Teabehalduse korralduse analüüs tootmisettevõttes Estonian Plywood AS

dc.contributor.advisorMurulaid, Tiia
dc.contributor.authorLuht, Kai-Agathe
dc.description.abstractTeabehaldus on oluline igas organisatsioonis, aitamaks leida kiiresti vajaminevat teavet. Reguleeritud teabehalduse või juhendite puudumise tagajärjeks on dokumenteeritud teabe kättesaadavuse ja uute dokumentide loomise ajamahukus. Organisatsiooni tegevuste tõendamist, kasutajate töö tõhustamist ja kontrollimist ning kiirendamist parendatakse reguleeritud juhendite abil. Teabehalduse tegevusega tagatakse ettevõtte eesmärkide saavutamine läbi teabe haldamise, jagamise ja vahetamisega kõikides ettevõtte infosüsteemides ja andmekogudes. Teabehalduse alategevused on dokumendi- ja andmehaldus, sisuhaldus sise-ja välisveebis ning teabele juurdepääsu ja teabe kaitse korraldamine. Teabehaldus hõlmab eelkõige dokumendihaldust, sealhulgas dokumentide loomist, säilitamist, haldamist ja õigeaegset hävitamist. Kui riigiasutuste teabehalduse korda reguleerib Vabariigi Valitsuse kehtestatud määrus „Teenuste korraldamise ja teabehalduse alused“, siis eraettevõtted peavad lähtuma enda vajadustest ja eesmärkidest, näiteks on asutuse teabehalduse korraldamise kohustus ettevõtetel, kes juhinduvad standardist EVS-EN ISO 9001:2015. Lõputöö teema on „Teabehalduse korralduse analüüs tootmisettevõttes Estonian Plywood AS“. Lõputöös uuritav tootmisettevõte Estonian Plywood AS juhindub kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi ISO 9001:2015 aluspõhimõtetest, milles nõutud dokumenteeritud teabe ohjamine toimub nii, et tagatakse selle kaitstus ja kättesaadavus kindlas kohas vajaliku ajal. Lõputöö eesmärk on analüüsida teabehalduse korraldusega seotud tegevusi tootmisettevõttes, et teha ettepanekuid teabehalduse korraldamiseks ja reguleerimiseks vastavalt ettevõtte tegelikele vajadustele ning õigusaktidest tulenevatele nõuetele. Eesmärgi täitmiseks anti ülevaade õigusaktidest ja erialasest kirjandusest tulenevatest nõuetest teabehalduse korraldamisele, valiti sobiv metoodika empiirilise uuringu läbiviimiseks, analüüsiti ettevõtte teabehaldust reguleerivaid dokumente, et viia need kooskõlla kehtivate õigusaktidega kaardistati teabehalduse korraldamisega seotud tegevused ettevõttes, et vähendada teabe dubleerimist ja toodi välja ettevõtte infosüsteemide roll teabehalduse korraldamisel, et teha ettepanekud ettevõtte teabehalduse süstematiseerimiseks. Uuringu lähenemisviis oli deduktiivne ja kogutud andmete tüübid olid esmased, sest neid koguti käesoleva uuringu jaoks. Esmaste andmete kogumisel kasutati kvalitatiivset andmekogumismeetodit. Uurimisstrateegia oli kaardistusuuring. Kvalitatiivse uuringu läbiviimiseks viidi läbi organisatsiooni teabehaldus reguleerivate dokumentide ning infosüsteemide vaatlus, samuti dokumendihalduse protsessi vaatlus ja seejärel poolstruktureeritud intervjuu. Ettevõtte teabehalduse korraldust reguleerib standard EVS-EN ISO 9001:2015, mille alusel on koostatud „Juhtimissüsteemi käsiraamat“. Lisaks lähtub ettevõte enda tegevuses näiteks töölepingu seadusest, raamatupidamise seadusest, võlaõiguse- ja äriseadusest ning isikuandmete kaitse seadusest ja tööohutuse ja töötervishoiu seadusest. Ettevõtte teabehaldust reguleerivad „Juhtimissüsteemi käsiraamatus“ peatükid „Teabevahetus“ ja „Dokumenteeritud teave“, „LEM Grupi failisüsteemi haldamise juhend“ ning „Estonian Plywood AS töökorralduse reeglites“ peatükk „Töötaja isikuandmete kogumine ja kaitse“. „Juhtimissüsteemi käsiraamat“ vastab üldiselt standardi nõuetele. Töötajate isikuandmete kaitse toimub vastavalt seadusele. Failisüsteemi haldamise juhend ei vasta eesmärgile ja vajab täiendamist. Ettevõttes on kasutusel järgmised infosüsteemid, milles andmeid ja dokumente hoitakse: elektrooniline dokumendihaldussüsteem Webdesktop, failisüsteem DOCU, majandustarkvara Dynamics 365, kvaliteediprogramm Q-System, hooldustarkvara Alldevice, tootmislahenduste tarkvara GlobalReader, läbipääsusüsteem CompuAccess, jaotusautomaatide süsteem Safety System. Analüüsi tulemustest lähtuvalt tegi autor muudatusettepanekud teabehaldust reguleerivate dokumentide osas, dubleerimise vähendamiseks ja teabehalduse süstematiseerimiseks. Teabehaldust reguleerivates dokumentides peab täpsustama kasutavad tarkvarad ja infosüsteemid. Samuti peab täpsustama konkreetselt, mis dokumente vastavalt seadusele säilitatakse. Dokumendihalduse juhendit peab täiendama elektroonilise dokumendihaldussüsteemi kasutusjuhendiga ja arhiveerimise korraga, sealhulgas e-kirjade säilitamise põhimõtetega. Ettevõtte loetletavatele ja säilitatavatele dokumentidele ülevaate saamise lihtsustab dokumentide loetelu koostamine. Teabe dubleerimine toimub peamiselt failisüsteemis ja elektroonilises dokumendihaldussüsteemis dokumentide säilitamise osas, mille hoiab ära säilitamise asukoha reguleerimine. Dubleerimine toimub ka kvaliteedisüsteemi Q-System ja tootmislahenduste tarkvara GlobalReader vahel, sest nendest saadav teave on sarnane. EDHS-is Webdesktop-sisese allkirjastamise võimaluse kasutamine hoiab ära failide topelt salvestamise. Ettevõte peab välja selgitama võimalikud teenusepakkujad läbipääsusüsteemide osas luues liidestuse ka majandustarkvara ja Exceliga. Samuti peab looma liidestuse majandustarkvara ja Exceli vahel. Müügiosakond peab kasutusele võtma tahvelarvuti, et saatelehe allkirjastamine toimuks autojuhil digitaalselt.
dc.description.abstractThe topic of the thesis is “The Analysis of the Information Management Organisation in the Production Company Estonian Plywood AS”. The thesis is 66-page-long, it is divided into 3 chapters and their subsections. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part provides an overview of the sub-activities of information management and explains the nature of information systems and their relationship with information management, as well as outlines guidelines for organizing the information management of the entity. In the second part, the methodology of conducting the thesis research, and object of the research are described, next, the sample is introduced. The third part overviews the results of the analysis and contains proposals for the regulation of information management. Two illustrative tables are used in the thesis. There are a total of 72 cited sources. In organizations, a lot of information is generated in connection with business activities, which needs to be kept, systematized, and stored aiming to prove the activity and ensure continuity. Information management primarily includes records management, including the creation, storage, management and timely destruction of records (Veiler, 2019). For the successful operation of the institution, information management carried out should be consistent with certain rules (Puskar, 2002). The information management procedure of state institutions is based on the regulation “The Organization of Services and Basics for Information Management” established by the Government of the Republic, and it also works in companies that have adopted ISO 9000. The consequence of the lack of instructional materials on regulated information management results in the time-consuming nature regarding both availability and creation of new documents (Puskar, 2002), as organizations store information either on paper, in a folder system, in a cloud space or in an electronic document management system instead. Information refers to both traditional documents and data located in various information systems. Therefore, information management is crucial in every organization helping to urgently find needed information. In a survey conducted by the National Archives in 2018, it was found that more than half of micro-enterprises and every fourth small enterprise do not engage in conscious management of information (Rahvusarhiiv, s.a.). The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the activities related to the in-company organization of information management aiming to formulate proposals for the organization and regulation of the information management according to the actual needs of the company and the requirements of legislation. To achieve the purpose, an overview of the requirements for the organization of information management arising from legislation and professional literature was given, a suitable methodology was chosen for conducting an empirical study, the documents regulating the company’s information management were analyzed in order to bring them into line with the current legislation, the activities related to the organization of information management in the company were mapped in order to reduce the duplication of information, and the role of the company’s information systems in information management was highlighted aiming to make proposals for the systematization of the in-company information management. The object of the study is Estonian Plywood AS (stock company), a birch plywood production company based on Estonian capital. The company was founded in 2017, but the production was launched in 2019. The research approach was deductive, and the types of data collected were primary because they were collected for the purpose of this study. A method of qualitative data collection was used to collect primary data. The research strategy was a mapping study. To conduct a qualitative study, an observation of the documents and of the information systems regulating the organizational information management was carried out, as well as the monitoring of the document management process followed by a semi-structured interview. The organization of the company’s information management is regulated by standard EVS-EN ISO 9001:2015, based on which the document “Management system manual” was prepared. Besides, the company’s activities are built, inter alia, on the Employment Contracts Act, the Accounting Act, the Law of Obligations Act and commercial law, the Personal Data Protection Act and the Occupational Safety and Hygiene Act. The company’s information management is regulated by the chapters: the ‘Information exchange’ and the ‘Documented information’ in the “Management System Manual”; the “Guide for the File System Management of the LEM Group”, and the chapter ‘The collection and protection of employee personal data’ in the document named “The rules of work organisation of Estonian Plywood AS”. All in all, the “Management System Manual” meets the requirements of the standard. Personal data protection of the employees is carried out in compliance with the law. On the other hand, the “Guide for the File System Management” does not meet its purpose and needs to be updated. The company uses the following information systems in which data and documents are stored: Webdesktop electronic document management system, DOCU file system, Dynamics 365 economic software, Q-System quality program, Alldevice maintenance software, GlobalReader software for production solutions, CompuAccess system, Safety System Distribution Machine. Each department uses different systems. Systems are everyday work tools that greatly simplify activities related to information exchange. Based on the results of the analysis, the author formulated amendments to the documents regulating information management aimed to reduce duplication and systematize information management. The documents governing information management must specify the software and information systems in use. Especially, it should be also specified which documents are stored in accordance with the law. The document management manual must be supplemented with the user manual of the electronic document management system and the archiving procedure, including the principles of storing e-mails. Creating a list of documents will make it easier to get an overview of the documents listed and stored by the company. In terms of document storage, duplication of information mainly occurs in the file system and in the electronic document management system, and thus it is prevented due to the regulation of the storage location. Furthermore, duplication takes place between the quality Q-System and the GlobalReader software for production solutions as the information obtained therefrom is similar. Using the in-Webdesktop signing option in electronic document management system will eliminate double saving of files. The company’s task is to find out potential service providers of access systems by creating an interface with economic software and Excel. An interface between the financial software and Excel must be created as well. The sales department should introduce a tablet so that the drivers could sign the waybill digitally.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.otherTeabehalduse ja infosüsteemide korraldamine - juhiabi töö
dc.titleTeabehalduse korralduse analüüs tootmisettevõttes Estonian Plywood AS
dc.title.alternativeThe Analysis of the Information Management Organisation in the Production Company Estonian Plywood AS
