Moetööstuse jätkusuutlikkuse teemalise valikaine väljatöötamine Valga Gümnaasiumile

dc.contributor.advisorBeilmann, Merje
dc.contributor.authorKesvatera, Erika
dc.description.abstractValga Gümnaasiumile valikaine loomine tõendas, et õppekavasse võiks lisanduda järgmisel aastal valikaine rõiva- ja tekstiilitööstuse teemal, kuna noored ei olnud varasemalt teadlikud olulistest valdkondadest, mis tööstus ja riided endaga kaasa toovad. Meedia ei pööra sellele tähelepanu ning seetõttu tuleb koolidesse rakendada valikaineid või lühikoolitusi sellest, et tutvustada õpilastele moetööstue tagamaid ning võimalikke probleeme, mida lahendada. Gümnaasiumi murekoht sai lahendatud, kuna järgmisest ehk 2024. aastast hakatakse rakendama valikainet uuesti, kuid lõputöö autori täiendatud kujul. Valikaine tutvustab ja annab algteadmised tekstiili- ja rõivavaldkonnas ning selle seotusest jätkusuutlikkusega. Uurimismetoodideks oli intervjuu Valga Gümnaasiumiga, kus selgines, et valikaine ülesehitus jääb samaks nagu teistes valikainetes ehk mahuks on kokku 15 tundi nädala peale, 4 x 45 minutit päevas. Samuti oli kriteerium, et osalejaid saab registreerida kokku 15. Pärast valikaine esmauuringut selgus, et järgmisel aastal saab arvestada maksimum 20 osalejaga. Samuti oli kriteerium, et hindamisviisiks on mitteeristav hindamine ehk arvestatud ja mittearvestatud. Töötamine erinevate teoreetiliste allikate ja uuringutega andsid teadmised erinevatest õppemetoodikatest, õpikäsitlustest ja meetoditest, mis aitasid valikainet üles ehitada. Õppemetoodikana kasutatakse iseseisvat ja rühmatööd vastavalt 20% ja 80%, väitlused, vestlusringid, mõistekaardid, dokumentaalfilmid, kirjutamine ja lugemine, töölehed, esitlemised ning iseseisev suuline test. Õpikäsitlusteks on õppimiskeskne, iseisva ja grupiviisiline lähenemisviis. Samuti kasutatakse erinevaid visuaale, et õppijal oleks lihtsam informatsiooni vastu võtta ning meelde jätta. Suures osas kasutatakse probleemõpet, kuna see aitab noortel näha suuremat pilti moetööstuse valdkonnas ning võimalus üheskoos otsida erinevaid lahendusi, millises suunas liikuda, et maailm oleks jätkusuutlikum. Õpitulemusteks on mõistete äratundmine ning mõistmine: upcycle, recycle, taaskasutus, olelusring, ületarbimine ja -tootmine, saastamine jm. Samuti oskavad õpilased analüüsida oma tarbimisharjumusi, mõista hooldustingimusi ja tingmärke rõivastel. Paraneb analüüsi-, kriitilise mõtlemise, esinemis-, meeskonnatöö, informatsiooni otsimise, argumenteerimis-, tagasisidestamis-, väitlus ja ka läbirääkimiste oskus. Lõputööst sai kasu nii Valga Gümnaasium kui ka teised Valgamaa üldhariduskoolid, sest gümnaasium on mentorkool teistele. Edaspidi on võimalus lisada valikaine vastavalt teiste koolide kriteeriumitele ka nende õppekavadesse. Õpilastel on nüüd tulevikus võimalus juba varakult saada teadlikumaks tarbimiskäitumistest ning milliseid lahendusi saaks koos leida, et meie kui ka tööstuste käitumine oleks jätkusuutlik. Autori abil valmis täiendatud raamistik, mida saab kasutada, et luua valikaine, kas samal või teisel teemal, et õpilastel oleks laiem valik õppimisteemade seas.
dc.description.abstractThe following thesis Development of an Elective Subject on Sustainability of the Fashion Industry for Valga Gymnasium is about creating an elective course for Valga Gymnasium and about the demonstration of the need to include a course on the topic of clothing and textile industry in the curriculum next year. The course has helped young people become aware of the importance of this industry and its impact on our daily lives. The media often neglects the fashion industry, which is why schools should consider introducing students to its background and the challenges it faces. This can be accomplished through optional subjects or short training courses. By doing so, students can gain a better understanding of the industry and the problems it needs to address. The high school's concern has been resolved, as the updated version of the optional subject will be implemented starting in 2024. The new course has been developed by the author of the thesis and aims to introduce students to the basics of textiles, clothing, and their connection to sustainability. Through this elective course, students will gain essential knowledge of the industry and its impact on the environment. The research methods included an interview with Valga Gymnasium, where it was discovered that the structure of the elective course remains the same as other electives, with a total of 15 hours per week, consisting of 4 x 45-minute sessions per day. A requirement was also identified that only 15 participants could be registered. However, after the first test of the elective course, it became clear that up to 20 participants could be considered for next year's course. It was also specified that the assessment method would be non-differentiated, meaning both counted and uncounted evaluations would be used. Working with various theoretical sources and studies provided insights into different learning methodologies, approaches, and methods that were helpful in developing the elective course. The teaching methods include both independent and group work, with 20% dedicated to independent work and 80% to group work. These methods will involve debates, discussion groups, concept maps, documentaries, reading and writing activities, worksheets, presentations, and an independent oral test. The learning approaches will be learner-centered, emphasizing both independent and collaborative learning. Various visuals are also used to make it easier for the learner to receive and remember information. Problem-based learning is used extensively in the course, as it helps students develop a bigger picture of the fashion industry and fosters collaboration in finding sustainable solutions. Through problem-based learning, students are encouraged to explore various perspectives and approaches to address complex challenges in the industry, and to work together to determine the best course of action to a sustainable world. The learning outcomes of the course include the recognition and understanding of key concepts such as upcycling, recycling, reuse, product life cycle, overconsumption, production, and pollution. In addition, students will learn to analyze their own consumption habits and understand the proper care and maintenance of clothing. The course will also improve critical thinking, presentation, teamwork, information retrieval, argumentation, feedback, debate, and negotiation skills. Both Valga Gymnasium and other general education schools in Valgamaa benefited from the thesis, because the gymnasium is a mentor school for others. In the future, it will be possible to add an optional subject to the curricula of other schools in accordance with their criteria. In the future, students now have the opportunity to become more aware of consumer behavior early on, and what solutions can be found together so that our behavior as well as of industries will be sustainable. The author of the thesis has helped to develop an improved framework for the course, to have the possibility to create an elective course either on the same topic or on a different topic to provide students with a wider range of learning options.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectRõivad ja tekstiilid
dc.subject.otherRessursikorraldus (moetööstus)
dc.titleMoetööstuse jätkusuutlikkuse teemalise valikaine väljatöötamine Valga Gümnaasiumile
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of an Elective Subject on Sustainability of the Fashion Industry for Valga Gymnasium
