Õppevahend „Auto mootori ja jõuülekande juhtimine“ sõiduauto Lexus baasil



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli luua keskkond diagnostikute õpetamiseks mootori stendi abil. Keskkonna loomine oli jagatud ülesanneteks. Allakirjutanu ülesanne oli välja töötada stendi raam, et see oleks kompaktne ja vastupidav ning kõik komponendid olid juurdepääsetavad. Järgmine samm oli stendi valmistamine. Teiseks ülesandeks oli jahutussüsteemi väljatöötamine. Arvutuslikult kontrolliti vedelik-vedelik soojusvahetite kasutamise võimalusi, kontrollarvutus sooritati vedelik-õhk jahutussüsteemile. Mootori poolt toodetud energia jahutamiseks on vaja kasutusele võtta vedelik-vedelik soojusvaheti ja maapinda on vaja uputada vedeliku mahuti mahuga 2000 liitrit. Järgmine osa sisaldas toite- ja väljalaskesüsteemi läbitöötamist. Oli vaja selgeks teha palju jõuseade tarvitab õhku ja toodab heitgaase. Tuli põhjalikult uurida ventilatsiooni ehitust ning võimalusi. Väljaõpetamise keskkond peab olema väga turvaline õppurite jaoks ning kõik ohutustehnika reeglid peavad olema täidetud. On olemas kindlad standardid ja seadused, millele vastavad sellised asutused.

The thesis topic “The learning tool for a vehicle engine and powertrain management based on a Lexus passenger car”. Automotive industry developments have brought electronic control of the systems. This makes it possible to control and manage a variety of aggregates and to obtain information about the vehicle condition. In normal use of cars, faults are occurring and those which are related to the electronics leave their track in the electronic control unit as an error code. Error code is the combination of numbers and letters. It is obtained by measurements of the electrical system and comparing results with values stored in the computer. Diagnostics is the process in which car technical condition is being analyzed with use of the computer and mechanical methods. The result of this is the diagnosis. Diagnostics is performed by the trained person whose profession is the diagnostician. Diagnostician is a person who knows and understands the structure of car systems. He is able to diagnose the condition of the various systems, perform necessary control tests and measure every electrical signal. Learning tool is an object that has been created by man for the purpose of the learning process. It is used for the education and professional information operations as a carrier. They can be as paper files, electronic documents, visual or as demonstrative devices. The aim of this thesis is to create an environment for training diagnostician in which is used the demonstrative teaching tool based on Lexus passenger car. Learning tool consists of the engine with the automatic transmission combined with the ZF intarder. Creation of that environment is divided in to tasks. The first was to develop a test bed for the engine and transmission. It must be compact, sturdy and all components would be accessible. Second task was development of the cooling system. This is very important and volumetric part. The amount of heat that is moving in internal combustion engines is a peculiar science, which is affected by all surrounding factors. It was necessary to calculate a variety of options to cool the test stand and make an important choice. After calculating and long discussion the decision was to use combined system, where we are using ambient air as well as water for cooling test bed. The next part includes processing of the supply and exhaust system. It is necessary to know how much fresh air is consumed and emissions produced by the engine. Also it was necessary to investigate ventilation system. At the moment this part remains open because some of the parameters are missing in order to make a final decision. The environment must be very safe for the learners. All safety regulations must be met. There are certain standards and laws to which correspond such institutions.


