Veokijuhtide sõidu-, töö- ja puhkeaaja nõuete rikkumised ja nende eeldatavad põhjused

dc.contributor.advisorSiitan, Priit
dc.contributor.authorTõemets, Siim
dc.description.abstractTöö- ja puhkeaja jaotusel ööpäevas on otsene mõju inimese tervisele. Väsinud töötaja kulutab sama töö tegemiseks rohkem aega, teeb sagedamini hiljem parandamist vajavaid vigu ning on loominguliselt vähem produktiivne. Juhi väsimuslik seisund ei pruugi olla ainult vähesest magamisest, vaid see võib tuleneda ka haiguslikust seisundist, manustatavatest ravimitest või uimastitest. Väsimus võib põhjustada tööõnnetusi ning pidevalt sellises seisundis olemise tagajärjeks võib muu hulgas olla kutsehaigestumine. Seetõttu on suur vastutus ettevõttete veokijuhtidel olla liikluses hoolas ning järgida ettenähtud nõudeid. Veokijuhid eksivad peamiselt, siis kui nad ei ole motiveeritud töötama või ei hooma tööga kaasnevaid riske. Kui juht on väsimusseisundist tulenevalt eksinud töö-, sõidu- ja/või puhkeajanõuete vastu, on ta mitmeid kordi tõenäolisem sattuma liiklusõnnetusse. Tänu PPA ja TI tööle näeme, et antud nõuete vastu eksitakse aastast-aastasse üha vähem. Sellegipoolest on veel tükk tööd ees ning on ka mõningaid nõudeid, mille vastu eksimuste arv on suurenenud, näiteks sõidumeeriku andmete (salvestiste) esitamata jätmine või sõidumeeriku manipuleerimine. Liiklusõnnetuste osakaal on viimastate aastate jooksul Eestis püsinud võrdlemisi stabiilsena. Tõusnud on aga TI ja PPA poolt tehtava järelevalve mahu hulk. Kuna eelnevad aastad on toimunud majandusõitseng, on see soosinud ettevõtete kasvu. See tähendab, et töömaht ja liikluses osalevate sõidukite arvud on küll tõusnud, kuid liiklusõnnetuste koguarvu tugevalt mõjutanud ei ole. Transpordisektoris tegutsevad ettevõtted teevad palju ennetavat tööd iseseisvalt. Järjest rohkem analüüsitakse juhtide tööd ja pannakse rõhku tervise ning heaolu aspektidele. Veokijuhid eksivad ettemääratud nõuete vastu peamiselt inimliku eksimuse, suure töökoormuse ja halbade ning ettearvamatute tingimuste tõttu parklates või liikluses. Perioodil 2015-2019 on TTK poolt väljastatud pädevustunnistuste arv veoseveo raames suurenenud ning sõitjateveo raames vähenenud. Maanteeameti poolt väljastatud ameti- ja täiendkoolituse läbitavuse arv on veoautojuhtide näol tõusnud ja bussijuhtide puhul võrdlemisi stabiilsena püsinud. 31.03.2020 seisuga oli Eesti Vabariigis 27725 kutselist veoautojuhti, kellel kehtib ameti-või täienduskoolituse kirjega pädevustunnistus või vastav kirje juhiloal. 05.04.2019 seisuga oli 8048 kutselist bussijuhti, kellel kehtib ameti- või täienduskoolituse kirjega pädevustunnistus või vastav kirje
dc.description.abstractThe following thesis is Infringments of Driving, Working and Rest by Truck Drivers and Their Expected Causes. The driver is at the wheel most of the time and is involved in traffic. He is the holder of a greater danger, and any mistake or breach of traffic requirements can cause great harm to himself and his fellow road users. Therefore, it is important to comply with the requirements as well as the supervision requirements provided by law. Violations of the requirements for truck drivers in Estonia have been little studied and at the moment there is no specific overview of their direct impact on traffic. However, it is an unfortunate fact that in the transport sector, more than 3,700 people around the world die every day as a result of road accidents, and 10 million people are injured or die each year as a result of road accidents. The aim of this thesis is to study the observance of the requirements of driving, working and rest time in the transport sector in Estonia and the exercising supervision and control. Citing examples of research conducted abroad, campaigns and documented statistics. Of which the main thesis task is to analyze the expected reasons for truck drivers why the requirements established by traffic laws are not observed. By highlighting the current requirements of legal acts and combining the statistical data of the trade unions performing traffic supervision into one survey. The causes of traffic accidents in Estonia are not sufficiently studied from the point of view of fatigue. A fatal traffic accident is recorded as a "traffic accident" but is not subject to a background check or statistical analysis. If a person survives and claims to have fallen asleep at the wheel, the driver's pre-crash behavior should be investigated. How much has the driver slept, been on the road, what is his state of health and many other factors. Such statistical analyzes would help to prevent traffic accidents much better in the future, to make traffic changes if possible, and to adjust the traffic law if necessary. The daily distribution of work and rest has a direct impact on human health. A tired employee spends more time doing the same job, more often makes mistakes that need to be corrected later, and is creatively less productive. The driver's fatigue may not only be due to a lack of sleep, but may also be due to a medical condition, medication or drugs being administered. Fatigue can lead to accidents at work, and being in this condition all the time can lead to, among other things, occupational diseases. Therefore, it is a great responsibility of company truck drivers to be diligent in traffic and to comply with the prescribed requirements. Truck drivers mainly make mistakes if they are not motivated to work or do not understand the risks associated with work. If a driver has violated work, driving and / or rest time requirements due to fatigue, he is many times more likely to be involved in an accident. Thanks to the work of the Police and Work Inspectorte trade unions, we can see that less and less mistakes are being made against these requirements year after year. However, there is still a lot of work to be done and there are some claims against which the number of errors has increased, such as failure to provide tachograph data (recordings) or tampering with the tachograph. The share of traffic accidents in Estonia has remained relatively stable in recent years. However, the volume of supervision by the Police and Work Inspectorte trade unions has increased. As economic growth has taken place in previous years, it has favored the growth of companies. This means that the workload and the number of vehicles involved in traffic have increased, but the total number of accidents has not been strongly affected. Companies operating in the transport sector do a lot of preventive work on their own. There is an increasing analysis of managers’ work and an emphasis on health and well-being. Truck drivers make errors on the side of pre-determined requirements mainly due to human error, heavy workload and poor and unpredictable conditions in car parks or traffic. In the period 2015-2019, the number of certificates of competency issued by TTK within freight transport has increased and within passenger transport has decreased. The number of passes of vocational and in-service training issued by the Road Administration has increased in the form of truck drivers and has remained relatively stable for bus drivers. As of 31.03.2020, there were 27,725 professional truck drivers in the Republic of Estonia who have a certificate of competency with a record of vocational or in-service training or a corresponding record on a driver's license. As of 05.04.2019, there were 8048 professional bus drivers who have a valid certificate of competence with a record of vocational or in-service training or a corresponding record on a driver's license.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Traffic Management--Traffic Rulesen
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Traffic Management--Traffic Safetyen
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Traffic Managementen
dc.subject.otherTransport ja logistikaet
dc.subject.otherTransport and Logisticsen
dc.titleVeokijuhtide sõidu-, töö- ja puhkeaaja nõuete rikkumised ja nende eeldatavad põhjused
dc.title.alternativeInfringements of Driving , Working and Rest Periods by Truck Drivers and Their Expected Causes
