Ahtri, Jõe, Loots tn ja Reidi tee ristmikku ehituskorralduse projekt



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolevas lõputöös kirjutab autor Ahtri, Jõe, Loots tn ja Reidi tee ristmikku ehituskorraldusest – kajastatud on nii teedeehituslikke aspekte, kui ka muid tehnorajatisi, millest ehk kõige olulisema on kollektori rajamine antud ristmiku südamesse. Töö baseerub Reidi tee põhiprojektile, mis on valminud K-Projekt AS ja Novarc Group AS ning Järelepinge Inseneribüroo OÜ vahelise koostööna. Selle töö on tellinud Tallinna Kommunaalamet ning antud objekt on lõputöö koostamise ajal käimas. Töö on sisuliselt jagatud viieks osaks – esimeses osas saab lugeja põgusa ülevaate olemasolevast situatsioonist. See sisaldab ka fotot ning jooniseid enne tööde alustamist. Teises osas on lühidalt kirjeldatud, milline hakkab välja nägema projekteeritud lahendus ning selle illustreerimiseks sisaldab peatükk ka ortofotot, millele on paigutatud trassikoridori paiknemine. Kolmas peatükk hõlmab endas erinevaid teostatud uuringuid ning samuti kätkeb endas seireprogrammi, mis oli ette nähtud Idakollektori asukoha määramiseks ristmikul. Neljandas alalõigus kirjeldatakse ristmikul ettevõetavaid töid ning nendele pandud kriteeriume, olulisemad punktid on seal sadeveekollektori rajamisega seonduv temaatika. Viimases viiendas peatükis on välja toodud tööde teostamiseks vajaminev resurss ja ajakulu. Lisadena on tööle juurde pandud huvitavamaid noppeid projektist, ülevaade ehitusaegsest liikluskorraldusest ning kollektori rajamisega seonduv informatsioon. Pärast käesolevas töös kirjeldatud objekti valmimist, tekib Tallinnasse juurde üks kaasaegne, ilus ja minevikku väärtustav ristmik, mis ühendab kesklinna tänapäevase rannapromenaadiga.

In the following thesis „Construction Management Project for the Intersection of Ahtri, Jõe, Lootsi Streets and Reidi Road“ the author writes about the construction of Ahtri, Jõe, Loots and Reidi Road from the construction planning point of view - road construction aspects and other engineering facilities are reflected in the thesis. Perhaps the most important of which is the construction of a storm sewer collector in the heart of this intersection. The thesis is based on the final design of the of Reidi Road Project, which has been completed in cooperation between K-Projekt AS, Novarc Group AS and Järelepinge Inseneribüroo OÜ. This work has been commissioned by the Tallinn Municipal Engineering Services Department and this project is ongoing at the time of writing the document. The thesis is essentially divided into five parts - in the first part, the reader will have a brief overview of the existing situation. It also includes a photo and drawings of the situation before the start of the project. The second section briefly describes what the designed solution will look like and, to illustrate even more, it also includes an orthophoto with the location of the route corridor. The third chapter includes various studies carried out and also includes a monitoring program designed to determine the location of the Eastern Collector (Ida kollektor) at the intersection. The fourth sub-section describes the work to be done at the intersection and the criteria that have to be met. The most important points being the issues related to the establishment of the storm sewage collector. The last fifth chapter outlines the resources needed to carry out the work, as well as the time spent. The additions section includes more interesting data from the project, like traffic management during construction and info about construction of the collector. After the completion of this project, there will be one more beautiful and modern intersection in Tallinn, that will connect the city center with the modern beach promenade that offers people the possibility to take a leisurely stroll in the proximity of the sea.


