Teede tehnilised lahendused detailplaneeringutes

dc.contributor.advisorLind, Marek
dc.contributor.authorPalusalu, Anna
dc.description.abstractTeatud juhtudel on vajalik detailplaneeringu koostamisse kaasata teedeinsener, et kavandatav teedevõrk oleks hiljem realiseeritav, toimiv ja ohutu. Teedeinsener annab planeeringule erialase sisendi, millega saab vältida hilisemates etappides ettenägematuid projekteerimise takistusi, ehitustööde viivitusi ja pöördumatut keskkonnakahju. Töö teema valiti analüüsimiseks, et saada terviklikum pilt detailplaneeringutes teedega seotud teemadest ning teedeinseneri sisendist ruumilisele lahendusele. Kuna uute arendusalade lisandumisel suureneb nende omavaheline koosmõju tähendab see samuti suuremat mõju avalikule teedevõrgule. Lõputöös analüüsitakse detailplaneeringuid, mille realiseerimiseks on vajalik teha avalike teede ümberehitamine ning millede koostamisse kaasati teedeinsener. Uuritakse teedeinseneride planeeringutesse kaasamise senist praktikat, kaasamise mõjusid detailplaneeringu ruumilisele lahendusele ning planeeringu elluviimisele. Analüüsitakse, millega tuleb teedevõrgu planeerimisel arvestada ning millise detailsusega teede tehniline lahendus tuleks koostada. Vaatluse alla võetud detailplaneeringud algatati hoonestamata kinnistutele ning üldjuhul oli tegemist äri- või tootmishoonete arendusaladega. Valmimisse võetud üks detailplaneering hõlmas väikese elamukvartali kavandamist, kuid mille realiseerimiseks on vajalik riigiteele rajada ohutussaar kergliiklusteede ühendamiseks. Lõputöös jõuti mitme üldise järelduseni. Avalikule teedevõrgule võib kinnistupõhine planeerimine põhjustada negatiivset mõju. See tähendab seda, et kui detailplaneeringu koostamisel ei arvestata lähipiirkonna arendusalade kumuleeruvate mõjudega võib see põhjustada olemasoleva teedevõrgu toimivuse langust. Transpordimaa määramisel on vajalik arvestada kavandatava tee ja selle juurde kuuluvate rajatiste parameetritega. Maavajaduse määramiseks tuleb tee läbi projekteerida mahus, mis arvestab tee ristlõigete kui maapinna kõrgusliku infoga. Analüüs näitas, et planeeringu eskiislahendused on tihti koostatud puuduliku info alusel. Kas on jäetud arvestamata kõrgema taseme planeeringutega, avalike teede rekonstrueerimisprojektidega või on kavandatud tee projekteerimisnormidega vastuolev lahendus. Eskiislahenduse koostamisse üldjuhul teedeinseneri ei kaasata. Töös tehakse detailplaneeringutega seotud peamistele osapooltele ettepanekud, millele tähelepanu pöörata, kui tegemist on avalikku teedevõrku mõjutava detailplaneeringuga.
dc.description.abstractDetailed planning is essentially a public agreement to plan space. In order to ensure that the road network proposed is feasible, functional and safe, it is in some cases necessary to involve a civil engineer specialized in road engineering when preparing the plan. The civil engineer will provide professional input to the planning process, helping to avoid unforeseen design obstacles, construction delays and irreversible environmental damage at later stages. The topic of the thesis was chosen for analysis to get a more complete picture of the road-related issues in detailed planning and of the input of the civil engineer to the spatial solution. Since the addition of new development areas increases their combined interaction, it also implies a greater impact on the public road network. The thesis analyzes detailed plans, the realization of which would require reconstruction of public roads and the preparation of which involved a civil engineer. It examines the current practice of involving civil engineers in planning, the effects of this involvement on the spatial solution and on the implementation of the detailed plan. It analyzes what has to be taken into account when planning the road network, and the level of detail required for the technical solution of the roads. The detailed plans considered were initiated on undeveloped properties and concerned mostly development areas for business and production buildings. One detailed plan that was completed included the design for a small residential block; however, its realization would require the construction of a pedestrian refugee island on a national road to connect the pedestrian and bicycle paths. The thesis reached several general conclusions. The public road network can be negatively affected by property-based planning. This means that if the cumulative effects of the nearby development areas are not taken into account, it can lead to a decrease in the performance of the existing road network. The designation of transport land must consider the parameters of the proposed road and its associated facilities. In order to determine the land requirements, the road must be designed to a scale that takes account of the road cross-sections as well as information on ground height. The analysis showed that the draft planning solutions are often based on incomplete information. Either the higher-level planning, public road reconstruction projects have not been considered, or a solution contrary to road design standards has been proposed. A civil engineer specialized in road engineering is usually not involved in the preparation of the draft solution. For the main parties involved, this thesis offers suggestions on which aspects to pay attention to when detailed plans affecting the public road network are concerned.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.titleTeede tehnilised lahendused detailplaneeringutes
dc.title.alternativeTechnical Solutions for Roads in Detailed Planning
