Kliendirahulolu uuring Sleepwell brändi toodete näitel
dc.contributor.advisor | Reinok, Anneli | |
dc.contributor.author | Vinni, Kristel Ly | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-05-26T07:50:38Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-05-26T07:50:38Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2022-05-22 | |
dc.description.abstract | Käesolevas lõputöös uuriti kliendirahulolu Sleepwell toodete näitel. Töö peamine eesmärk oli välja selgitada, millisel tasemel on Sleepwell tooteid soetanud klientide rahulolu ning mis seda mõjutab. Ettevõtte Hilding Anders Baltic AS huvides on tootearendus ja turundusstrateegia klientide sisendist lähtuvalt ning probleem ettevõtte jaoks seisnes vajaliku informatsiooni puudumises. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks andis autor ülevaate kliendirahulolu olemusest. See tähendab, et uuriti kirjalikest allikatest, millest oleneb klientide rahulolu ning millistel alustel hinnatakse toodete kvaliteeti. Samuti tõi autor välja kliendirahulolu mõõtmise meetodid ehk rahuloluskoori ja soovitusindeksi kasutamine ning rahulolu ja olulisuse mõõtmine kriitiliste tulemuslikkuse tunnuste alusel. Selleks, et hinnata kliendirahulolu ning selle mõjureid, koostati ankeetküsimustik. Küsimustiku koostamisele eelnes intervjuude läbiviimine ja reklamatsioonide analüüs, mille põhjal defineeriti kriitilised tulemuslikkuse tunnused. Rahulolu uuring viidi läbi ühe Sleepwell toodete edasimüüja klientide seas ning läbi internetikeskkonna vahemikus 18.04.-25.04.2022. Küsitlusele vastas 40 klienti ehk 32,5% küsitluse saajatest. Seejärel uuriti uuringutulemusi ning tehti järeldused. Küsitlusest selgus klientide kõrge rahuloluskoor ning soovitusindeks, mis olid vastavalt 97,5% ja 90%. Samuti selgus, et suur hulk valitud kriitilistest tulemuslikkuse tunnustest olid klientide jaoks olulised ehk õigesti defineeritud tunnused. Vaid üksikud tunnused ei olnud klientide jaoks väga olulised. Suur hulk tunnuseid liigitusid ettevõtte tugevuste alla ehk nende oluliste omadustega olid kliendid ka rahul. See tähendab, et kõrge rahulolu hoidmiseks peab ettevõtte olema järjepidevalt võimeline vastama klientide ootustele. Ettevõtte tugevuste alla liigitumine ei tähenda, et antud tunnustele ei peaks tähelepanu pöörama, vaid tuleb jätkata neid tegevusi, mis on kõrge rahuloluni viinud. Võttes arvesse olulisuse tulemusi ja sooritusega rahulolu, soovitab autor keskenduda järgmistele muudatustele: • kliendi infole vastavalt automaatne toodete soovitamine kodulehel; • prooviperioodi rakendamine madratsite ja voodite jäikuse testimiseks kodustes tingimustes. Need on kõige olulisemad uuringu järeldused ehk vastavalt küsitluse tulemustele klientide jaoks olulised, kuid pigem madalama rahuloluga. Soovitused tulenevad tunnustest „vastavalt kehakaalule jäikuse valik“ ja „füüsiliselt proovimise võimalus“. Võib eeldada, et nende aspektide parendamine tõstab klientide rahulolu, kuna tegemist oli suure hulga klientide jaoks (üle poolte) oluliste omadustega. Lõputöös saadud tulemusi saab ettevõte edaspidi rakendada oma tootearenduses ja turundusstrateegias, samuti suhetes edasimüüjatega. Siinse uuringu tulemusena saab parandada klientide ostuprotsessi ja valiku tegemise lihtsust. Samuti on loodud alus edasisteks kliendirahulolu uuringuteks ning seega võimalus läbi aja võrrelda tulemusi ja muutusi klientide rahulolus. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The aim of this graduation thesis Customer Satisfaction Research Based on the Example of Sleepwell Products was to find out the level of satisfaction among people who have bought Sleepwell products and what affects it. Hilding Anders Baltic AS is interested in product development and marketing strategy based on customer input, and the problem for the company was the lack of necessary information. To achieve this goal, author researched relevant literature to give an overview of the nature of customer satisfaction and how customers assess product quality. Then the methods of measuring customer satisfaction were described, i.e. the use of satisfaction score, net promoter score and the measurement of satisfaction and significance based on critical performance attributes. To assess customer satisfaction and its influencers a survey was done. To compile the questionnaire, the author conducted interviews and analyzed complaints, to then define the critical performance attributes. The online satisfaction survey was conducted among the customers of one of the resellers of Sleepwell products and was conducted between 18 April and 25 April 2022. 40 customers (32,5%) responded to the survey. The results of the study were then examined and conclusions were drawn. The study showed a high customer satisfaction score (97,5%) and net promoter score (90%). It was also proved that many of the selected critical performance attributes were important for customers meaning they were correctly defined. Only a few features were not very important to customers. A large number of characteristics were classified under the company’s strengths meaning that customers were satisfied with the important characteristics. This means that to maintain high satisfaction, a company must be able to meet customer expectations on an ongoing basis. The classification as a company’s strength does not mean that it does not need further attention, but that the activities that have led to high satisfaction should be continued. Taking into consideration the results of importance and satisfaction with performance, the author recommends focusing on the following changes: • automatic product recommending on the website according to customer information; • implementation of trial period for testing stiffness of mattresses and beds at home. These are the most important conclusions of the study meaning these aspects are important for customers but have a rather low satisfaction as of now. The recommendations stem from the attributes „choice of stiffness according to body weight“ and „possibility of physical testing“. Improving these areas can be expected to result in an increase of customer satisfaction as these were important for many customers (more than half). The results obtained in this thesis can be further applied by the company in its product development and marketing strategy, as well as in relations with resellers. As a result of this study, the ease of customers’ purchasing process can be improved. It also provides a basis for further customer satisfaction surveys and thus the opportunity to compare results and changes in customer satisfaction over time. | et |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/4352 | |
dc.language.iso | et | et |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | et |
dc.subject | TTK Subject Categories::Economy and Management::Entrepreneurship and Marketing | et |
dc.subject.other | Tööstustehnoloogia ja turundus | et |
dc.title | Kliendirahulolu uuring Sleepwell brändi toodete näitel | et |
dc.title.alternative | Customer Satisfaction Research Based on the Example of Sleepwell Products | et |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |