Linnade elurikkus ja selle suurendamine
dc.contributor.advisor | Möller, Kadri | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Eha, Kaie | | | Suurmets, Saskia | | | 2025-01-17T09:58:08Z | | | 2025-01-17T09:58:08Z | | | 2024-12-20 | |
dc.description.abstract | Lõputöö keskendub elurikkuse säilitamise ja taastamise tähtsusele linnakeskkonnas ning Euroopa Liidu looduse taastamise määrusest tulenevatele linnaökosüsteemi taastamise nõuetele. Eesti linnapiirkondade kasvav elanikkond ja linnastumine on toonud kaasa elupaikade kadumise ning liigirikkuse vähenemise. Linnastumisega kaasnevad ohud, nagu elupaikade killustumine, saaste ja linnasoojussaared, mõjutavad negatiivselt linnaökosüsteeme ning vähendavad nende elujõulisust. Samas pakuvad rohealad ja taastatud ökosüsteemid mitmeid olulisi teenuseid, sealhulgas õhu puhastamist, kliima reguleerimist ja elupaiku liikidele. Linnades elurikkuse suurendamine toob kasu ka inimestele. Rohealad parandavad inimeste vaimset ja füüsilist tervist, vähendavad stressi ning soodustavad füüsilist aktiivsust. Rohealad on kasulikud ka majanduslikult, suurendades kinnisvara väärtust ja pakkudes turismivõimalusi. Linnade elurikkuse suurendamise strateegiad hõlmavad rohealade laiendamist, rohekoridoride loomist ning looduslahenduste rakendamist. Euroopa Liidu looduse taastamise määrus nõuab linnaökosüsteemide säilimist ja taastamist, sätestades, et rohealade pindala ja linnapuude võrastiku liitus ei tohi väheneda võrreldes 2024. aastaga ja peab hakkama alates 2031. aastast suurenema. Eestis tuleb rakendada täiendavaid meetmeid, et tagada määruse nõuetele vastavus ning suurendada linnaökosüsteemide vastupanuvõimet kliimamuutustele. Linnade elurikkuse suurendamine on oluline samm jätkusuutliku ja elamisväärse keskkonna loomisel. Linnad peavad elurikkuse säilitamist ja taastamist tõhusalt edendama. Tallinna rohevõrgustiku arendamine, lilleniitude rajamine ja elurikka haljastuse kataloog annavad suuniseid loodussõbraliku linna kujundamiseks. Lisaks on linnaplaneerimises üha enam kasutusele võetud looduslikke lahendusi, nagu rohelised katused ja linnasisesed haljasalad, mis aitavad vähendada soojussaare efekti ja suurendada liikide mitmekesisust. Tallinna kogemus näitab, et roheliste alade ja elupaikade taastamine on võimalik ka kiiresti arenevas linnakeskkonnas, pakkudes kasu nii loodusele kui inimestele. | |
dc.description.abstract | This thesis focuses on the importance of maintaining and restoring biodiversity in urban environments. 61% of Estonia’s population resides in urban areas. As urban areas expand, they impact the surrounding natural landscapes, often leading to the loss of biodiversity. This growth threatens ecosystems by disrupting local flora and fauna. Historically, biodiversity conservation has focused on rural or wilderness areas, but the accelerating loss of species and ecosystems in cities highlights the need for urban conservation strategies. Urbanization has been a leading cause of habitat loss, with new buildings and infrastructure replacing natural areas. The expansion of cities leads to fragmentation of habitats, making it difficult for species to move and thrive. Pollution from industrial waste, traffic, and sewage further exacerbates these challenges, affecting both water and air quality and disturbing ecosystems. Urban heat islands, resulting from the concentration of concrete and asphalt, also increase temperatures, making it difficult for many species to survive. Moreover, climate change has a significant impact on urban biodiversity, affecting species migration patterns, seasonal behaviours, and breeding cycles. Invasive species, often brought into urban areas by humans, pose additional threats by competing with native species for resources and spreading diseases. Preserving biodiversity in urban areas is crucial for maintaining ecological balance. This involves protecting existing natural areas, conserving species, and restoring ecosystem functions. Even small green spaces, such as parks or street trees, provide essential ecological services like air purification, temperature regulation, and water management. Preserving these spaces ensures a balance in urban ecosystems, benefiting both nature and human populations. Restoration of urban ecosystems, including the rehabilitation of wetlands, forests, and riparian zones, can reverse some of the damage caused by urbanization. These efforts enhance resilience to climate change and provide opportunities for community engagement, fostering a stronger connection between people and nature. The benefits of urban biodiversity include improved air quality, better mental and physical health, and enhanced social cohesion. Green spaces in cities contribute to reducing stress, improving cardiovascular health, and encouraging physical activity. Urban biodiversity also plays a crucial role in regulating local climates, reducing the urban heat island effect, and preventing flooding by absorbing rainwater. It supports local food systems by providing habitats for pollinators, like bees and butterflies, which are essential for agriculture. Moreover, biodiversity can stimulate the economy by increasing property values and attracting tourism. The European Union has developed nature restoration regulations that require member states to enhance and protect urban ecosystems. This includes protecting and enhancing green spaces, increasing the density of urban tree canopies, and ensuring that urban areas contribute positively to biodiversity. Starting from 2031, cities must demonstrate measurable improvements in their urban biodiversity, including the expansion of green spaces and the integration of nature-based solutions into urban development. These regulations set specific targets for the increase of green spaces and tree canopy coverage in cities, with mandatory assessments every six years to ensure progress. Urban areas present unique opportunities for boosting biodiversity through thoughtful planning and design. Key strategies for enhancing urban biodiversity include expanding green areas, restoring natural habitats, and creating biodiversity-friendly infrastructures, such as green roofs and wildlife corridors. Cities can benefit from integrating these strategies into urban planning, contributing to better air and water quality, reducing pollution, and improving climate resilience. Tallinn, recognized as the European Green Capital in 2023, is actively working to improve its environmental practices, focusing on preserving and restoring urban biodiversity. The city's initiatives include improving the quality of green spaces, developing green corridors, and increasing urban forests. There is also a strong emphasis on involving citizens and organizations in environmental projects and increasing public awareness of nature conservation. The city aims to incorporate nature-based solutions into urban development, such as the use of permeable surfaces, green roofs, and wildlife corridors to create more cohesive and connected green networks. These efforts contribute to enhancing biodiversity and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change. The restoration and preservation of urban biodiversity are essential for maintaining ecological balance and improving the quality of life in cities. Through the implementation of nature-based solutions, such as expanding green spaces and restoring natural habitats, cities can become more resilient to climate change and support a diverse range of species. The EU’s Nature Restoration Regulation provides a clear framework for urban biodiversity conservation, encouraging cities to adopt sustainable practices. By embracing these strategies, cities can enhance their ecological health, contribute to global biodiversity goals, and offer a better environment for future generations. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject | Keskkonnatehnoloogia::Keskkonnakaitse::Keskkonnakaitse alused | |
dc.subject.other | Keskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimine | |
dc.title | Linnade elurikkus ja selle suurendamine | |
dc.title.alternative | Urban Biodiversity and its Enhancement | |
dc.type | lõputöö |
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