Kevadsuvise kapselkollektsiooni arendus Piret Kuresaar moemajale
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Lõputöö tulemusena on valminud kevadsuvise kapselkollektsiooni täiendus Piret Kuresaar moemajale. Töös on kirjeldatud nelja mudeli valmimise käik – kleidi mudel Rosa, pluusi mudel Gemma, jaki mudel Paola ja pükste mudel Greta. Kollektsiooni täienduse kavandamisel lähtuti kapselgarderoobi kontseptsioonist, mille tulemusena valminud mudelid on üksteisega sobitatavad ning sobivad samuti teiste kollektsioonis olevate toodetega. Samuti lähtuti põhimõttest, et mudeleid oleks võimalik kasutada ka järgmistes kollektsioonides, vahetades detaile ja kangaid. Lähtuti disaineri moejoonistest, millele vastavalt loodi mudelite tehnilised joonised ja kirjeldused. Põhilõigete konstrueerimisel on kasutatud M. Müller & Sohn metoodikat. Konstrueeriti pükste, varruka ja õlaletoetuva toote põhikonstruktsioon. Õlaletoetuva toote põhikonstruktsiooni kasutati nii kleidi, pluusi kui ka jaki mudeli moekohaste lõigete valmistamisel. Aja kokkuhoidu mõttes kasutati ühte ja sama põhikonstruktsiooni ning hiljem modelleerides lisati vastavalt mudelile lisasid ja avarust. Varruka põhilõiget kasutati nii pluusi kui ka jaki varrukate modelleerimiseks. Töös on toodud mudelite modelleerimise protsessid kirjelduste kui ka joonistena, mis näitavad modelleeritud lõiget baaskonstruktsiooni peal. Põhi- ja moekohased lõiked on valmistatud programmis Lectra Modaris ning joonised on tehtud programmis Kaledo Style. Mudelitele on valmistatud tehnoloogilise töötlemise järjekorrad, samuti on välja toodud mudelite keerulisemate tehnoloogiliste sõlmede töötlemise kirjeldused koos joonistega. Baassuuruses 36 valmistati kõigile neljale mudelile lekaalid, millele koostati paljundused suurustele 34-42. Vastavalt etteantud tellimusele on tehtud toodetele paigutusjoonised põhimaterjalile, voodrile ja liimiriidele. Paigutusjoonisest saadud info põhjal on välja toodud nelja mudeli toote hinna kujunemine tabelina. Lõputöös valminud mudelitest on ettevõttes valminud näidistooted. Töö eesmärgiks püstitatud ülesande tulemusena on välja arendatud mudelid valmis tootmiseks
As an outcome of this graduation work there is completed an addition to the spring-summer capsule collection for Piret Kuresaar Fashion House. In the work there is described the completion process of four models: – the dress model Rosa, the blouse model Gemma, the jacket model Paola and the trousers model Greta. While sketching the addition to the collection, we proceeded from the concept of a capsule collection, resulting in models which can be fitted among one another and also would fit with other products of the collection. The main idea was to make it possible to use these models also in the collections to follow, by changing some details and fabrics. The designer’s fashion drawings were taken as a basis, to which the technical drawings and descriptions of the models were created. To develop the base patterns, the M. Müller & Sohn methodology was used. The base structure was designed for trousers, sleeve and shoulder-resting product. The base structure of the shoulder-resting product was used to prepare fashionable patterns for the models of both the dress and the blouse as well as for the jacket. To save the time, the one and same base structure was used, and later when modelling, the additions and space were added to a respective model. The base pattern of the sleeve was used to model the sleeves of both the blouse and the jacket. In the work the processes of modelling the designs are given in descriptions and drawings which show the modelled pattern as being placed on the base structure. The basic and fashionable patterns were prepared in the Lectra Modaris programme, and the drawings were made in the Kaledo Style programme. The sequencies of technological processes are given for the models, and so also the descriptions of processing the more complicated technological units of the models, together with the drawings. For all four models the patterns were prepared for the basic size of 36, onto which the reproductions were made for sizes 34-42. As per the given task, the layout drawings were made for the products regarding the main material, the lining and the interlining. According to the info received from the layout drawings, the formation of the production price of these four models is pointed out. Out of the models which were prepared during the graduation work, there have been produced the sample products in the organization. As a result of the task set forth in the graduation work, the developed models are ready for production.