Naiste ülerõivaste arendus ettevõttele Amanjeda Group OÜ

dc.contributor.advisorPeets, Teele
dc.contributor.advisorKatrin Kuldma
dc.contributor.authorMeos, Maria
dc.description.abstractDiplomitöö eesmärgiks oli naiste ülerõivaste arendus ettevõttele Amanjeda Group OÜ. Mudelid said kavandatud koos ettevõtte disaneri Katrin Kuldmaga. Mudelid on loodud Amanjeda sügis/talv 2018 kollektsiooni jaoks. Esimene mudeli näol on tegu tepitud sulejopega ICY ning teise mudeli puhul on tegu keep-mantliga HELSINKI. Käesolev töö jagunes kuueks peatükiks, mis jagunesid omakorda alapeatükkideks. Peatükid on järjestatud vastavalt toodete valmistamise järjekorras. Esimeses peatükis tutvustati lühidalt ettevõtet, mille tarbeks mudelid valmistati. Esitati mudelite tööjoonised ning tehnilised kirjeldused. Seejärel kirjeldati mudelite valmistamiseks valitud õmblusmaterjale ja furnituure. Diplomitöö teine peatükk puudutab mudelite põhi- ja moekohaste lõigete valmistamist. Kirjeldati põhilõigete valmistamise metoodikat ning soovitud moekohaste lõigete saavutamist. Kolmandas peatükis kirjeldati lekaalide valmistamist. Koostati lekaalide loetelu ning valmistati mõlema mudeli baassuurustele lekaalid. Samuti sai tutvuda tehnilise paljundusega. Diplomitöö neljandas peatükis esitati mudelite sõlmede tehnoloogiline töötlemine läbilõike jooniste näol. Samuti toodi välja tehnoloogilised iseärasused. Viiendas peatükis loodi mudelite baassuurustele paigutusjoonised ning lühidalt kirjeldati omahinna kujunemist. Peatükis arvutati kui suur on esiknäidise ja ka kõikide suuruste koos valmistamiseks kangakulu. Käesoleva töö viimasest peatükist on võimalik leida mudelite tootekaardid. Tootekaartidele märgiti vajalik info toote valmistamiseks. Loetleti üles kõik toote valmistamiseks valitud materjalid ja furnituurid. Keerukamatest tehnoloogilistest sõlmedest on tootekaardil ka läbilõikejoonised. Lõputöö koostamisel kasutati Lectra programme Modaris V7R2, Kaledo Style V4R1, Marker Manager V6R1, Diamino
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this diploma thesis was the development of women’s outerwear for the company Amanjeda Group OÜ. The models were designed together with the company’s designer Katrin Kuldma. The models were made for Amanjeda’s autumn/winter 2018 collection. The first model can be described as a quilted jacket and the other model is a cape-coat. This thesis is divided into six chapters, which in turn are divided into sub-chapters. The chapters are sorted in accordance with the preparation order of the products. The first chapter gives a short overview of the company for whom the models were made. After that, the models are described in writing and, which is followed by their technical drawings. At the end of the chapter, chosen sewing materials and other supplies are introduced. The second chapter of the diploma thesis concerns the preparation of basic and fitted patterns. It describes the methodology of preparing the basic patterns and the desired fitted patterns. The third chapter describes the preparation of master patterns. A list of master patterns was prepared and the master patterns of basic sizes were made for both models. In addition, the chapter gives the opportunity to see the technical grading. The fourth chapter of the diploma thesis brings out the technical processing of garments in the form of cross-section drawings. The fifth chapter shows the marker making for the basic sizes of the models and describes briefly the development of the production cost. In this chapter, the author calculates the cost of fabric necessary for the preparation of the specimen as well as the cost of fabric for bigger production. The last chapter provides the technical cards of the models. The technical cards indicate the information necessary for the preparation of the product. It lists all the chosen materials and other supplies used for the preparation of the product. The technical card also presents the cross-section drawings of the more complicated seams. For this diploma thesis, the following Lectra programmes were used: Modaris V7R2, Kaledo Style V4R1, Marker Manager V6R1 and Diamino V5R4.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationClothing and Textiles--Design--Patternmakingen
dc.subject.classificationClothing and Textiles--Product Developmenten
dc.subject.classificationRõivad ja tekstiilid--Disain--Lõikeõpetuset
dc.subject.classificationRõivad ja tekstiilid--Tootearenduset
dc.subject.otherRõivaste tehniline disainet
dc.subject.otherTechnical Design of Apparelen
dc.titleNaiste ülerõivaste arendus ettevõttele Amanjeda Group OÜ
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Women's Outerwear for Amanjeda Group OÜ
