Vanema toimetulek peale lapse kaotust
dc.contributor.advisor | Kirs, Jaanika | | | Piirsalu, Marjana | | | 2024-05-06T07:42:55Z | | | 2024-05-06T07:42:55Z | | | 2024-05-05 | |
dc.description.abstract | Lapse surm ei ole iial kerge, tihtipeale ise sellega toime tulla on raske. Elu ei ole enam endine, lähedase inimese surma korral kaotame väikse osa iseendast. Kiindumus, mis sellega kaasneb salvestub ja peale lähedase surma tekib suur segadus, sest aju ei saa aru kuhu inimene kadus, kuskil meie sees on ta ikkagi alles. Kohanemine on raske ja uue reaalsuse aktsepteerimine on pikk protsess. Leinavate vanemate jaoks on kriitilise tähtsusega saada õigeaegset ja jätkuvat tuge. Haiglates pakutav esmane nõustamine on väärtuslik, kuid sageli ei ole see piisav, et toime tulla kaotusest tuleneva sügava leinaga. Sageli ei oska vanemad ära tunda, et on leina kinni jäänud ja vajavad professionaalset abi. Naistel ja meesel on leina väljendusviis väga erinev, naised nutavad tihedamini ning suudavad oma leinast rääkida palju avatumalt kui mehed Leinaprotsessis on oluline aktsepteerida, et armastatud inimene on igaveseks lahkunud nii saab oma eluga edasi minna. Leinakogemus võib tuua kaasa muutusi inimese väärtushinnangutes ja maailmavaates, muutes materiaalse vähem oluliseks ja tõstes esile vaimseid väärtusi. Näiteks võib lein sundida inimesi ümber hindama, mis on elus tõeliselt tähtis, nagu sisemised väärtused – armastus, kaastunne, tänulikkus ja ühtekuuluvustunne. Selline sisemine muutus võib avada uued arusaamad elust ja surmast. Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli anda ülevaade leinaprotsessist, leinaga toimetulekust ja tuua välja erinevaid toetamise võimalusi leinajale. Lõputöös kirjeldati leinaprotsessi läbi kahe teooria, mis on olulised leinamise protsessil. Töö tulemusena selgus, et leinavad vanemad jäetakse sageli ja neil puudub teave selle kohta, kuidas oma leinaga toime tulla või kust vajadusel abi otsida. Iga leinaja kaotusvalu ja toimetulekuviisid on erinevad, seega on oluline märgata, mõista leinavate vanemate olukorda ja toetada neid. Ettepanekuna tuleb märkida leinavatele vanematele tõhusamate tugisüsteemide loomist, olemasolevate teenuste teadvustamist ja paremat juurdepääsu ning erinevate asutuste koostööd. Tõsta teadlikkust võimalustest saada esmatasandi abi ja tasuta järelabi komplitseeritud leina puhul. Lõputöö eesmärk ja uurimusküsimused said täidetud. | |
dc.description.abstract | The title of the thesis is "Coping after the loss of a child". The topic is relevant for society to understand how to support parents who have lost a child. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter gives an overview and describes the theoretical background. The second chapter describes the grieving process and ways of coping with grief. The third chapter gives an overview of the research methodology. Chapter four presents the findings and their links with theoretical perspectives, and makes suggestions and recommendations to address problem areas. Even today, talking about death and grief is a taboo subject and awareness and information about how to help is scarce. Most people do not know how or are unable to seek help and are left alone with their concerns. The loss of a loved one gives us an idea of what death is. We are overwhelmed by the experience of death and unfulfilled expectations are shattered. Our perception of the world becomes unstable and the inevitabilities of life force people to change whether they want to or not. In a sense, when a loved one leaves, the person leaves with them. Everyone has experienced loss at some point in their life and felt the deep pain of the death of a loved one. There is no substitute for the loss of a child, there is nothing more tragic than the death of a child, and there is nothing that can console you. It is difficult for families to imagine how to cope with such a loss. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the grieving process, coping with grief and to outline support measures for the grieving at both local and national levels. The thesis uses a qualitative research methodology, and the data is collected through a semi-structured or thematic interview with parents who have experienced the loss of a child. The interviews were carried out between 1.12.2023 and 31.01.2024. The interviews were conducted on a voluntary basis and according to the interviewee's wishes. The survey showed that each parent grieves as he or she knows how and finds his or her own way of coping. Unfortunately, society does not pay attention to how grieving parents feel and what support they need. The survey showed that bereaved parents are left alone, with hospitals providing initial support but finding follow-up support difficult. The study also found that support from family and loved ones is important during the grieving process, as is maintaining a routine and going about daily activities during the bereavement. It is important to recognise families who are unable to cope with their grief and to offer them timely support. This support and noticing can be ensured by a local social worker or child protection specialist. In conclusion, the author points out that the loss of a child is one of life's most difficult ordeals, requiring extraordinary support and understanding. An effective support system should be available as soon as a person needs it, especially in crisis situations. Experienced counsellors and pastoral care are important but are no substitute for a systemic approach, which includes aftercare and long-term support. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject | Sotsiaaltöö | |
dc.subject | Sotsiaaltöö::Peresotsiaaltöö ja kriisisekkumine | |
dc.subject.other | Sotsiaaltöö | |
dc.title | Vanema toimetulek peale lapse kaotust | |
dc.title.alternative | Parental coping after death of a child | |
dc.type | lõputöö |