E-poe kasutajakogemuse parendamine Galvi-Linda AS näitel

dc.contributor.advisorKiis, Helen
dc.contributor.advisorLaiõunpuu, Marge
dc.contributor.authorJõeste, Merili
dc.description.abstractE-kaubandus on tänapäeval üks olulisemaid tarbijate käitumist mõjutavaid tegureid ning seetõttu on ettevõtete jaoks oluline pidevalt oma veebipoodi parendada ning pakkuda tarbijatele mugavust, kiirust ja turvalisust. Antud lõputöö teemaks oli “E-poe kasutajakogemuse parendamine Galvi-Linda AS näitel”, kus eesmärgiks oli selgitada välja sihtrühma eelistused veebipoes ostlemisel, konkureerivate ettevõtete veebilehtede tugevused ja nõrkused ning teha Galvi-Linda AS veebipoe arendamiseks soovitusi, mille abil parendada e-poe kasutajakogemust ja tõsta seeläbi müüki erakliendile. Selleks koguti teoreetilisi materjale, intervjueeriti sihtrühma esindajaid ning analüüsiti konkureerivate ettevõtete veebipoodide. Uurimistöö teoreetiline osa andis ülevaate e-kaubanduses tähtsusest ja arengust, e-kaubanduse mõjust moe- ja rõivatööstusele ning tarbijakäitumisest ja ostuotsuste tegemisest e-kaubandusest. Empiiriline osas selgusid keskmise intervjueeritava hoiakud, vajadused, ostueelistused ja varasemad kasutajakogemused. Teise osa analüüsi põhjal tuvastati konkureerivate ettevõtete tugevused ja nõrkused ning kolmandas osas tehti nende intervjuude ja võrdluste järelduste põhjal ettepanekud Galvi-Linda AS e-poe parendamiseks. Lõputöö eesmärk, teha Galvi-Linda AS veebipoe arendamiseks soovitusi, mis parendaks e-poe kasutajakogemust, saavutati ning töö autor leiab, et uurimistöö tulemused annavad olulise panuse Galvi-Linda AS e-poe parendamisse. Antud lõputööd oleks võimalik edasi arendada, viies läbi konkurentide klienditeeninduse kättesaadavuse ja reageerimiskiiruse testimine ja võrdlemine, uurides konkurentide tagastamispoliitikat testostude läbi, koostades analüüs kasutatavatele tööriistadele ja nende alternatiividele ning viies läbi intervjuu klientide hoiakute sügavamaks arusaamiseks 100-1000 sihtrühma esindajaga.
dc.description.abstractIn the fast-evolving digital world, e-commerce has become one of the most significant factors influencing consumer behaviour. Creating a functional e-store has become essential as the growth of e-commerce has been substantial and companies must provide consumers with convenience, speed, and security. The selected topic for the thesis is "Improving the User Experience of the E-Store by Example of Galvi-Linda AS". The relevance of the thesis arises from the growing importance of e-commerce in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced people to shop more online. Therefore, it is essential that companies that want to launch an e-store or improve an existing one know how to create a functioning e-store to increase sales. The applied bachelor's thesis aims to provide suggestions for improving the user experience of the e-store based on the example of Galvi-Linda AS. To achieve this, the thesis includes a review of e-commerce, its impact on the fashion and clothing industries, trends in the digital environment, consumer behavior, and decision-making in e-commerce, as well as the essential aspects of e-store structure and improvement. The thesis also compares the design and usability, pricing policies, delivery and return policies, customer service, payment solutions, and other additional features of competing companies' e-stores. The conclusions drawn from the research are used to make recommendations for improving the Galvi-Linda AS e-store. The thesis uses various online sources, professional literature, and statistics as its primary sources. The author would like to thank the supervisor, Helen Kiis, and everyone who contributed to the thesis's completion. The following research objectives have been set to fulfill the aim of the thesis: -Collection of theoretical materials. -Comparison and analysis of the online shops of competing companies. 52 -Compare and analyze competitors' online shopping websites. -Interviewing the target group representatives. The theoretical part of the study provided an overview of the importance and development of e-commerce, the impact of e-commerce on the fashion and clothing industries, and consumer behaviour and purchasing decisions in e-commerce. The empirical part revealed the average interviewee's attitudes, needs, purchasing preferences and previous user experiences. The second part of the analysis identified the strengths and weaknesses of the competing companies, and the third part made suggestions for the improvement of Galvi-Linda AS's e-shop based on the findings of these interviews and comparisons. This thesis could be further developed by testing and comparing the availability and responsiveness of competitors' customer service, by examining competitors' return policies through test purchases, by analyzing the tools used on competitors webshops and their alternatives, and by conducting interviews to gain a deeper understanding of customers' attitudes with 100-1000 target customers
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.otherRessursikorraldus (moetööstus)
dc.titleE-poe kasutajakogemuse parendamine Galvi-Linda AS näitel
dc.title.alternativeImproving the User Experience of the E-Store by Example of Galvi-Linda AS
