Tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaani väljatöötamine ABB AS komplektalajaamade tehase näitel
dc.contributor.advisor | Janno, Jelizaveta | |
dc.contributor.author | Igandi, Kadi | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-03-17T09:44:13Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-03-17T09:44:13Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.description.abstract | Käesoleva lõputöö probleemiks püstitas autor asjaolu, et ABB AS komplektalajaamade tehases ei ole rakendatud süsteemset tarneahela riskijuhtimist ja ei pöörata piisavalt terviklikku tähelepanu tarneahelas esinevate riskide identifitseerimisele, nende mõju ja tõenäosuse hindamisele. Sellest lähtuvalt oli autori eesmärgiks välja töötada tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaan, mis toetaks tarneahela sooritust. Probleemi uurimiseks kasutas autor tegevusuuringut, mille käigus viidi läbi osalusvaatlus, grupiintervjuu kombineerituna ankeetküsitlusega ja fookusgrupp. Osalusvaatluse käigus kaardistas autor kahekuulise perioodi vältel üksuse tarneahelas esinevad riskid. Kaardistatud riskide põhjal koostas autor ankeetküsimustiku, milles palus hinnata vastajatel nende riskide esinemise tõenäosust ja mõju. Samuti palus autor eelnevalt ankeetküsimustikus vastajatel välja tuua riskid, mille esinemist peavad nad kõige tõenäolisemaks. Autor teostas antud küsimuse vastustele tekstianalüüsi, milles kategoriseeris samad riskid ja võrdles neid juba kaardistatud riskidega. Seeläbi selgusid riskid, mida ei olnud eelnevalt autori poolt kaardistatud. Autor palus vastajatel neid riske hinnata samadel alustel nagu eelnevalt autori poolt kaardistatud riske. Autor analüüsis ankeetküsimustiku andmeid kasutades statistilist keskmist iga riski riskitaseme väljaarvutamiseks. Kõikide kaardistatud tarneahela riskide keskmiseks väärtuseks oli 11,01 palli, mis annab ABB AS komplektalajaamade tehase tarneahela riskide taseme hinnanguks keskmise taseme. Selgus, et kõige suurem riskitase esines tarneahela allavoogu osas (12,06 palli), sellele järgnesid sisemised riskid (11,01 palli) ja riskid tarneahelas ülesvoogu (9,40 palli). Autor järeldas, et suurim riskide tase tarneahela allavoogu osas on tingitud asjaolust, et vaadeldava üksuses puhul on tegemist tõmbava tarneahela mudeliga. Riskianalüüsi käigus riskiallikate järgi, leidis autor, et suurim riskitase esineb infovoo riskide puhul (11,30 palli), sellele järgnesid finantsriskid (11,28 palli) ja materjalivoo riskid (10,70 palli). Ankeetküsitlusest selgus, et 37,5% vastanutest leidis, et riskid ABB AS komplektalajaamade tehases ei ole maandatud, 37,5% vastanutest pidas väheseid tarneahela riske maandatuks ja 25% vastanutest 52 pidas tähtsamaid tarneahela riske maandatuks. Sellest järeldas autor, et koguni 70% vastanutest peab tarneahela riskide maandamise taset kas olematuks või väheseks, mis põhjendab vajadust tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaani järele ja tarneahela riskijuhtimise juurutamiseks. ABC analüüsi käigus rühmitas autor riskid A, B ja C kategooriasse. Autor kavandas A ja B kategooria riskidele tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaani. Fookusgrupi käigus arutati autori poolt kavandatud tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaani läbi fookusgrupi küsimuste ja autor tegi vastavalt arutatule korrektiivid, mille tulemusena valmis lõplik tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaan A ja B kategooria riskidele. Fookusgrupi käigus selgus ka, et töötajate teadlikkus tarneahela riskidest on parenenud. Autori tegi ettepanekud rakendada tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaan ja tulevikuperspektiivis töötada välja riskijuhtimisplaan ka C kategooria riskidele, et kõik tarneahela riskid oleksid juhitud. Autori hinnangul täitis käesolev lõputöö oma eesmärki, välja on töötatud riskijuhtimisplaan ABB AS komplektalajaamade tehasele. Samuti on tegevusuuringu käigus paranenud töötajate teadlikkus tarneahela riskidest. Autor leiab, et sellega on eeldused edukaks tarneahela riskijuhtimise juurutamiseks ettevõtte komplektalajaamade üksuses olemas. Järgmiseks uurimissuunaks oleks vastavalt autori ettepanekule hinnata väljatöötatud tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaani tulemuslikkust riskijuhtimisetapi monitooring käigus ja kasutada riskitaseme määramisel kvantitatiivseid meetodeid. | et |
dc.description.abstract | Risk management has become the central concern due to emerge of complicated supply networks, globalization and the reduction of costs along with uncertainty of demand and supply. Supply chain risk management and its implementation is an essential part of the supply chain management which helps lower the level of most important risks. This thesis is written based on ABB Ltd compact secondary substations factory and is motivated by the authors work experience in the given plant. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part concentrates on risk management in the context of the supply chain, classification of risks, the process of risk management along with risk management strategies and describing control methods. The observed company is described in the second chapter as well as its supply chain and desinged case study. At the end of the second chapter mapped supply chain risks are listed. In the last chapter the supply chain risk study results and risk analysis is given. Also the final developed supply chain risk management plan is described. In addition at the end of the third chapter the author lists the primary conclusions and suggestions. The main problem of this thesis is the fact that ABB Ltd compact secondary substations factory has not implemented supply chain risk management and it does not pay enough attention to identifying risks that occur in the supply chain and to measuring their effects and probability of occurance. Based on that the author had the aim to work out a risk management plan in the supply chain that would support the performance of the supply chain. For researching the problem the author used action research during which a participatory observation, a group interview combined with a quistionnaire survey and focus group were conducted. The author analysed the data from the questionnaire and using the statistical average the author calculated risk level for each risk. The average for the mapped supply chain risks was 11.01 units 54 which gives a medium risk level. Findings show that the highest risk level occured in the downstream part of the supply chain (12.06 units) followed by internal risks (11.61 units) and risks in the upstream part of the supply chain (9.40 units). The author concluded that the highest risk level in the downstream part of the supply chain occurs due to the fact that the surveyd unit is a model of pulling supply chain. During the risk analysis the author found that the highest risk levels occur in information flow risks (11.30 units) followed by financial risks (11.28 units) and in material flow risks (10.70 units). The survey shows that 37.5 per cent found that the risks occuring in ABB Ltd compact secondary substations factory are not reduced, 37.5 per cent considered little to none of the risks reduced and 25 per cent considered the most important supply chain risks to have been reduced. Based on this, the author concluded that as much as 70 per cent of respondents thought that the level of supply chain risk reduction is non-existent or minuscule which explains the need for a supply chain risk management plan and the implementation of supply chains risk management. During the ABC analysis the author classified the risks into three categories – A, B and C. The autor developed the risk management plan for the risks in A and B categories. During the focus group the devised supply chain risk management plan was discussed through questions and using the provided answers the author was able to make corrections to the plan which resulted in a final supply chain risk management plan for the risks occuring in A and B catogories. The focus group also showed that employees’ awereness of supply chain risks has improved. In the author’s opinion the thesis fulfilled its purpose, the risk management plan for ABB Ltd compact secondary substation factory has been developed. Also, during the action research, the employees’ awereness of risks in the supply chain was improved. The author concludes that thereby the prerequisites for the succesful implementation of supply chain risk management exist within the company. In the authors opinion, the next aspect to research would be to evaluate the productivity of the developed supply chain risk management plan during the monitoring of the risk management stage and to use quantitative methods in assigning risk levels. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1772 | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Economy and Management--Supply Chain Management and Contracts | en |
dc.subject.classification | Majandus and ärijuhtimine--Tarneahela haldamine ja lepingud | et |
dc.subject.other | Transport ja logistika | et |
dc.subject.other | Transport and Logistics | en |
dc.title | Tarneahela riskijuhtimisplaani väljatöötamine ABB AS komplektalajaamade tehase näitel | |
dc.title.alternative | Developing Supply Chain Risk Management Plan on the Example of ABB Ltd Compact Secondary Substations Factory | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |