Kahe tootmisettevõtte tootmisbaaside ühendamine Lipuvabrik OÜ ja Lipsufabrik OÜ näitel



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Käesoleva lõputöö koostamisel tugineti reaalsele vajadusele paigutada kahe ettevõtte – Lipuvabrik OÜ ja Lipsufabrik OÜ tootmisbaasid ühisele pinnale Lipuvabriku ruumidesse kulude vähendamiseks ja tootlikkuse suurendamiseks. Lipuvabrik töötab 1992. aastast alates ja tegeleb põhiliselt lippude valmistamise ja hooldamisega, kangaste trükiga ja müüb erinevaid tekstiilesemeid. Lipuvabrikus on kolm osakonda – õmblus tootmine, kontor ja digiprintimine. Töös kirjeldati lähemalt ettevõtte tootmist ja töökorraldust. Lipsufabrik asutati 90. aastate alguses ja on kuulnud mitmele erinevale inimesele. Lipsufabrik tegeleb erinevate lipsude, kililipsude ja plastroonide ning sallide õmblemise ja müügiga. Samuti saab sealt tellida disainkangastest valmistatud lipse. Töös kirjeldati lähemalt ettevõtte toomist ja töökorraldust. Eesmärgini jõudmiseks püstitati erinevad ülesanded: ergonoomika ja kvaliteedisüsteemide alase kirjandusega tutvumine, erinevate töökeskkonda puudutavate regulatsioonide läbi töötamine, töö uuringud, tootmisplaanide koostamised ja ettepanekute tegemised. Kõik püstitatud ülesanded said täidetud. Lipuvabrikus ja Lipsufabrikus viidi läbi tööuuringud – kaardistati ja mõõdeti seadmed, filmiti tööpäeva, mille alusel koostati spageti diagrammid ning mõõdeti Lipsufabrikus müra taset. Tööuuringute tulemusena koostati kolm erinevat paigutusplaani, toodi välja iga plaani plussid ja miinused. Esitatud plaanide puhul arvestati ergonoomika ja kvaliteedijuhtimise 5S põhimõtteid millest lähtuvalt tehti autoripoolsed ettepanekud viia läbi korra aastas seadmete üldkontroll ning muudatused ettevõtete materjalide ja abimaterjalide markeerimisel. Esimesel paigutusel on Lipsufabrik paigutatud õmblustšehhi etteotsa. Tootmise osa jääks osaliselt seinaga eraldatud, mis takistaks ka vähesel määral müra liikumist Lipuvabriku alale. Samuti oleks seal Lipsufabriku tootmisjuhi jaoks oma ala, kus ta saab vajadusel kliendile lipsude näidiseid ning kangaid näidata ja teha oma tööd. Lipuvabrik oleks paigutatud õmblustšehhi keskelt kuni tagumisse otsa. Sellise paigutusega oleks Lipuvabrikul siiski hea juurdepääs lattu kus nad hoiavad enamus oma kangaid. Teisel paigutusel on Lipsufabrik samas kohas aga töö autor on teinud ettepaneku kangaste näidistest koostada mapid, et klient saaks neid vaadata müügiosakonnas. Lipsude näidised on viidud koridori alale, mis viib müügisaalist tootmisse juhuks, kui kliendil siiski tekib vajadus tootmise poolele tulla. Lipsufabriku tootmisjuht saab tuua laost kangad ja laenata lauda Lipuvabriku alalt, et kliendile kangaid näidata. Antud paigutus, annab Lipuvabriku alale veidi ruumi juurde ning seadmeid on võimalik paigutada ergonoomilisemalt, kuigi enamus paigutust jääks nagu esimesel variandil. Kolmandal paigutusel on Lipsufabrik paigutatud õmblustšehhi tagumisele osale. Lipsude ja kangaste näidised asetsevad mööda lao seinaäärt, kliendi jaoks on lisatud sinna laud ning sama seina äärt pidi on Lipsufabriku tootmisjuhile tema tööde jaoks lauad. Sealt edasi tuleks Lipsufabriku tootmise ala. Antud paigutuse puhul ei oleks lipsuõmblemis karusell kuidagi helikindlalt eraldatud kuid õmblejate jaoks oleks paigutus ergonoomilisem. Lipuvabrik oleks paigutatud tšehhi ette otsa niiviisi, et õmblusmasinad oleks päris ees ja kahe ettevõtte keskele jääksid lauad. See paigutus oleks kõige vähem ergonoomiline ja tootlikkus langeks, kuna Lipuvabrik oleks laost kaugemal ja kangarullidega tuleks käia läbi Lipsufabriku näidiste ala. Kuigi ettevõtete juhid nägid kõige tõenäolisemana esimest paigutust, pakuks autor välja parimaks paigutuseks teise variandi. Paigutus on ergonoomiline, kummalgi ettevõttel on ruumi liikumiseks. Samuti näeb antud lähenemine ette, et klienti tootmise poolele ei tooda. Teise paigutuse puhul oleks kõige paremini ka täidetud erinevatest regulatsioonidest tulenevad määrused mis puudutavad müra ja töökeskkonda. Lõputöö tulemusel sai koostatud kolm tootmise paigutust ning tehtud ettepanekuid, mis aitaksid süstematiseerida ning eraldi hoida kahe ettevõtte materjale ja abimaterjale. Autor loodab, et esitatud ettepanekutega arvestatakse.

The purpose of the following thesis Combining Manufacturing Departments of Two Companies on the Example of Lipuvabrik OÜ and Lipsufabrik OÜ was a real need for combining Lipuvabrik OÜ’s and Lipsufabrik OÜ’s manufacturing departments into one area because that would reduce costs and increase productivity. To achieve set goals, different tasks were established, such as research of different literature of ergonomics and quality management, inspection of different government regulations for work environment, looking into different work-study methods, making a design production plans and to give suggestions. All established tasks were fulfilled. This thesis is composed of three chapters. The first chapter is subdivided into two parts of which first one talks about history, production and organisation of work at Lipuvabrik. It was established in 1992 and since that has been working in mainly producing and maintaining flags but also printing different designs on fabrics and producing textile items like scarfs, bags, aprons, pillow cases etc. Lipuvabrik has three main depatments – sewing, office and digital printing. Second part of the chapter talks about history, production and organisation of work at Lipsufabrik which was established in the beginning of 90s and has had many different owners. They sew and sell different types of neckties, bowties, ascots and scarfs. The second chapter describes work-study methods and is also subdivided into two parts. First one describes different work-study methos what were done at the Lipuvabrik, for example equipments were measured and drawn into a chart, work days were filmed and those clips were used to draw a spaghetti plot for a better understanding of the layout. The second subdivision describes work-study methods what were done at the Lipsufabrik. All the same methods were used as at the Lipuvabrik and also the noise levels were measured. As a result of those work-study methods, three different layouts were made in the chapter three. This chapter is subdivided into three parts. Each of those describes one layout of which each have their pros and cons. In each plan the ergonomic principles and quality management aspecs, such as 5S have been taken into consideration and according to that, the autor has also suggested to check machines once a year. The first part of the third chapter shows the first layout of Lipsufabrik’s manufacturing department if it would be located in the first part of the production facilities. Lipsufabrik’s production would be separated partly with a wall, which would prevent noise moving to the Lipuvabrik’s area. Also Lipsufabrik’s production managers workplace would be in a spot where they could also bring clients to show them samples of ties and fabrics. Lipuvabrik would be located from the middle to the back of the room. That way Lipuvabrik would have a good access to the storage room, where they keep most of their fabrics. In the second part there is a second layout where Lipsufabrik woud be at the same place but the author has suggested to make folders with fabric samples so that client can look at them at the sales department. Samples of ties would be taken from the sales department to the hallway which leads to the production department for the times when its needed to show examples to the client. Lipsufabrik’s production manager could bring fabrics from the storage room and borrow a table form the Lipuvabrik’s area to show them to the client. Second designed layout would give more room to the Lipuvabrik so equipment would be designed more ergonomically even though most of the layout would be in the same as in plan one. In the last part of the thesis, there is a third layout, in which the Lipsufabrik would be located at the back of the production room. Ties and fabric samples would be at the wall next to the storage room and there would be a table for the client. Next to the samples there would be the production managers’ work area and then after that there would be the manufacturing area. On that planned layout noise making machines wouldn’t be separated but the layout itself would be more ergonomical for workers. Lipuvabrik would be located at the front of the room in a way that sewing machines would be in the front and the tables would be between two manufactures. This layout would be overall less ergonomical than the other two and productivity would drop because Lipuvabrik would be further away from the storage room, what would make the distance to move with fabrics longer and they would need to go through Lipsufabrik’s samples area. In the conclusion, author suggests the second layout, even though the company leaders thought that the first one would be the most likely used. The second one is ergonomical and the both companies would have room to move and there would not be a specific need to bring clients to the manufacturing area. With the second layout different government regulations would also be fulfilled better. As a result of the thesis, three layouts were done and different proposals were given what would help to systematise and keep the two different companies’ materials separated. The author hopes that the presented suggestions would be taken into consideration.



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