Projekti vead ja nende lahendused maantee õgvendusel
dc.contributor.advisor | Toome, Mati | | | Rits, Sander | | | 2021-03-17T12:07:58Z | | | 2021-03-17T12:07:58Z | | | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | Antud lõputöö hõlmas endas Riigimaantee nr 4 Tallinn – Pärnu – Ikla km 120,3-122,8 teelõigu ja uue Nurmeveski silla ehitus ning olemasoleva Nurme silla remondi projekti vigu ja nende lahendusi Lõputöö : “Projekti vead ja nende lahendused maantee õgvendusel” eesmärk oli anda ülevaade mis vead ja probleemid võivad ilmneda mitmekesise objekti erinevates etappides ning kuidas need lahendatakse Lõputöö koostamise aluseks oli isiklik igapäevane kokkupuude objektiga, Maanteeameti poolt tellitud ja Ramboll Eesti AS koostatud tehniline projekt ja Nurme Teedeehitus OÜ poolt koostatud täitedokumentatsioon. Lõputöö koosnes seitsmest alapeatükist. Esimeses osas tõi autor välja projekti üld info,. Teises osas sõidutee lõigu vead ja lahendused, kolmandas kergliiklustee, neljandas uue Nurmeveski silla rajamisega seonduvaid probleeme. Viies peatükk hõlmas endas olemasoleva Nurme silla rekonstrueerimis töödega seonduvaid lahendusi, kuues parklatega seonduvaid vigu ja muudatusi Käesolev lõputöö saab olema huvitav ja õpetlik lugemine mida illustreerivad fotod ja joonised . Autor sai kinnitust mis vigu võib projekt sisaldada ning mis probleeme võib kaasa tuua Sauga jõele iseloomulik lihkeohtlik geoloogia. Läbi sai töötatud erinevad tööetapid, kaasnenud probleemid ja nende lahendused. Tööde valmimisest on nüüdseks möödas ligi 3 aastat ja hetkeseisuga võib öelda, et lahendused on end õigustanud. | et |
dc.description.abstract | This final paper deals with the errors of the project and their solutions in the narrowing of the section of Nurme. The project included the construction of a 2 + 1 carriageway and the adjacent light traffic road, the construction of a new Nurmeveski bridge and the reconstruction of the old Nurme bridge. In addition, it embraced the construction of a new truck parking lot and the reconstruction of the parking lot by the Nurme bridge river. The project was commissioned by the Road Administration and designed by Ramboll Eesti AS. The primary objective of the project was to increase traffic safety. The author chose the topic of this final paper for the fact that in addition to the different types of tasks covered in the project, they also revealed numerous errors that had to be solved by the project team. Being a member of the team as an assistant engineer for owner supervision, the author was constantly at the site for 15 months and got a good overview of what was going on. The final paper consists of six subchapters. In the first chapter, the author presented the general information of the project. The second chapter covered the errors and solutions of the road section, while in the third chapter the author dealt with the construction of a light traffic road and in the fourth one, problems related to the construction of the new Nurmeveski bridge were addressed. The fifth chapter included solutions related to the reconstruction of the existing Nurme bridge and the sixth one included errors and changes concerning parking lots. The basis for preparation of the final paper was the author's personal daily contact with the object, the technical project ordered by the Road Administration and prepared by Ramboll Eesti AS, and the enforcement documentation prepared by Nurme Teedeehitus OÜ. This final paper provides an overview of the project, illustrated with photographs and figures. The author confirmed what errors the project may contain and what issues the negligible geology characteristic of the Sauga River may cause. The various stages of work, the difficulties involved and their solutions were studied. Approximately 3 years have passed since the work within the project was performed and as of today, the implemented solutions have proved their worth. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction--Road Building--Supervision of Construction Work | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Road Construction | en |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus--Teede ehitamine--Ehitusjärelevalve | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Teedeehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Teedeehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Road Construction | en |
dc.title | Projekti vead ja nende lahendused maantee õgvendusel | |
dc.title.alternative | Errors in the Project and Solutions for Narrowing the Road | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |