kvaliteeti ja materjali vastupidavust, mille käigus selgitada välja toote sobilikkus funktsionaalse asendusdetailina. Samuti selgitati välja toote oma hind et viia läbi hinnavõrdlus konkurentidega. Katsete tulemusena jõuti järeldusele, et toodetud detaili mõõtmed vastavad projekteeritule, pinnatöötlus vastab ootustele ning toode sobib projekteeritud rakendusse vähemalt 300 päeva ulatuses. Äriplaani eesmärgiks oli selgitada välja konkurentsi tase riigisiseselt, selgitada välja ettevõtte stardikapital ning analüüsida toodetud detaili omahinnast lähtuvalt alustava ettevõtte konkureerimisvõimekust 3D-printimistehnoloogial baseeruval tootmisturul. Hinnavõrdluses selgus, et omahind on niivõrd väike, et konkureerimise eesmärgil tuleks hinda tõsta, kuid on võimalik pakkuda konkurentidest märgatavalt soodsamat hinda.et
dc.description.abstractIn the course of the thesis, a suitable 3D printing technology for the production of car spare parts was identified, which can be used in a start-up production company. To do this, the most common printing technologies and their price levels were compared. To find a suitable material, the preferred 3D printer was selected and the most common raw materials available for it were compared. Based on the findings, the technology and material were selected to produce a car door handle using 3D printing, with the aim of conducting tests to verify the quality and durability of the 3D printed product to determine its suitability as a functional replacement. The price of the product was also determined in order to carry out a price comparison with competitors. As a result of the tests, it was concluded that the dimensions of the manufactured part correspond to the design, the surface treatment meets the expectations and the product is suitable for the designed application for at least 300 days. The purpose of the business plan was to find out the level of competition in the country, to find out the company's start-up capital and to analyze the competitiveness of the start-up company in the production market based on 3D printing technology based on the cost of the produced part. The price comparison showed that the cost price was so low that the price would have to be increased in order to compete, but that it was possible to offer a significantly lower price than competitors.et
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Mehaanikaet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Transportet
dc.title3D-printimistehnoloogia rakendamine varuosade tootmisekset
dc.title.alternative3D-printing technology implementation for the manufacture of spare partset
