Keila linna tänavavalgustuse renoveerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva lõputöö probleemiks oli, et Keila linna olemasolev tänavavalgustus on amortiseerunud, valgustus on ebapiisav ega vasta kehtivatele nõuetele, mis on ohtlik jalakäijatele ning samuti ka mootorsõidukitega liiklejatele. Töö eesmärgiks oli vana amortiseerunud valgustuse uue, energiasäästliku ja nõuetele vastava valgustuse projekteerimisega. Lõputöö raames mõõdistati olemasolev olukord ning sellega seoses uuriti erinevate tootjate valgustite sobivust Haapsalu maantee ja Pargi tänava näitel. Selgitati välja sõidutee parameetrid ning määrati valgustusklass, Haapsalu maanteel saadi selleks M4 ja Pargi tänaval M6. Samuti valiti välja valgustid ülekäigurajale vastavalt EVS 935-1:2017 standardile. Järgnevalt valiti välja sobivad valgustid. Valgusti valik tehti projekteerimisprogrammiga DIALux Evo. Valgustite valikul lähtuti nelja tootja valgustist. Nendeks tootjateks olid Philips, Performance In Lighting, Schreder ja Niteko. Koostati tellijale parameetrites võrdlustabel ja arvutustulemuste võrdlustabel. Ülekäiguraja puhul valiti valgusti kolme tootja vahelt, Detas Stratos, Philips ja Vizulo, mille põhjal koostati samuti võrdlustabelid tellijale. Viimaseks etapiks oli valgustite majandusanalüüsi tegemine, samuti koostati valgustite emissiooni arvutused. Analüüsi tulemusena osutus kõige kiiremini ära tasuvaks valgustiks Philips valgusti, 15,7 aastaga. Samuti oli see kõige väiksema emissiooni kuluga valgusti. Valminud töö tulemuseks on Haapsalu maanteel ja Pargi tänaval välja valitud tellijale kõige sobivam valguslahendus ja teelõikudel on valmis tööprojekt.

The problem of this dissertation was that the existing street lighting in the city of Keila is depreciated, the lighting is insufficient and does not meet the current requirements, which is dangerous for pedestrians as well as motorists. The aim of the work was to design new, energy-efficient and compliant lighting for old depreciated lighting. In the framework of the dissertation, the existing situation was measured and in this connection the suitability of luminaires of different manufacturers was studied on the example of Haapsalu road and Pargi street. The parameters of the roadway were determined and the lighting class was determined, M4 was obtained on Haapsalu highway and M6 on Pargi street. Luminaires for the pedestrian crossing were also selected according to the EVS 935-1: 2017 standard. Suitable luminaires were then selected. The luminaire was selected with the design program DIALux Evo. The selection of luminaires was based on luminaires from four manufacturers. These manufacturers were Philips, Performance In Lighting, Schreder and Niteko. A comparison table and a comparison table of calculation results were prepared for the customer. In the case of the pedestrian crossing, the luminaire was chosen from three manufacturers, Detas Stratos, Philips and Vizulo, on the basis of which comparison tables were also compiled for the customer. The last step was to perform an economic analysis of the luminaires, as well as calculations of the luminaire emission. As a result of the analysis, the fastest profitable luminaire turned out to be the Philips luminaire, in 15.7 years. It was also the luminaire with the lowest emission costs. The result of the completed work is the most suitable lighting solution for the customer selected on Haapsalu Road and Pargi Street, and a project has been completed on the road sections.


