Asenduskodude noorte haridustee ja selle katkemise põhjused

dc.contributor.advisorVahula, Triin
dc.contributor.authorLausmaa, Diana
dc.description.abstractLõputöö koosneb 63 leheküljest, välja on toodud 4 tabelit ja 1 joonis, mis on mõeldud töö sisu selgitamiseks. Selle töö jaoks kasutati 68 allikat. Töö teema on aktuaalne, kuna asenduskodus elavad noored on enamasti madalama haridustasemega ning sageli ei ole nad edasiõppimisest huvitatud.Töö eesmärk on kirjeldada asenduskodus elavate või seal elanud noorte haridusotsuseid ja seoseid nende varasemate traumade, asenduskodus elamise ja iseseisvumise vahel ning leida ka võimalikud põhjused, miks noored asenduskodus elavad hariduses. tee
dc.description.abstractThis research consists of 63 pages, there are 4 tabels and 1 figure presented which are meant to explain the content of the work. For this work 68 sources were used. The issue of the work is topical because young people living in substitute home tend to have lower education and often are not interested in further education. Author’s interest in the educational path of young people in substitute homes came after visiting substitute home by herself. The aim of the reasarch is to describe young people living in substitute home or who have lived there decisions about education and those connection between their past traumas, living in substitute home and gaining independence and also find possible causes why young people livin in substitute homes educational path is
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Sotsiaaltööet
dc.titleAsenduskodude noorte haridustee ja selle katkemise põhjusedet
dc.title.alternativeThe educational path of young people in substitute homes and the reasons for its interruptionet
