Koolibussiliinide peatuste ohutus Mustvee vallas



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolev lõputöö on valminud Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli ning Transpordiameti ühise kompleksuuringu raames, mille eesmärgiks on saada ülevaade koolilaste transpordi korraldusest kooli ja tagasi. Kompleksuuringu tulemused on aluseks hilisemate muudatuste läbiviimiseks probleemsetes bussipeatustes Transpordiameti ning KOV poolt, mille käigus pööratakse erilist tähelepanu õpilaste ohutusele kooli ja koju liiklemisel. Lõputöö on 56 leheküljel, kasutatud on 16 kirjandusallikat ning 25 joonist, töös on kuus lisa 15 leheküljel. Uurimistöö tulemustest selgus, et peamiseks transpordivahendiks laste sõidutamisel on auto ning koolibuss. Koolibussi kasutamine sõltus peamiselt kodu ja kooli vahelisest vahemaast, kooli ja töö marsruudi kattumisest, koolibussi liinide olemasolust ning bussigraafiku sobivusest. Koolibusside teenust kasutatakse igapäevaselt, mistõttu valmistasid lastevanemate jaoks enim muret peatuste piirkonnas kiiruspiirangute ning tänavalgustuste puudumine, bussipeatuse kaugus kodust, maantee ületamine ebasobivates kohtades, rasked ilmastikuolud talviti ning bussi oodates laste viibimine tee ääres. Sellest tulenevalt oli lastevanemate rahulolu peatustega pigem madal. Lastevanemate jaoks on väga tähtis, et neid kaasataks rohkem peatuste planeerimise protsessi. Lapsevanemad on korduvalt pöördunud valla poole seoses probleemsete bussipeatustega, kuid vald ei ole lastevanemate murele reageerinud ega muudatusi teinud. Lapsevanemad soovivad, et kergliiklusteed oleks valgustatud, bussipeatustel oleksid olemas korrektsed tähistused ning, et bussid ei peatuks liiklusohtlikes kohtades mugavuse eesmärgil. Peatuste vaatluse tulemustest selgus, et peatuste üldine keskmine skoor oli alla keskmise. Kõrgeima punktiskooriga peatusteks olid Tudu, Mustvee ning Avinurme. Madalaimad skoorid said Vadi, Jaaguvälja, Rajametsa ja Laekannu peatused. Kõige madalamad punktid peatuste osas olid Ruskavere-Voore liinil, kus enamik selle liini peatustest said väga kehva hinnangu võrreldes teiste Mustvee valla koolibussiliinidega. Kõrgemate tulemustega peatused sellel liinil olid Ruskavere, Kääpa ning Veia peatused, kuid need peatused jäävad oma punktiskoorilt kõvasti alla Tudu, Mustvee ning Avinurme peatustele. Autor näeb Mustvee valla kooliliinide peatuste puhul palju probleemseid ning muret tekitavaid kohti. Autor arvab, et Mustvee valla kooliliinide puhul on palju peatuseid, mida on vaja muuta, et tagada lastele turvalisus ja ohutus kooli ja koju liiklemisel.

This thesis has been completed within the framework of a joint complex study of Tallinn University of Technology and the Transport Board, the aim of which is to get an overview of the organization of school children's transport to and from school. The results of the complex study are the basis for subsequent changes in problematic bus stops by the Transport Agency and the local government, during which special attention is paid to the safety of students when traveling to school and home. The thesis is on 56 pages, 16 literature sources and 25 schemes have been used, there are six appendices in work on 15 pages. The results of the research showed that the main means of transport used by children are cars and school buses. The use of the school bus mainly depended on the distance between home and school, the overlap between school and work routes, the availability of school bus routes and the suitability of the bus schedule. The school bus service is used on a daily basis, which is why the biggest concerns for parents were the lack of speed limits and daytime lighting in the bus stop area, the distance of the bus stop from home, crossing the road in inappropriate places, severe weather conditions in winter, and children being on the side of the road while waiting for the bus. Consequently, parents' satisfaction with the stops was rather low. It is very important for parents to be more involved in the process of planning stops. Parents have repeatedly appealed to the municipality regarding problematic bus stops, but the municipality has not responded to the parents' concerns or made any changes. Parents want the light traffic roads to be lighted, the bus stops to have correct markings, and the buses not to stop in traffic-threatening places for the sake of convenience. The results of the observation of the stops revealed that the overall average score of the stops was below average. The stops with the highest score were Tudu, Mustvee and Avinurme. The lowest scores were given to the Vadi, Jaaguvälja, Rajametsa and Laekannu stops. The lowest points in terms of stops were on the Ruskavere-Voore line, where most of the stops on this line received a very poor rating compared to other Mustvee parish school bus lines. The stops with higher results on this line were the Ruskavere, Kääpa and Veia stops, but these stops are far below the Tudu, Mustvee and Avinorme stops in terms of their score. The author sees many problematic and worrisome places for school line stops in Mustvee municipality. The author thinks that there are many stops in Mustvee municipality's school lines that need to be changed in order to ensure children's safety and security when traveling to and from school.



Transport::Liikluskorraldus::Liiklusohutus, Transport::Reisijatevedu
