Naiste kleitide tehnoloogilise protsessi korraldamine

dc.contributor.advisorZmievskaja, Svetlana
dc.contributor.authorLillmaa, Keidy
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärgiks on naiste kleitide - Lailee, Kerome ja Dainty - tehnoloogilise protsessi juurutamine baasettevõttesse. Lõputöö ülesandeks on kolme kleidi töötlemise iseloomustamine ning ettepanekute tegemine ettevõtte korralduse parendamiseks. Põhiandmeteks on mudelite disain, töötajate ja masinate arv. Mudelid on töös samaaegselt, kuid neil on kasutatud erinevaid pealis- ning voodrimaterjale. Kleidid on igapäevaselt kantavad nii suvel kui kevadel, samas sobivad ka pidulikemale üritustele. Töö teises osas räägitakse töö korraldamisest tsehhis. Kuna ettevõte tundis huvi kleidi liini tootmise efektiivsemaks muutmise vastu, siis on planeeritud päevavaatlused ettevõtte töölistele ning töökohtadele, et teha ettepanekud silma jäänud probleemide lahenduste osas. Teostatakse ka SSD Pro 5 süsteemis uuring ühele mudelile, et võrrelda saadud aegu lõputöö autori aegadega. Vaatluse ja analüüsi tulemusena selgub, kui hästi on ajad planeeritud. Vaatluse all on ka kvaliteedijuhtimine, et anda ülevaade kvaliteedijuhtimise olemusest ja vajalikkusest. Samuti tehakse ettepanekud kvaliteedi süsteemide kasutuselevõtmise kohta. Pööratakse tähelepanu kliendi soovile ja
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesisis Organizing the Technological Process of Women ´s Dresses and also improving the part of the industry which deals with the manufacturing of dresses. There are three different models of dresses are covered in this thesis and number of workers for each dress line. Dress models are Lailee, Kerome and Dainty, which are particularly suitable for wearing in the spring and summer time. These dresse can be worn every day and also for festive occasions. 2 first dress models are classic, while the last one has a more specific form. The administrative part of the work is described in the Basic organization of the thesis. One aim of the thesis wa simporving the derssline. Problems were first sought out in the dress line and then solutions were offered to over come them. Many of the problems are theres ponsibility of the linemanager which is why the their tasks are described in this paper. Observing the working day of the linemanager revealed that such a persoon spends a lot of time sewing, which does not fall munder their direct as signment. It was also shown that through out the day sewers had to be involved with varikus products. The company discusses with the operation Manager if it is reasonable to include complex models and materials in the production. Studying and analyzing the nominal time for performing each operation dictates what the different techniques and movements are. The placement of the components used by the worker is also decided from this. The last chapter veski an overview of the company's quality management. Quality management is meant for organizing the target activities, this is why it is so important in terms of improving the organization of the production line.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationClothing and Textiles--Technology and Textile Science--Product Management in Sewing Industryen
dc.subject.classificationRõivad ja tekstiilid--Tehnoloogia ja materjaliõpetus--Juurdelõikuse ja õmblustootmise töökorralduset
dc.subject.otherRõivaste tehniline disainet
dc.subject.otherTechnical Design of Apparelen
dc.titleNaiste kleitide tehnoloogilise protsessi korraldamine
dc.title.alternativeOrganizing the Technological Process of Women´s Dresses
