Saku valla keskkonnahoidlike avalike ürituste korraldamise juhend
dc.contributor.advisor | Vilms, Monica | | | Vard, Stiina | | | 2024-06-03T07:03:03Z | | | 2024-06-03T07:03:03Z | | | 2024-05-13 | |
dc.description.abstract | Keskkonnahoidlikuks teeb ürituse see, kui selle planeerimisel ja läbiviimisel on arvestatud kõigi võimalike meetmetega kuidas negatiivset keskkonnamõju vähendada ning taastumatute ressursside kasutamist vältida. Keskkonnahoidliku ürituse puhul on peamisteks võtmesõnadeks vastutustundlikkus ja jätkusuutlikkus. Avalike ürituste valdkond on muutumas aina suuremaks ning seetõttu kaasnevad sellega paratamatult nii positiivsed kui ka negatiivsed keskkonnamõjud. Kuivõrd üritustel on võimalik suhelda otseselt paljude inimestega, tõsta seeläbi teadlikkust ning mõjutada neid tegema keskkonnahoidlikumaid valikuid, siis on ürituste kaudu võimalik ellu viia positiivseid muutusi. Saku vald on vald Harjumaa keskosas, mille territoorium on ligikaudu 170 km2 ning 2024. aasta 1. märtsi seisuga oli vallas 11 902 elanikku. Seni on Saku vallas keskkonnahoidlikke põhimõtteid rakendatud üritustel nagu Saku kevadlaat ja festival Sack von Sound. Keskkonnahoidlikud tegevused on siiani seisnenud jäätmete liigiti kogumises ja korduskasutatavate toidunõude kasutamises. Keskkonnahoidliku ürituse korraldamiseks vaid neist tegevustest ei piisa. Kuivõrd seni on puudunud konkreetsed riiklikud nõuded keskkonnahoidlike avalike ürituste korraldamiseks, siis nägi Saku Vallavalitsus vajadust koostada juhendmaterjal, kus on pandud paika täpsed kriteeriumid. Käesoleva lõputöö raames koostati Saku valla keskkonnahoidlike avalike ürituste korraldamise juhend, mille eesmärk on olla nii praktiline juhendmaterjal kui ka panna paika kindlad nõuded, millest kõik Saku valla avalike ürituste korraldajad peavad lähtuma. Juhend on koostatud lähtudes riiklikest ja kohalikest õigusaktidest, nendest tulenevatest nõuetest ja põhimõtetest ning Euroopa Liidu keskkonnapoliitikast. Juhendi koostamiseks on muuhulgas kasutatud mitmeid teadusartikleid, uurimusi, välisriikides avaldatud keskkonnahoidlike ürituste korraldamise juhendeid ning teisi asjakohaseid internetiallikaid. Juhend käsitleb eraldi peatükkidena järgmisi teemasid: • ressursitõhusus, • toitlustus ja toidunõud, • jäätmete liigiti kogumine, • transport, • ümbritsev keskkond, • kommunikatsioon. Saku valla keskkonnahoidlike avalike ürituste korraldamise juhendi kinnitas Saku Vallavalitsus 26.03.2024 korraldusega nr 209. Edaspidi on vastavalt Saku valla jäätmehoolduseeskirjale kohustus kõigil Saku vallas avalike ürituste korraldajatel järgida juhendis toodud kohustuslikke nõudeid. Samuti on avalike ürituste korraldajatel kohustus taotleda vallavalitsuselt avalike ürituse korraldamise luba, mille otsusega edastatakse taotlejale ka Saku valla keskkonnahoidlike avalike ürituste juhend. Juhendi paremaks rakendamiseks viis lõputöö autor läbi intervjuud Saku valla suuremate ürituse korraldajate, Saku Valla Kultuurikeskuse ja Saku Valla Noortekeskuse juhatajatega. Intervjuu käigus selgus, et ürituse korraldajate hinnangul on nende üritused siiani üsna keskkonnahoidlikud olnud, kuid siiski on kohti, mis vajavad parandamist. Murekohaks toodi näiteks korduskasutatavate toidunõude rakendamise süsteemi keerukust ning piiratud eelarvelisi vahendeid, mistõttu pole nad saanud teha mõningaid vajalikke investeeringuid ürituste keskkonnahoidlikumaks muutmiseks. Mõlemad ürituste korraldajad tõid välja, et nad loodavad edaspidi teha vallavalitsusega rohkem koostööd, et üritusi keskkonnahoidlikult korraldada ning nad näevad vajadust täiendavate koolituste järele. | |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of the thesis The Guide for Organizing Environmentally Friendly Public Events in Saku Municipality is to prepare a guide for organizing environmentally friendly public events in Saku municipality. In the course of the thesis, the environmental aspects related to the organization of events in Saku municipality are taken into account, and according to them, a guide for the organization of environmentally friendly public events is drawn up based on various researches, scientific sources and international legal principles. The thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists of two chapters, in which the first chapter describes the background of Saku municipality and the local institutions that organize public events. Saku municipality is a municipality in the central part of Harju County, the territory of which is approximately 170 km2 with approximately 11,900 inhabitants. Until now, Saku municipality has implemented environmentally friendly principles at events such as the Saku spring fair and the Sack von Sound festival. Environmentally friendly activities have so far consisted of collecting waste by type and using reusable food containers. As far as there have been no specific national requirements for the organization of environmentally friendly public events, the Saku Municipal Government saw the need to prepare an instructional material with precise criteria. In the second chapter, the events with environmentally friendly aspects carried out in Saku municipality are described, and the legal acts and environmental principles, based on which the guide is prepared, are separately explained. The practical part of the thesis also consists of two chapters. The first chapter describes the preparation of the guidelines for the organization of environmentally friendly events in Saku municipality and the data and facts used as a basis for its preparation. The guidelines are based on legislation established in Estonia, such as the Waste Act, the Packaging Act and the General Part of the Environmental Code Act. The waste framework directive of the European Union and the directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment have also been taken into account. The guide deals with the following topics in separate chapters: • resource efficiency, • catering and dishes, • waste collection by type, • transport, • surrounding environment, • communication. The guide is structured in such a way that the mandatory requirements are listed separately, and some recommendations are also given that the event organizer may take into account, but does not have to. The chapter also contains the establishment and future implementation of the guidelines completed during the work. The guidelines for organizing environmentally friendly public events in Saku municipality were approved by the Saku Municipal Government on 26.03.2024 with order no. 209. From that point on all organizers of public events in Saku municipality are obliged to comply with the mandatory requirements stated in the guidelines. The organizers of public events are also obliged to apply for a permit to organize a public event from the municipal government, with the decision of which the Saku municipality's environmentally friendly public events guide will also be forwarded to the applicant. The second chapter of the practical section contains interviews conducted with the managers of two major event organizers in Saku municipality, Saku Municipality’s Culture Center and Saku Municipality’s Youth Center. In the course of the interviews, the event organizers' previous experiences in conducting environmentally friendly events, related bottlenecks and their suggestions for better future cooperation with the Saku Municipal Government for organizing environmentally friendly events were mapped. During the interview, it became clear that according to the organizers of the event that their events have been quite environmentally friendly so far, but there are still aspects that need improvement. For example, the complexity of the system for implementing reusable food containers and the limited budgetary resources were cited as a point of concern, which is why they have not been able to make some of the necessary investments to make the events more environmentally friendly. Both event organizers pointed out that they hope to cooperate more with the Saku Municipal Government in order to organize events in an environmentally friendly way, and they see the need for additional training. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject | Keskkonnatehnoloogia::Keskkonnakaitse | |
dc.subject.other | Keskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimine | |
dc.title | Saku valla keskkonnahoidlike avalike ürituste korraldamise juhend | |
dc.title.alternative | The Guide for Organizing Environmentally Friendly Public Events in Saku Municipality | |
dc.type | lõputöö |