Köögimööbli hinnapakkumise protsessi parendamine ettevõtte Valdepol OÜ näitel

dc.contributor.advisorAasjõe, Ülle
dc.contributor.authorVaade, Nele
dc.description.abstractIga ettevõte soovib klientide teenindamisel vastata nende nõudmistele, millest tulenevalt on oluline suuta pakkuda personaalset lähenemist. Kuna erinevaid lahendusi ei saa ühte moodi hinnastada, peavad ettevõtted koostama tellimusele vastava hinnapakkumise. Ettevõtte Valdepol OÜ suurimaks kitsaskohaks on hinnapakkumiste koostamine, kuna ühe päringuga tegeletakse keskmiselt kolm tundi ning klient peab vastust ootama kokku üks kuni kaks nädalat. Sellest tulenevalt oli käesoleva lõputöö probleemiks hinnapakkumistele kulutatud aeg. Töö tulemuseni jõudmiseks kasutas autor kvantitatiivset uuringut, analüüsides ettevõttest saadud 2019. aasta statistilisi andmeid, et selgitada välja hinnapakkumise mõju ettevõttele. Püstitatud eesmärgi saavutamiseks töötas autor läbi järgnevad uurimisülesanded: • leidis ettevõtte senise hinnapakkumise protsessi kitsaskohad; • tegi ettepanekuid hinnapakkumise protsessi efektiivsemaks muutmise kohta. Lõputöö käigus töötas autor välja protsessi, millega läheks ettevõttel hinnapakkumise koostamisele kõigest pool tundi, tänu millele saaks klient päringule vastuse ühe kuni kolme päevaga, senise ühe kuni kahe nädala asemel. Parendatud protsessi katsetati üks nädal ja sellel perioodil esitati päringuid kokku viis tükki ning vastamata ei jäetud mitte ühelegi kliendile. Neli tellimust anti edasi töösse ning üks tellimus öeldi ära kõrge hinnaklassi tõttu. Katsetamise tulemusena selgus, et päringuvormi täitmine võttis kliendi jaoks aega keskmiselt 12 minutit ning infolehe läbitöötamine 20 minutit. Kliendihalduri jaoks võttis MS Exceli mudeli täitmine aega keskmisel 28 minutit. Klientide tagasisidest selgus, et pakkumise protsessiga jäeti rahule ning töötajate hinnangul oli protsess sujuvam. Seega on parendatud hinnapakkumise mudelit kasutades ettevõttel võimalus pakkuda paremat klienditeenindust. Lisaks on hinnakujundamisel arvestatud reaalseid materjalikulusid ning töörahasid, millega väldib ettevõtte endale kahju tegemist müües madalama hinnaga. 31 Autor keskendus lõputöös köögimööbli tootmisele, kuid sarnaseid lahendusi on võimalik mugavdada ka teiste tootegruppide jaoks. Samuti selgus läbiviidud katsetamise tulemusena, et juhul kui köök ei koosne ainult standardkappidest, siis protsessi efektiivsuse tõstmiseks, võiks mudelit veelgi edasi arendada. Töös kasutatud põhimõtteid saaksid ära kasutada ka teised sarnase tegevusvaldkonnaga ettevõtted kiirema ja läbipaistvama süsteemi loomiseks. Autor hindab töö alguses püstitatud eesmärki täidetuks, kuna ettevõttele Valdepol OÜ on töötatud välja efektiivsem hinnapakkumise protsessi. Täiustatud mudel kiirendas hinnapakkumise koostamise aega kahe ja poole tunni võrra. Samuti on köögimööbli tellija jaoks edastatud pakkumine lihtsasti mõistetav. Ettevõte on otsustanud uuele hinnapakkumise protsessile üle minna alates 2020 aasta sügisest.et
dc.description.abstractEvery company wants to meet the requirements of their customers, which is why it is important to be able to offer a personal approach. As different solutions cannot be priced in the same way, companies have to prepare a price offer according to the customers`s order. This following thesis The Improvement of Kitchen Furniture Pricing Process on the Example of Valdepol OÜ focuses on the analysis and simplification of the current bidding process of the company Valdepol OÜ. Responding to price inquiries and making offers is one of the company's biggest bottlenecks. It takes an average of three hours a working day to calculate the price of one product group, while performing other tasks in parallel. As a result, customers wait an average of one to two weeks to respond to a query. Thus, the working time spent on quotations is a problem for this dissertation. The aim of this thesis is to optimize and improve the Valdepol OÜ’s existing kitchen furniture bidding process, which would be more efficient and understandable to customers. For this purpose, a customer price inquiry form, information sheet and a Microsoft Excel-based model for calculating the final price will be prepared. In order to achieve the set goal, the author completed the following research tasks: • found bottlenecks in the company's current bidding process; • made proposals to make the bidding process more efficient. In the first part of the work, the author described the theoretical aspects of the service process. In the second part, the current situation of the company's price offers and the customer inquiries of 2019 were analyzed. In the third part, the basic prices of standard cabinets were calculated and the kitchen furniture supply model was formulated to form the final price. In addition, a price inquiry form and a leaflet were created for the customer. The advanced process was implemented for one week. 33 The author of the work conducted a quantitative study, analyzing the statistical data obtained from the company. Due to confidentiality, no real prices were reported to demonstrate the performance of the model. In the course of the dissertation, the author developed a process that would take the company only half an hour to prepare a price offer, thanks to which the customer would receive a response to the request in one to three days, instead of the previous one to two weeks. The improved process was tested for one week, during which time a total of five inquiries were made and no customers were left unanswered. Four orders were transferred to work and one order was canceled due to the high price class. As a result of the testing, it turned out that filling in the inquiry form took an average of 12 minutes for the client and 20 minutes to process the leaflet. For the client manager, it took an average of 28 minutes to complete the MS Excel model. Feedback from customers showed that they were satisfied with the bidding process and that the employees thought the process was smoother. Thus, using the improved pricing model, the company has the opportunity to offer better customer service. In addition, real material costs and labor have been taken into account in pricing, which prevents the company from harming itself by selling at a lower price. The author focused on the production of kitchen furniture in his dissertation, but similar solutions can be convenient for other product groups as well. The testing also revealed that if the kitchen does not only consist of standard cabinets, then in order to increase the efficiency of the process, the model could be further developed. The principles used in the work could also be used by other companies with a similar field of activity to create a faster and more transparent system. The author considers that the goal set at the beginning of the work has been met, because a more efficient bidding process has been developed for Valdepol OÜ. The improved model speeded up the bid preparation time by two and a half hours. The offer forwarded to the customer, of the kitchen furniture, is also easy to understand. The company has decided to switch to a new bidding process from autumn 2020.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationEconomy and Management--Process Modellingen
dc.subject.classificationMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Protsesside modelleerimineet
dc.subject.otherTööstustehnoloogia ja turunduset
dc.subject.otherIndustrial Technology and Marketingen
dc.titleKöögimööbli hinnapakkumise protsessi parendamine ettevõtte Valdepol OÜ näitel
dc.title.alternativeThe Improvement of Kitchen Furniture Pricing Process on the Example of Valdepol OÜ
