Imikurõivaste lõigete väljatöötamine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli valmistada välja töötada tooted imikutele, mis vastaksid imiku vajadustele vastavalt vanusele. Toodete väljatöötamise eeltööks oli uurida välja lapsevanemate või laste hooldajate vajadused ja probleemid seoses imikurõivastega. Selleks töötati välja veebipõhine küsitlus, mille abil koguti vastuseid 395-lt lapsevanemalt või lapse hooldajalt. Lisaks inimeste eelistustele uuriti lapse motoorika arengut ning Eesti Standardikeskuse standardeid laste rõivastele esitatavate nõuete ja potentsiaalsete ohtude kohta. Lapse motoorsete oskuste arengu põhjal jaotati algne vanusegrupp neljaks väiksemaks vanusegrupiks. 0-3 kuu vanustele imikutele töötati välja mudel Janne, 4-6 kuu vanustele mudel Aleks, 7-9 kuu vanustele mudel Robin ja 10-12 kuu vanustele lastele mudel Kris. Mudel Kai on sobilik imikutele vanuses 0-12 kuud. Erinevate andmete põhjal töötati välja erinevatele nõuetele vastavad imikurõivad. Esmalt töötati välja imikute kehamõõtude tabel. Kehamõõtude tabelis on käsitletud kümmet erinevat suurust. Suurused on lastele vanuses 0-12 kuud. Seejärel konstrueeriti toodetele põhilõiked ja modelleeriti need moekohaseks. Moekohaseid lõikeid kontrolliti ja tehti lekaalid. Kõik lõiked konstrueeriti suurusele 56, kuid prototüübid on vastavalt toote sihtgrupi vanusele valmistatud erinevates suurustes. Mudel Janne on valmistatud suurusele 53, mudel Aleks suurusele 62, mudel Robin suurusele 71 ja mudel Kai baassuurusele 56. Tehniline paljundus koostati kõigile kümnele kehamõõtude tabelis olevale suurustele. Lisaks on tehtud paigutusjoonised, et normeerida kangakulu. Kõigile mudelitele tehti läbilõikejoonised ja tootekaardid. Õmblusmaterjalide kulu normeerimiseks tehti paigutusjoonised ja arvutati välja ühele tootele kuluv keskmine materjali kulu. Lisaks arvutati kõigile toodetele eraldi välja materjalide ja furnituuride rahaline väärtus.

The goal of the thesis is to develop products for infants in accordance to their age and need. A study was conducted among parents or caretakers to work out the needs and problems with children’s clothing. The study was a web-based poll to which 395 parents or caretakers replied. In addition to peoples’ opinions and preferences the author studied the development of children’s motor skills and also standardised requirements and potential dangers for children’s clothing from Estonian Centre of Standardisation. On the grounds of the development of the childs motor skills the age group was distributed into four smaller groups. Model Janne was developed for children up to the age of 3 months the, the model Aleks was developed for children between the ages of 4-6 months, the model Robin was developed for children between the ages of 7-9 months and model Kris was developed for children between the ages of 10-12 months. The model Kai is suitable for infants between the ages 0-12 months. According to the data received from the poll and the standardised requirements from the Estonian Centre of Standardisation different types of children’s clothes were developed. Firstly a measurement table for the size of infants was developed. The table handles 10 different sizes. Sizes are marked for the children from ages 0-12 months. Afterwards main sections were constructed for the products and they were developed according to the design. The patterms were then examined and sloupers were made. All patterms were constructed for size 56, but the prototypes were created in different sizes in accordance to the age of the target group. The model Janne is created for size 53, the model Aleks for size 62, the model Robin for size 71 and the model Kai for size 56. Technical duplication was composed for all 10 sizes in the aforementioned measurement table. In addition layout drawings were created to standardize the waste of the fabrics. Sectional drawings and product cards were created for all models. The waste of materials per product was evaluated and layout drawings were created to standardize the cost of used sutures. In addition to the previous, the financial costs of materials and fittings was also evaluated.


