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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö uurimisprobleemiks on uuritavate ettevõtete kaasaegse tööturu muutunud tingimuste kasutamine, kus antud situatsioonides pole võimalik jätkata juhtimist eelmise sajandi võtete ja stiilide järgi. Lõputöö eesmärk on välja selgitada uuritavates ettevõtetes kasutusel olevad eestvedamise võtted, et anda ülevaade/hinnang, millised on parimad praktikad tänapäeva muutunud tööturu tingimustes. Teooriale tuginedes peaksid muutunud tööturul juhid tegelema rohkem eestvedamise kui juhtimisega. Hea liidri omadustes on omal kohal empaatia ja emotsionaalne intelligentsus. Paindlikud töövormid on töötajatele aina olulisemad. Kätte on jõudnud meeskondade kuldaeg ja kogukonna tunne on oluline motivaator. Uutele põlvkondadele on palgast olulisemad organisatsiooni visioon ja missioon. Aina olulisemad on inimestevahelised suhted, avatus ja läbipaistvus.

The research problem of the dissertation is the use of the changed conditions of the modern labor market of the researched companies, where in these situations it is not possible to continue managing according to the techniques and styles of the last century. The aim of the dissertation is to find out the leadership techniques used in the researched companies in order to provide an overview / assessment of the best practices in today's changed labor market conditions. The object of research of this dissertation is four managers of two modern, successful and innovative companies offering business software, whose job is to lead their team in today's changed work environment. Qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews based on a previously planned plan and a questionnaire were used to conduct the empirical study. The responses were analyzed using a cross-case analysis. As a result of the analysis, the leadership styles and best management practices of the research object in the changed labor market conditions were revealed. The companies surveyed with the Servant leadership style questionnaire, which, according to theory, is recommended for use in managing software companies. Considering their financial results, employee and customer satisfaction, the chosen leadership style is perfectly suited to take the lead in the changed labor market. In order to fulfill the research tasks of the dissertation, the following things were done and as a result the respective conclusions were reached. A theoretical framework was created of the changed labor market and management practices. To this end, dozens of books, magazines and articles were read to familiarize oneself with the most up-to-date theories. As a result, an overview was given of what leadership practices could be.



TTK Subject Categories::Economy and Management
