Eraisikute investeerimisteadlikkus- ja harjumused



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Investeerimine ja säästmine muutub aja jooksul aina aktuaalsemaks, sest soovitakse omale kindlamat rahalist tulevikku. Erinevatest teemakohastest uuringutest on selgunud, et eestlastel on investeerimiseks vajalikud finantsteadmised ning eeldused täiesti olemas. Kahjuks neid teadmisi ei rakendata ning pigem kasutatakse säästetud raha jooksvate kulude katteks kui tuleviku kindlustamiseks. Lõputöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli (TTK) üliõpilaste teadlikkus investeerimisest ja vajadusel leida võimalusi õppekavade arendamiseks investeerimisalaste pädevuste omandamiseks. Uuringu koostamisel kasutati kvantitatiivset survey meetodit. Uuringu eesmärgi saavutamiseks viidi läbi valimiülene uuring kõikide Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli tudengite seas, kes õpivad arhitektuuriinstituudis, ehitusinstituudis, logistikainstituudis, tehnoloogia ja ringmajanduse instituudis ning tehnikainstituudis ja teenusmajanduse instituudis. Tulemuste põhjal selgus, et 61% tudengitest on alustanud investeerimisega juba vanusevahemikus 10-27, mis on hea vanus alustamiseks. Samuti selgus, et TTK uuringus osalenud üliõpilaste investeerimisteadlikkus ja -harjumused on pigem madalad. Erinevate instituutide vahel leiti, et Logistikainstituudi üliõpilased on võrreldes teiste instituutidega parema investeerimisteadlikkusega. Samas kui õppekavade analüüsis tuli välja, et Teenusmajanduse ärijuhtimise erialal on investeeringute kohta eraldi õppeaine. Selle põhjal võib järeldada, et Teenusmajanduse instituudis investeeringute analüüsi õppeaine läbides on investeerimisteadlikke tudengeid enam kui Logistikainstituudis. Eesti finantskirjaoskuse uuringust saadi teada, et eestlaste teadlikkus finantstegevuste osas on kasvanud, kuid nende finantsteadmiste kasutamises märkimisväärseid muutusi ei täheldatud. Uuringus osalenud 164st üliõpilasest 105 vastas, et nende teadmised investeerimisest on kas algelised või üldse puuduvad. Uuringut koostati eeldusel, et Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli tudengid omavad häid teadmisi investeerimisest, kuid nende rahaline käitumine ei ole samal tasemel. Uurimistulemustest selgus, et Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli tudengite investeerimisalane teadlikkus on pigem madal ning vaid vähestel tudengitel on investeerimisalased teadmised kõrged. Peamiselt toodi välja, et investeerimisalaseid teadmisi hangiti internetist, teemakohastest artiklitest, sõpradelt, tuttavatelt ja perelt. Tudengite investeerimisalaste teadmiste ja huvi tõstmiseks võiksid asjatundjad rohkem tutvustada investeerimise positiivseid külgi ning julgustada investeerimisteekonna alustamist. Uuringu tulemustest avaldub, et igakuise sissetuleku ja investeeritava summa vahel on oluline seos. Tudengid, kes teenivad vähem, märkisid, et nende igakuised investeeringusummad jäävad pigem alla 100 euro, kui üle keskmise palga teenivate tudengite investeeringute summa jääb 200-500 euro vahele. Küsitluse analüüsi põhjal saadi teada, et TTK tudengid pigem investeerivad igakuiselt, kuid soovivad siiski oma teadmisi suurendada. Uuringust selgus, et tudengid, kes teenivad alla 584 euro ja üle 1500 euro, ei eelista ühte kindlat investeeringu liiki. Kõige populaarsemad investeerimisliigid vastanute seas olid ühisrahastus, aktsiad, indeksfondid ja krüptorahad. Õppekavade vaatlusel ja analüüsil saadi teada, et Teenusmajanduse instituudi ärijuhtimise erialal on käsitletud kõige rohkem investeerimisteemalisi põhimõtteid. Antud õppekavas on õppeaine investeeringute analüüs, kus üliõpilane saab analüüsida erinevaid investeerimisvõimalusi, strateegiaid ja riske, hinnata investeeringu tasuvust erinevate hindamiskriteeriumite alusel ning sõnastada investeerimisotsuseid. Investeerimist polnud üldse õppekavas Teenusmajanduse instituudis sotsiaaltöö erialal, kus investeerimist vaja ei lähe, kuid olukorras, kus sotsiaaltöö lõpetanud tudeng sooviks alustada oma ettevõtet, on need teadmised ettevõtte finantsotsustel kindlasti kasuks. Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli tudengitele anti võimalus vabas vormis kirjutada kommentaar, mis oleks nende ideed kõrgkoolile, et suurendada õppekavades investeerimisalaste teadmiste osa. Paljud kommentaarid üliõpilaste poolt olid erinevate loengute, seminaride ja sellealaste valikainete lisamine õppekavadesse. Nii saaksid kõik investeerimishuvilised tudengid oma teadmisi täiendada olenemata instituudist või erialast. Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli kõikide instituutide juhtkondadele tehakse ettepanek vaadata üle õppekavad, et üliõpilased saaksid rohkem teadmisi investeerimisest ja suurendada investeerimise harjumusi. Selleks lisada õppekavadesse finantskäitumisega ja investeerimisega seotud õppeaineid (sh valikaineid), samuti kutsuda loengutesse külalislektoreid ja pakkuda erinevaid koolitusi. Lõputöö autori arvates on lõputöö eesmärk täidetud.

Investing and saving money is becoming more and more important over time, since everyone wants to be more secure financial in the future. Various researches on the topic have shown that Estonians have a good financial knowledge and their financial behavior could be good, then for some reason this knowledge is not used and the money saved is used to cover current expenses rather than to secure the future. The topic of the thesis is the investment awareness and habits of individuals. The aim of the dissertation was to find out the investment awareness and habits of the students at Tallinn University of Technology. To achieve the goal of the thesis, the following tasks of the thesis were set:

  1. identify the theoretical principles of investment and the main investment opportunities and analyze their potential risks and threats;
  2. to present the methodology of the dissertation, which is the basis for conducting empirical research;
  3. to analyze the awareness and habits of Tallinn University of Technology students about investing;
  4. to analyze the content of the curricula of Tallinn University of Technology to assess the investment skills taught at the university;
  5. draw conclusions about students 'investment awareness and make proposals to increase students' investment activity. The dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first chapter describes the theoretical principles of investment, where the subchapters were divided into real investments and financial investments. The real investment subdivisions provided an overview of general information on real estate and land investment. However, the last subchapter of the first chapter described the possible dangers and risks of investing. The second chapter, the methodology of the empirical study, describes the deductive research method inspired by the study. The quantitative survey method was used in compiling the study. In order to achieve the aim of the study, a sample survey was conducted among all students at Tallinn University of Technology who study at the Institute of Architecture, the Institute of Civil Engineering, the Institute of Logistics, the Institute of Technology and Circular Economy, the Institute of Technology and the Institute of Service Economy. In addition, there was an analyzation the content of the curricula of Tallinn University of Technology in order to assess the investment skill taught at the university. The survey results showed that more than half of the students who answered the questionnaire, has started investing at the age of 10-27, but there were still 25 students in different age groups who had not started at all. It also turned out that the students who participated in the TTK survey have rather little investment awareness and habits. It turned out between the different institutes that the students at the Institute of Logistics have a better investment awareness compared to other institutes, and among them both 9 men and 9 women thought. The Estonian financial literacy survey revealed that Estonians' awareness of financial activities has increased, but no significant changes were observed in the use of their financial knowledge. Of the 164 students who participated in the survey, 105 answered that their knowledge of investing is either rudimentary or non-existent. The survey was prepared on the assumption that the students at Tallinn University of Technology who answered the survey have a good knowledge of investing, but their financial behavior is not at the same level, it did not respond to this assumption. The results of the research revealed that the investment awareness of the students at Tallinn University of Technology is rather low and there are only a few who have higher investment knowledge. It was mainly pointed out that investment knowledge was obtained from articles on the Internet, as well as from friends, acquaintances, and family. To develop the knowledge of individuals about increasing investment, the relevant points should be included in various curricula of the specialty. By increasing the number of students with more than average investment knowledge, it is important to see whether investment clubs or individuals promote the positive features of investment more and involve more people in acquiring investment knowledge. Higher education institutions can also include various thematic lectures in their curricula to arouse students' interest in how to invest their money without having to take another job. The results of the survey show there is an important relationship between the total income received and the investment per month. Students who earn less have also indicated that their monthly investment amounts are rather less than 100 euros, while the amount of investments of students earning above average salary is more than 200-500 euros. The analysis of the survey revealed that TTK students tend to invest monthly, but still want to increase their knowledge. The survey found that students earning less than €584 and those earning more than €1,500 do not come up with a particular type of investment that is preferred. The most popular types of investments remained for all respondents, such as mutual funds, shares, index funds and cryptocurrencies. The observation and analysis of the curricula revealed that in the field of business management of the Institute of Service Economics, the principles of investment have been touched the most, where the curriculum includes the analysis of investments in the subject. The student can analyze different investment opportunities, strategies and risks, assess the return on investment on the basis of different evaluation criteria and formulate investment decisions. At the Institute of Service Economics field of social work there was the least, if not all, investment in the curriculum. This could be logical that investing in general may not be necessary in this field, but if a student who graduates in social work would like to start their own business, then this knowledge is good to have to make different financial decisions. Many of the comments made by the students what could be done better to increase the investing in the studies, was to add various lectures, seminars or to bring electives in the curricula. All the students are interested in investing and would like to improve their knowledge of investing, then they could do so in every institute. There is a suggestion to the Tallinn University of Technology that the management of all institutes review the curricula and consider the wishes of TTK students to get more opportunities at school to improve their knowledge of investing. Add to the curricula of financial behavior, wherever investment knowledge would be useful for the specialty, lectures by guest lecturers, create new investment electives or offer various trainings. From the already existing lessons, where the lecturers briefly describe real-life situations about investments, go deeper and even make it one of the learning outcomes.



TTK Subject Categories::Majandus and ärijuhtimine, TTK Subject Categories::Majandus and ärijuhtimine::Majandusanalüüs
