E-poe optimiseerimise võimalused Bebe Organic näitel

dc.contributor.advisorVaab, Evelin
dc.contributor.authorKivisalu, Doris
dc.description.abstractKiire tehnoloogia areng on võimaldanud e-kaubandusel kasvada traditsioonilise kaubandusega võrdseks äri pidamise viisiks. Aina suureneva konkurentsi tõttu tuleb ettevõtetel turul püsimiseks analüüsida pidevalt sooritust ning leida viise äritegevuse parandamiseks ning edendamiseks. Üheks konkurentsieelise saavutamise võimaluseks on kliendilojaalsus. Kliendilojaalsuse soodustamiseks peab tagama väga hea kliendirahulolu. Kliendirahulolu tekkimine sõltub nii pakutava toote kvaliteedist, kui ka protsessist, mida selle toote soetamiseks sooritati. E-pood on üks viis rakendada e-kaubandust. Ühtlasi on e-poe ostuprotsess ka protsessiks mõne toote või teenuse omastamiseks. Seega on veebipoe kvaliteet üks kliendirahulolu mõjutajaid. E-poe soorituse hindamiseks on erinevaid viise. Uuringu käigus kasutati uuritava e-poe soorituse hindamiseks veebianalüütikat, kasutatavuse teste ning küsitlust kliendirahulolu hindamiseks. Tulemuste võrdlusel selgus, et e-poes esineb probleeme, mis võivad takistada või katkestada ostuprotsessi ning muuta ostuprotsessi kvaliteeti üleüldiselt halvemaks. Samuti selgusid kasutatavuse testide ning küsitluse käigus sarnased probleemid, mis klientidel ja kasutajatel e-poe ostuprotsessi käigus tekkisid. Tuli välja, et ostuprotsessi kvaliteeti võivad mõjutada toodete filtreerimisfunktsiooni võimalused, tootekategooriate sõnastus, sobiva toote valimise protsess, maksmisviiside valik, tarneviiside valik ja tarnehind. Leitud kvaliteediaspektide ning nende hinnagu põhjal koostati ettepanekud ostuprotsessi parandamise võimalusteks. Kuna uuritud ettevõtte e-poe veebianalüüsi käigus tuvastati mõned statistilised näitajad, mis erinevad ülemaailmsetest keskmistest, siis on soovitatav läbi viia muudatused e-poe parandamiseks. Kogu ostuprotsessi ning e-poe kvaliteedi parandamine soodustaks klientide ostuprotsessi kulgu, sobiva toote leidmist ja ostude sooritamist. Sooritatud ostude arv on omakorda väga otsene ettevõtte kasumlikkuse mõjutaja. Kokkuvõttes aitaks Bebe Organic e-poe optimiseerimine suurendada kliendirahulolu ning läbi selle parandada ettevõtte ärilisi sooritusi ning positsiooni turul ja konkurentide seas.et
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis Webshop optimization possibilities based on Bebe Organic was to find ways to optimize Bebe Organic’s webshop in order to improve the buying process quality. Having a better buying process can lead to higher customer satisfaction. The fast development of technology has been a good foundation for the expansion of e-commerce. Higher popularity of e-commerce means also more competition and entrepreneurs have to find new ways to reach market fit. E-commerce enables to do business globally and removes geographical constraints. Bebe Childrenswear Ltd, the company where the study was conducted, used a webshop as its only retail channel. The company operates under the brand name Bebe Organic. The core of the business is to produce and sell children’s clothing made out of certified organic materials. To find out how webshop performs and which problems exist, usability tests and analysis were conducted. Firstly, the previous 6 months of web analytics were gathered together and analyzed. The data was collected via Google Analytics platform. To understand how many people were visiting the webshop and how many of them made a purchase, webshop’s conversion rate was compared with an average website conversion rate in the retail market. Web analytics showed that the webshop would benefit from optimizing the purchasing processes and to generate more purchases as a result. To find the problematic steps in the purchasing process, a drop-off rate and a bounce rate were analyzed.  As web analytics reflect only quantitative data and not the reasons why customers were not making a purchase, it was important to gather qualitative data. Therefore, usability tests were conducted where five first time visitors used the webshop to make a purchase. The users described the pros and cons of the webshop and the feelings that emerged while using the webshop. From the usability test results, quality aspects were formed in order to describe the quality of the webshop and its purchasing processes. To gather more information and to endorse the test results with statistical information, a customer satisfaction questionnaire was composed. Customers were asked to measure their satisfaction with submitted quality aspects. Results from the questionnaire showed problematic aspects which reduce the quality of the purchasing process. All data from web analytics, usability tests and questionnaires were then gathered and compared in order to find problematic aspects which could be optimized to improve the quality of the webshop. Based on all information, recommendations for optimizing the webshop were given.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationClothing and Textiles--Field Studiesen
dc.subject.classificationRõivad ja tekstiilid--Tööuuringudet
dc.subject.otherRõiva- ja tekstiiliala ressursikorralduseet
dc.subject.otherResource Management in the Clothing and Textiles Industryen
dc.titleE-poe optimiseerimise võimalused Bebe Organic näitel
dc.title.alternativeWebshop optimization possibilities based on Bebe Organic
