Tugevvoolu põhiprojekt akustika labori näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärk oli kavandada kliendile tugevvoolu põhiprojekt akustikalaborile, mis vastaks kehtivatele standarditele ja arvestaks kliendi soove elektromagnetiliste häirete minimaliseerimiseks. Perspektiivne akustika labor mida klient soovib ehitada on mõeldud ventilatsiooni toodete testimiseks, mis on vajalik kvaliteedikontrolliks ja toote arenduseks. Projektis käsitleti mitmeid tehnilisi aspekte, sealhulgas kaabliteede ja potentsiaaliühtlustusskeemide projekteerimist, mis olid hädavajalikud labori funktsionaalsuse ja ohutuse tagamiseks. Töö tulemusena valmis tugevvoolu põhiprojekt, mis sisaldas jõupaigaldise plaane, jaotuskeskuste skeeme, potentsiaaliühtlustuse skeemi ning kaabliteede- ja magistraalliinide plaane ning ehitusinfo mudelit. Projekteerimisprotsessi käigus ilmnesid mitmed puudused ja vajadused parandustöödeks, mida peale ekspertiisi käsitleti. Ekspertiisi teostas „Akukon Eesti OÜ” ning läbivaatamisel tuvastati erinevaid projekteerimisvigu mis olid kas töö autori vead või kliendi poolt ebatäpne lähteinfo. Ekspertiisi paranduste käigus tehtud täiendused ja kliendi nõuetele vastavad lahendused tagasid, et akustikalabor vastas kõikidele tehnilistele ja kliendi nõuetele. Lõputöö eesmärgid said täidetud. Põhiprojekt sai üle antud kliendile ja kiideti heaks. Projekt andis ka väärtuslikku ja praktilist kogemust tugevvoolu põhiprojekti projekteerimisest ning kaablirennide valikust ja paigutamisest, rõhutades elektromagnetiliste häirete minimaliseerimist. Käesoleva tugevvoolu põhiprojekti projekteerimine tuli kasuks töö autorile ja autori ettevõttele.

The thesis is titled "Tugevvoolu põhiprojekt akustika labori näitel" and was aimed at creating an electrical installation main project of an acoustical laboratory that complies with current standards and considers the client's requirements for minimizing electromagnetic interference. This project was chosen by the author in collaboration with the author's thesis advisor. “ITK Inseneribüroo OÜ” is the engineering company where the author of this thesis works, and he was offered to design this project. The first part of the thesis was building description where the author explained that the acoustic laboratory was to be built within an existing two-story warehouse and production building in lasnamäe, Tallinn, in the northwest corner of the building. The laboratory consists of the laboratory space, speaker room, reverberation room, office, airflow measuring room and storage. The laboratory's internal layout included two soundproof rooms connected by ducts with noise-reducing elements. This is designed to measure the acoustic properties of ventilation products, which is important for quality control and product development. The second part of the thesis was the description of standards and different documentation that was used for creating the electrical installation main project. The third part of the thesis included the design of power installation plans, distribution boards, equipotential schematic, and the layout of cable paths and trunk lines. The project also involved the creation of a building information model (BIM) to assist with integration during the construction phase and facilitate budgeting for the project materials. Forth and the last part was the expertise process, which was conducted by “Akukon Eesti OÜ”. Several deficiencies were identified and addressed. The expertise highlighted seven various design errors due to inaccurate initial information from the client or mistakes by the author. All the deficiencies were corrected to ensure the laboratory met all technical specifications and client requirements. The project's completion met the thesis's objectives by delivering the electrical installation main project to the client that adhered to all standards and client specifications. The project provided valuable experience to the author of this thesis and the company he works for in electrical installation main project design and the placement of cable trays to minimize electromagnetic interference.



Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamine::Elektrivarustus ja automaatika, Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamine::Ehitusinfo modelleerimine (BIM)
