Kumpsu talu päikeseelektrijaama projekt
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Kumpsu kinnistul puudub elekter, mistõttu puuduvad seal tänapäevased mugavused nagu elektrienergiat nõudva tehnika kasutamine, seega on selle lõputöö eesmärk luua võrguühendust mitte vajav ehk off-grid PEJ projekt. Kumpsu talu eluhoone otstarve on suvekodu, kus veedetakse aega enamasti nädalavahetustel ning suvepuhkustel. Esmalt on tutvutud objektiga, kliendi soovidega ning tehtud kindlaks põhiseadmed, mis vajavad elektrivarustust. Lõputöö käigus on loodud võrguühenduseta PEJ projekt, mis ei nõua elektriliitumise olemasolu ning vastab kliendi soovidele. Lõputöös on kirjeldatud kogu projekti loomise protsessi, komponentide valimise ning analüüsimise metoodika ja majanduslik analüüs. Koostatud projekti teostamine tagab kliendile elektrivarustuse vastavalt kliendi esitatud tarbimismustrile. Lisaks sellele tekitab klient aastas 243 kilogrammi aastas vähem süsinikdioksiidi, mis aitab kaasa kliendi vajadusele vähendada oma süsinikjalajälge. Projektis menetletud komponentide arvutuslik kogumaksumus on 14 101 eurot ja on 3116 eurot odavam kui võrguliitumine. Lisaks säästab tellija umbes 180 eurot iga aasta, mida võrguga liitumise puhul peaks ta võrgutasudes maksma. Elektrilevile esitatud võrguliitumise ja mikrotootja taotluste käigus on ELV esitanud hinnapakkumused ja infot nende teostamise võimaluste kohta. Lisaks lõi autor nende variantide kohta arvutused, mis annavad kliendile ülevaate nende majanduslikkust tasuvusest. Lõputöö eesmärk on täidetud ja kliendile projekt ning ülevaade alternatiividest edastatud. Tellija tagasiside oli positiivne, sest töö vastas tema soovidele ning oli selgelt lahti mõtestatud.
The following thesis Solar Plant Project for Kumpsu Farm is written to solve the energy needs of Kumpsu farmstead. Electricity is an essential modern day commodity and the core of our economy. It is one of the most crucial parts of a home living space. Most of modern day comforts depend on it – light, internet access, heating, etc. When acquiring property for living that has no electricity, a person’s first reaction is to request connection to the grid. However, there are other alternatives for supplying electricity to a property nowadays, such as a stand-alone solar power station, which can be much more sustainable for both the wallet and the environment. The object of observation for this thesis is the house of the Kumpsu farm complex, which is located in Viljandi county, Metsla Village. The objective of the thesis is to design a stand-alone solar power plant to meet the electricity needs of the Kumpsu farmstead. In the first chapter, the necessary basic information about the object of observation for which the aforementioned project is to prepared is presented. First of all, the site and the client's requirements have been studied, and the main devices that need to be supplied with electricity have been identified. The second chapter describes the designing process of the Kumpsu stand-alone solar plant. The purpose of the system is to provide the basic needs of electricity to the client’s summer home. The client’s personal desires are to reduce their personal carbon footprint and to have as inexpensive yet effective system as possible. During the thesis, a stand-alone solar plant project has been created, which does not require an electrical connection to the grid. The thesis describes the entire process of creating the project, the methodology for component selection and analysis, and an economic analysis. The implementation of the completed project will ensure the supply of electricity to the house according to the customer's consumption pattern. In addition, the customer generates 243 kilograms less carbon dioxide per year, which contributes to the customer's need to reduce their carbon footprint. The total calculated cost of the project is 14 101 euros, which is 3116 euros less than grid connection. In addition, the client saves around €180 every year that he would have to pay in network charges if he were to connect to the grid. The third chapter takes a look at the grid connection solution. Its advantages, disadvantages and costs are analysed. The chapter gives a overview of the feasibility of the solution in the light of the customer’s wishes and needs. In addition, it analyses the potential of integrating the solar plant reflected in the main project with the grid. The aim of the analysis is to provide the client with an insight into its feasibility. At the end of the thesis, all three solutions are compared and analysed against each other. Their perspectives and feasibility with respect to the needs of Kumpsu farmstead will be taken into account and conclusions are drawn. In addition, the author created calculations for these options, which give the customer an overview of their economic viability. The objective of the thesis has been fulfilled and the project and the overview of the alternatives have been communicated to the client. The feedback from the client was positive, as the work met their requirements and was clearly explained.