Tele2 Eesti AS 5G teenuse kasutajauuring



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli uurida ja analüüsida Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli Teenusmajanduse instituudi üliõpilaste seas Tele2 Eesti AS-i 5G teenuse kasutajate hinnanguid ning mõista nende rahulolu selle teenusega. Tulemuste põhjal teha ettepanekud Tele2 Eesti AS-le, 5G teenuse parendamiseks. Lõputöö esimeses peatükis keskendub autor 5G tehnoloogia olemusele, kus tuuakse välja 5G leviala ja sagedused, Tele2 Eesti AS 5G teenuse võimalused ja piirangud ning 5G teenuse maine ja vastuvõtt Eestis, turunduse olemus ja Tele2 Eesti AS strateegiline lähenemine. Teises peatükis kirjeldab autor lõputöö empiirilise uuringu metoodikat, kasutades selleks kvantitatiivset uuringut. Valimis osalesid Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli Teenusmajanduse instituudi üliõpilased. Küsitlusuuringu läbiviimiseks kasutati Surveer keskkonda ning küsitlus oli anonüümne andes sellega vastajatele võimaluse tunda end turvaliselt ja vabamalt oma arvamuste avaldamisel. Uuring saadeti 634 üliõpilasele, kellest võttis antud uuringust osa 43 üliõpilast. Uuringu tulemused aitavad Tele2 Eesti AS-l mõista turu dünaamikat ning kohandada vastavalt sellele oma strateegiaid. Kolmandas peatükis esitab autor lõputöö järeldused ja soovitused, tuginedes uuringu tulemustele. Uuringu tulemuste põhjal, kus 43-st vastanust ei ole ainult kaks vastajat rahul Tele2 Eesti AS 5G teenusega. Sellega võib öelda, et üldine rahulolu teenusega on positiivne vastajate seas. Autor koostas Tele2 Eesti AS-le ülevaate vastanute tagasisidest ja tegi ettepanekud teenuste parendamiseks. Autor kinnitab, et lõputöö eesmärgid ja uurimisülesanded on täidetud.

The topic of this thesis is “Tele2 Eesti AS 5G Service User Survey”. According to the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology, Andres Sutt, a recent TTJA survey provides an overview of the current state of mobile internet speeds in Estonia just before the distribution of 5G frequency bands across the country. It also highlights the bottlenecks where internet coverage is missing on major highways. “The spread of 5G networks across Estonia will significantly increase mobile internet speeds nationwide, but the survey also shows where different service providers’ internet connections are failing. In the locations, 5G is one of several solutions, and in the coming days, we will present a broader plan for public feedback on how to bring highspeed internet to users in these bottlenecks and elsewhere in Estonia, using other technologies such as satellite data,” comment Minister Sutt. (Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelvalve Amet, 2022) The objective of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the evaluations of Tele2 Eesti AS 5G service users among the students at Tallinn University of Applied Sciences Service Management Institute and to understand their satisfaction with this service. The research tasks are: • To clarify the essence, possibilities, and limitations of 5G and its reception and reputation in Estonia. • To find the best way to conduct a market survey. • To conduct an empirical study using a selected methodology. • To analyze the results obtained and determine user satisfaction. • To make suggestions to Tele2 Eesti AS based on the research results. An empirical survey was conducted among the students at the Service Management Institute at Tallinn University of Applied Sciences. The survey was sent to 634 students, and 43 responded. Since the author studied at this university, it was the reason why the survey was conducted there. The survey aimed to understand how many students use the Tele2 Eesti AS 5G service and how satisfied they are with it. Based on the results, suggestions were made to Tele2 Eesti AS on how to improve service satisfaction. The survey results showed that out of 43 respondents, 19 were very satisfied with the service, 22 found it satisfactory, and 2 were dissatisfied. The main problems are related to 5G coverage, both indoors and outdoors, especially in rural areas where service is poorly accessible or low quality. The survey also revealed that reputation is important, if not very important, to respondents. Improving the reputation of Tele2 Eesti AS in the eyes of current and potential customers is crucial. Overall, the survey revealed that there are no major issues with Tele2 Eesti AS 5G service, but it is definitely worth increasing awareness of the advantages and possibilities of 5G by implementing targeted marketing campaigns, thus taking the provision of this service to the next level.



