Eksamo ASi hinnapakkumuste süsteemi arendamine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärk on parendada Eksamo ASi hinnapakkumuste koostamise süsteemi, st tõsta süsteemi efektiivsust ja läbi selle tõsta kliendi rahulolu, mis mõjub positiiivselt kogu ettevõtte müüki, kuna hinnapakkumuste koostamine on müügiprotsessi tähtsamaid osi. Hinnapakkumuse koostamise etapil toimub sageli esimene tutvumine potentsiaalse kliendiga ja siin on väga tähtis, et klient jääks rahul kiire ja kompetentse vastusega. Töö käigus analüüsitakse ettevõtte tootmise, hinnakujunduse ja hinnapakkumuse protsesse, et välja selgitada parendamist vajavaid kohti. Sellejuures arvestatakse Eksamo ASi eripära, mis sh seisneb väikesele ettevõttele omasest aja-, (info)tehnoloogia- ja inimressurside nappuses. Teise ettevõtte eripäraks on suur osa allhankeid tootmise protsessis, mis on põhjustatud nii ettevõtte suuruse kui ka tehnoloogiliselt komplitseeritud toodetega. Hinnapakkumuste koostamise etapil saab optimeerida sh allhanke teenuste kulude arvutamine. Selleks kogutakse ja analüüsitakse statistiliste meetmete abil suur kogus allhanke teenuseid iseloomustavaid andmeid. Tulemusena on saadud neli mudelit valemitega, mille abil saab kiiresti ja mugavalt arvutada Eksamo ASi poolt kõige nõutumate allhanke teenuste hindu, nimelt plasma- ja laserlõikuse, värvimise ja kataforeesi. Mudelid on katsetatud hinnapakkumuste koostamisel ja tõestanud oma töövõimet. Sama põhimõte saab vajalike andmete olemasolul rakendada ka teiste teenuste suhtes.

Eksamo Ltd. is a small mechanical engineering and machining company with dominating small batch manufacturing. The company's special feature is large number of requests for quotation from different customers. Due to that fact the effective price inquiries, quotes and order management is very important.Taking into accounta that high quality customer service is also one of Eksamo priorities it was necessary to improve the efficiency of some existing processes, including quotation preparing process to have it faster and more transparent. The quality and speed of the quoting process is extremely important for the company's reputation. This affects also company's competitiveness and revenue. Since preparation of the quotes is associated with other business processes such as purchasing of raw materials, subcontracting, production control and logistics they had been reviewed in this thesis as well. The first part of the thesis presents the company's goal sand strategy, provides an overview of organization with focus on production and the role of outsourcing in the company's activities. Theoretical part includes short review of price calculation stages, pricing policies and different pricing strategies. After the system for quotes preparing and its limitation has been reviewed. In order to identify the area of improvement the analysis of the company's production process, pricing and quotes preparation were analyzed. Small company like Eksamo Ltd is facing deficit of time, technology and human resources. Another aspect of production process is large portion of sub-contracting services in manufacturing, which is caused by small size of the company and complexity of the products. Costs calculation for outsources processes can be optimize on stage of quote preparation. For this purpose the data characterizing outsourcing services have been collected and statistically analyzed. As a result four models with equations have been obtained, which enable quick and comfortable estimation of prices for the following outsourced services: plasma cutting, laser cutting, ordinary painting, cataphoretic painting. The models have been tested and proved the ability of adequate price estimation. The same principle can also be applied for other services when necessary data will be available.


