Madalamate seisunditasemetega riigiteede talihoolduse analüüs
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Antud lõputöö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida madalamate seisunditasemetega riigiteede hooldust ja kirjeldada nende praeguseid probleeme. Lõputöös käsitleti üldiseid nõudeid Eesti riigiteede hoolduses ja selle teostamise viise. Kirjeldati talihoolde teostamist, kontrollimist ja järelevalvet. Anti lühike ülevaade riigiteede rahastusest ja teehoiukavast 2024-2027. Peamiseks käsitletavaks teemaks oli madalama seisunditasemetega riigiteedel esinevad probleemid ja nende võimalikud lahendused.
Madalamate seisunditasemetega riigiteede hooldus põhjustab enim probleeme eriolukordades, kus ilmastikutingimused on teeolud muutnud selliseks, et seisundinõuete tagamine nõuab seisundinõuetes kehtestatud aegadest rohkem aega. Enim põhjustab probleeme jäävihm, tihe lumesadu ja tuisk koos tugeva tuulega. Siis on põhirõhk põhiteede hooldusel ja madalamate seisunditasemetega teede hooldamiseks läheb kauem aega, selle tulemusena muutuvad madalama seisunditasemega teedel läbitavus ja ohutus. Peamisteks probleemideks madalama seisunditasemetega teedel on tiheda liiklusega kruuskatete olukord, kus soojemate ilmastikutingimustel ja lume sulamise tagajärjel muutuvad teed rööplikuks ebatasaseks. Samuti on probleeme kinnituisanud teede ja erakordselt libedate teekatetega, kui ilmastikutingimused on muutunud erakordseks.
Samas võib hetkel öelda, et riigiteede hooldus on üsna heal tasemel ja tänu kogemustele eriolukordades muutub see järjest paremaks. Hetkel ei tundu seisunditasemete tõstmine vajalik ega mõistlik, sest juba praegused ajad selliste hoolderingide juures piisavalt mahukad. Mõistlik ei ole ka seisundtasemete tõstmine rahalise poole pealt, kuna hetkel on niigi teedehoolduses raha puudu. Lõputöö eesmärkide saavutamiseks teostas lõputöö autor katsed madalama seisunditasemega riigiteel, mis asus Pärnu hooldepiirkonnas. Katse käigus prooviti kolme erinevat hooldusviisi kruuskattega teel, kus kehtivad seisunditaseme „1“ nõuded. Katselõigul teostati soola puistamist, karestamist tappteraga ja soola-liiva segu puistamist. Katse tulemustest selgus, et kõik kolm hooldusviisi tagasid seisunditaseme nõuded ja andis häid tulemusi. Kiiremaid tulemusi andis soola-liiva segu puistamine ja karestamine tappteraga, mille mõju oli kohene peale hooldetöö teostamist.
Lõputöö autori ettepanekul tagaks madalamate seisunditasemetega riigiteede parema hoolduse, kui teostada õigeaegne ning tihedam lume- ja libedusetõrje, märgade katete ennetav puistamine pikema külmaperioodi saabudes, kruuskattetega teedel liigniisketes kohtades killustiku pealevedu, eriolukordades varuauto kasutamine lisatasu eest ja teekaamerate olemasolu ka madalamate seisunditasemetega riigiteedel. Ka hooldeautode hoolderingide ülevaatamine lepingutes parandaks madalamate seisunditasemetega riigiteede hooldust. Selleks, et saavutada paremad hooldetingimused oleks vajalik riigil eraldada rohkem rahasid riigiteede hooldusesse. Samas on autor arvamusel, et tingimuste paremaks muutmisel tuleb jääda mõistlikkuse piiri ning liigne hooldus olematu liiklussagedusega teedel ei oleks mõistlik.
Käesoleva lõputöö valmimisel ja ettepanekute tegemisel oli abiks lõputöö juhendaja ja lõputöö autori praktilised kogemused talihoolde tööde teostamisest. Autori arvates tuleks katseid teostada veel võimalike erinevate libedusetõrje viisidega ja erinevates ilmastikutingimustes, et saada paremad tulemused.
The graduation thesis “Analysis of Winter Maintenance for National Roads with Lower Condition Levels" provides overview of the national roads with lower condition levels, their maintenance, related problems and possible solutions. The objective of the thesis was to answer to the questions, if the current maintenance of national roads with lower condition levels is sufficient, which would be the best maintenance methods for maintaining the national roads with lower condition levels, which are the main related problems, and which would be their solutions.
The topics covered in the thesis were winter maintenance of national roads and related requirements, performance of winter maintenance, its control and supervision. Furthermore, the topics of financing the winter maintenance and road maintenance plan 2024-2027 were covered. The main topic of the thesis concerned the problems related to the lower condition levels and their possible solutions. The author of the thesis conducted tests with the condition level “1" at a national road in Pärnu maintenance region, analysed the results and submitted proposals for maintaining national roads with lower condition levels. Maintenance of national roads with lower condition levels causes most problems in emergency situations, where weather factors have changed road conditions, so that satisfying the condition requirements takes more time than specified in the condition requirements. The main causes of the problem are ice rain, heavy snowfall and blizzard, together with strong wind. In such cases, most attention is paid on the maintenance of major roads, and maintenance of roads with lower condition levels takes more time, in result of which the condition of national roads with lower condition levels becomes even worse, causing much problems to the traffic participants, public transport, as well as the maintenance enterprises themselves. The main problem of national roads with lower condition levels is the condition of gravel pavement with dense traffic, where warmer weather and thawing snow make the roads rutty and uneven. There are also problems with snow blockades and particularly slippery pavement in case of extreme weather conditions.
In general, the level of maintenance of national roads is rather high and becomes constantly better, thanks to the experiences in emergency situations. Therefore, raising the condition levels does not seem necessary or relevant at the moment, because the current times are already extensive enough with such maintenance rounds. Also, raising the condition levels would not be financially reasonable at the moment, as road maintenance is short of financial resources. Attention should rather be paid to better maintenance of lower condition levels and finding optimal methods for their maintenance, in order to ensure sufficiently good driving conditions and traffic safety.
Results of the tests conducted by the author of the thesis showed that all three tested maintenance methods are suitable for maintaining national roads with lower condition levels. The tested maintenance methods were spreading of salt (NaCl), mechanical roughening with tenon, and spreading of a mixture of salt and sand. The fastest results were obtained with spreading of a mixture of salt and sand and mechanical roughening with tenon, in result of which the grip coefficient of the pavement changed immediately. In the opinion of the author, in case of extremely slippery pavements, intensive spreading of a mixture of salt and sand should be used, which ensures promptly better grip on the pavement, together with safe driving conditions.
The author of the thesis also submitted proposals for maintaining national roads with lower condition levels. In the opinion of the author, timely and more frequent snow control and de- icing should be performed on lower condition levels, along with preventive spreading on wet paving upon arrival of longer frost period, while on the roads with gravel pavement, crushed stone should be spread in overly wet places before the arrival of winter period, in order to avoid their poor condition due to winter conditions and traffic. For emergency situations, the possibility to use the reserve vehicle should be available for extra fee, and maintenance rounds specified in maintenance contracts should be revised, in order to ensure fast maintenance of lower condition levels even in emergency situations. Also availability of road cameras at some national roads with lower condition levels would enable the maintenance providers to get better overview of the situation of the roads with lower condition levels.
Practical experience of the instructor and the author of the graduation thesis in winter maintenance in Pärnu maintenance region provided much help for completing the thesis and submitting the proposals. In the opinion of the author, tests should be continued in varying weather conditions, in order to find the best maintenance methods for lower condition levels.