Hankeprotsess sobivaima tarnija leidmiseks brändile Rebellionaires

dc.contributor.advisorTuulik, Diana
dc.contributor.authorKroon, Ella
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärk oli otsida sobivaim tarnija brändile Rebellionaires, kes pakub trikookanga kudumise ja digitrükkimise teenust. Lõputöö teoreetilises osas käsitleti hankeprotsessi olemust, selle läbiviimist, tarnijate hindamist ja valimist. Samuti anti ülevaade digitaalsest tekstiilitrükist ning trükikvaliteedi hindamise meetoditest, milleks valiti värvipüsivus pesemisele ja värvipüsivus hõõrdumisele nii kuiva kui märja abikangaga. Töö empiirilises osas otsiti tarnijaid, kes pakuvad trikookanga kudumis- ja digitrükkimise teenust. Selleks kasutati GOTS ja Öko-Tex ametlikke kodulehekülgi, kus on andmebaasid sertifikaate omavate ettevõtete kohta, lisaks otsiti tarnijaid kasutades interneti otsingumootorit Google. Tuginedes eelvaliku kriteeriumidele nagu geograafiline kaugus, pakutavate toodete või teenuste loetelu, toodete või teenuste oletatav hinnatase ja eeldatav kvaliteeditase, saadeti päringud erinevatele tarnijatele. Päringud sisaldasid küsimusi hinna, tellimuse miinimumkoguse, tarneaja, maksetingimuste ja keskkonda säästvate sertifikaatide olemasolu kohta. Seejärel määrati tarnija valiku võtmekriteeriumid, milliseid tegureid hindamiskriteeriumidena kasutada. Hindamiskriteeriumideks määrati hind, kvaliteet, tellimuse miinimumkogus, makse- ja tarnetingimused ning GOTS ja/või Öko-Tex sertifikaatide olemasolu. Tarnijate hindamisel peeti kvaliteedikriteeriumi all silmas trükitud kanga kvaliteeti. Digitrükitud trikookanga kvaliteeti hinnati kahe testi abil, esimeseks testiks oli värvipüsivus pesemise toimele ja teiseks värvipüsivus hõõrdumisele nii kuiva kui märja abikangaga. Testid viidi läbi Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli laboris tuginedes Rahvusvahelise Standardiorganisatsiooni ISO standarditele. Lõpetuseks sisestati kõik saadud andmed tabelisse ning kõiki tarnijaid hinnati kõigi tabelis olevate hindamiskriteeriumide põhjal. Mida suurem oli hindamisel saadud summaarne hindepunktide arv, seda rohkem vastas võimalik tarnija ettevõtte vajadustele. Töö lõpus tehti järeldused, milline tarnija, kes teostaks trikookanga kudumise ja digitrükkimise teenust, on ettevõttele sobivaim. Selgus, et ettevõtte OÜ NKA vajadustele vastab kõige paremini Leedu ettevõte AB Utenos trikotazas. Ettevõte ei paku küll teiste tarnijatega võrreldes kõige soodsamat hinda ja maksetingimusi, kuid muud kriteeriumid nagu toodete digitrüki kvaliteet, tellimuse miinimumkogused, tarneaeg ja keskkonda säästvate sertifikaatide olemasolu on hinnatud kõrgeima võimaliku hindega.et
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the present diploma thesis was to search the most suitable supplier for the brand Rebellionaires that offers the service of weaving and digital printing of a knitted fabric. In the theoretical part of the thesis the nature of the supply process, the conducting of it, the selection and evaluation of the suppliers were discussed. Also, the overview of digital textile printing and the methods of evaluating the printing quality were presented. For this purpose colour fastness to washing and colour fastness to friction both with a dry and wet adjacent fabric were selected. In the empirical part of the thesis we were looking for the suppliers that offer the service of weaving and digital printing of knitted fabric. For this purpose the official websites of GOTS and Oeko-Tex were used where there are the databases of the enterprises possessing the certificates. In addition, the suppliers were searched by utilizing the Google search engine. By considering the criteria like geographical distance, the list of products and services offered, the approximate price level of the products or services and their expected quality level the inquiries were sent to different suppliers. The inquiries included the questions about the price, the minimum quantity of the order, the delivery time, payment terms and the existence of the certificates of environmentally sustainable standards. Thereupon the key criteria of supplier selection were determined – what kind of factors should be used as the selection criteria. The following were determined as the selection criteria: the price, quality, minimum quantity of the order, payment and delivery terms, and the existence of the certificates of GOTS and/or Oeko-Tex. By the evaluation of the supplier the quality of the printed fabric was considered as the quality criterion. The quality of the digitally printed knitted fabric was evaluated through two tests performed. The first one was colour fastness to washing and the second one was colour fastness to friction by using both the dry and wet adjacent fabric. The tests were performed in the laboratory of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences based on the ISO standards of the International Organisation for Standardisation. Finally, all the data gathered were entered into the table and all suppliers were evaluated based on all the evaluation criteria listed in the table. The higher the total number of points, the more appropriate was the potential supplier to meet the needs of the enterprise. At the end of the thesis conclusions were made which supplier suited most for the enterprise’s needs to be able to offer the service of weaving and digital printing of the knitted fabric. It appeared that for the needs of the company OÜ NKA (NKA Llc.) the most suitable supplier was the Lithuanian company called AB Utenos trikotazas. This company, however, does not offer the cheapest price and payment terms compared to other suppliers, but the other criteria like the quality of the digital print of the products, minimum quantities of the order, the delivery time and the existence of the certificates of environmentally sustainable standards got the maximum points.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationClothing and Textiles--Field Studiesen
dc.subject.classificationRõivad ja tekstiilid--Tööuuringudet
dc.subject.otherRõiva- ja tekstiiliala ressursikorralduseet
dc.subject.otherResource Management in the Clothing and Textiles Industryen
dc.titleHankeprotsess sobivaima tarnija leidmiseks brändile Rebellionaires
dc.title.alternativeProcurement process for finding a suitable supplier for the brand Rebellionaires
