Terastorusildade ehitusjuhend
dc.contributor.advisor | Kurg, Taivo | |
dc.contributor.author | Kurg, Veiko | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-03-17T09:26:17Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-03-17T09:26:17Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2015 | |
dc.description.abstract | KOKKUVÕTE Lõputöö eesmärk oli koostada terastorusildade ehitamise juhend, mis kehtib alates 2-meetrise läbimõõduga (vaba avaga) torusildadele ja mille materjali paksus on vähemalt 3 millimeetrit, ja anda ülevaade vajalikest nõuetest projekteerijale, tellijale, ehitajale ning järelevalvele. Töös seletatakse lahti terastorusildade ehituses vajalikud definitsioonid, torusildade tüübid ja torusildade kasutamise mõttekus. Eestis on probleem torusildade eluea arvutustega, puudub ühene arvutusskeem. Juhendis on välja pakutud arvutused silla eluea määramiseks. Tuuakse välja üldised nõuded terastorusildade elueale, koormustaluvusele, ava suurusele ning asetusele. Seletatakse, mis kujuga ja kuhu antud torusillad sobivad. Selgitakse metallkonstruktsioonide ja metallide omadusi. Olulised on torude kaitsekihid, tuuakse välja kaitsekihtide nõuded, et torusilla eluiga oleks tagatud. Tutvustatakse aluspinnasest tingitud metalltorude, torude kaitsekihtide ja geosünteetide valikut. Esitatakse sillaehituse olulised etapid, tehtavad tööd ja kaitsemeetmed. Tuuakse välja tabelite ja joonistena terastorusildade gofreeringute kujud ning joonised toru paigaldamiseks erinevatele aluspinnastele. Igale torusillale tuleb teha geoloogilised uuringud, et oleks tagatud koormustaluvus ja stabiilsus. Lõputöö on mõeldud maanteeametile abimaterjalina terastorusildade ehitusjuhendi koostamiseks. | et |
dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY “Terastorusildade ehitusjuhend” – “Instruction for building steel tube bridges” The aim of the graduation paper was to prepare an instruction for building steel tube bridges, valid for tube bridges the diameter (free aperture) of which starts from 2 m and the thickness of the material of which is at least 3 mm, and to give an overview of the necessary requirements for the designer, contracting authority, builder and supervision authorities. The paper accounts for the definitions necessary in the construction of steel tube bridges, types of tube bridges and the reasonability of using tube bridges. There is a problem in Estonia with calculating the service life of tube bridges since there is no uniform calculation scheme. The instruction offers calculations for determining the service life of bridges. It outlines the general requirements for the service live, load-bearing capacity, aperture size and position of steel tube bridges. The instruction clarifies where tube bridges with certain shapes can be used. It also accounts for the properties of metal structures and metals. The protection layers of tubes are of great importance, therefore, the requirements for protection layers are outlined in order to assure the service life of tube bridges. The paper introduces the selection of steel tubes, protection layers of tubes and geosynthetics determined by the subsoil. It also presents the most important stages of bridge construction, performed works and protection measures. The paper outlines the corrugation shapes of steel tube bridges as tables and figures and figures for installing the tube on different subsoils. Geological surveys must be carried out for every single tube bridge in order to assure their proper load-bearing capacity and stability. The graduation paper is intended as an auxiliary material for the Road Administration for preparing the construction instructions for steel tube bridges. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1178 | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction--Construction Mechanics and Road Installations--Bridge Structures | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction--Construction Mechanics and Road Installations | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction--Construction Mechanics and Road Installations--Road Installations | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction--Construction Mechanics and Road Installations--Construction of Culverts and Drainage Works | en |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus--Ehitusmehaanika ja teerajatised--Sillakonstruktsioonid | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus--Ehitusmehaanika ja teerajatised | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus--Ehitusmehaanika ja teerajatised--Teerajatised | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus--Ehitusmehaanika ja teerajatised--Truupide, veeviimarite ehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Teedeehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Road Construction | en |
dc.title | Terastorusildade ehitusjuhend | |
dc.title.alternative | Instruction for building steel tube bridges | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |