Kliendirahulolu parendamine ettevõttes City Motors AS
dc.contributor.advisor | Karpenko, Julia | |
dc.contributor.author | Tšernobrivets, Anton | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-05-09T17:12:50Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-05-09T17:12:50Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2022-05-09 | |
dc.description.abstract | Lõputöö uurimisprobleemiks oli City Motors AS’i Lasnamäe esinduse klientide poolt laekunud kaebuste hulga kasv ja kliendirahuolu tasemest info puudumine esinduse töötajatel. Töö eesmärgiks oli selgitada välja, milline on esinduse kliendirahuolu tase, mille üle kurdavad esinduse külastajad kõige sagedamini ning mida saab ettevõte teha selleks, et suurendada kliendirahulolu ja teeninduse kvaliteeti. Töö eesmärgi saavutamiseks uuris autor City Motors AS’i Lasnamäe esinduse kliendirahulolu taset ja klientide muresid tekitavaid asjaolusoid analüüsides kliendirahulolu küsitluse tulemusi, mida sai ettevõtte perioodil alates 15.07.2021 kuni 25.02.2022. Küsitluse tulemuste analüüsist selgus, et suurem osa klientidest (76%) on üldiselt Lasnamäe esinduse tööga rahul ning suhtub ettevõttesse lojaalselt. Soovitusindeksi väärtus on 70, mis on teoreetilistele allikatele kohaselt suurem, kui kõige levinum näitaja (NPS 31-50), kuigi ühe palli võrra madalam teoreetilisest ideaalist (71-100). See tähendab seda, et kliendirahulolu küsitlusel osalenud kliendid on lojaalsed ning eelistavad City Motors Lasnamäe esiandust, pöörduvad sõidukitega seotud muredega City Motors AS’i poole ja jagavad oma positiivset kliendikogemust sõprade-, tuttavale- või kolleegidega, mis omakorda meelitab uusi kliente ning kaudselt aitab ettevõttel kasumit suurendada. Kliendid, kes ei ole ettevõtte teenindusega rahul, mängivad City Motors AS’i Lasnamäe esinduse jaoks väga olulist rolli, sest just need inimesed sageli jätavad tagasisidet, mis kuvab juhatusele murekohti ettevõtte töös ja teeninduses. Teades kõige levinumaid klientide pahameelt tekitavaid tegureid, saab ettevõtte neid kõrvaldada, muuta teatud tööprotsessid ning seeläbi parandada klienditeeninduse kvaliteeti ja üldist kliendirahulolu. Küsitluse tulemuste analüüsi käigus kaardistas autor levinumaid murekohti, mille tõttu esines kliendirahulolu tasemes langusi: remondiajaks asendusautode mitte pakkumine esinduse poolt ning väike ja ebamugav kliendiparkla ehk parkimiskohtade puudumine. Negatiivselt meelestatud kliendid kurtsid infovahetuse puudulikkust ehk murekohaks oli info edastamine ja läbi viidud remonditööde selgitamine hooldusnõuniku poolt, mis ei olnud selge, põhjalik, jäi kliendile arusaamatuks või puudus. Mõned rahulolematud kliendid on oma kommentaarides kirjutanud City Motors AS’i enda poolt parendusettepanekuid, selliseid nagu pakkuda järelteeninduse külastajatele meeneid, näiteks komme või bränditud esemeid, nagu tehakse teistes automüügi- ja remondiettevõtetes. Paljud kliendid kurtsid ka seda, et sõiduki esindusse toimetades ei ole nendel konkreetset infot tulevase arve kohta. Üks klient andis kasulikku ja konstruktiivset tagasisidet, mis sisaldas parendusettepanekut - kodulehel teenindusaja broneerimisel peab olema võimalus sisestada vastavasse lahtrisse sõiduki vanust, selleks, et kodulehel kuvatav eeldatav hoolduse hind ei erineks nii suuresti reaalsest tasust. Võttes klientide kommentaaride ja tagasiside sisu kokku ja toetudes kaardistatud kitsaskohtadele esitab autor City Motors AS’i Lasnamäe esinduse juhatusele parendusettepanekuid kliendirahulolu taseme tõstmise osas. Parendusettepanekud on järgmised: • Lahendada parkimiskohtade nappuse probleem ehk muuta parkimiskord esinduse territooriumil – kaaluda tasulise parkimise süsteemi juurutamist või märgistada klientidele mõeldud parkimiskohad eesmärgiga, et kliendiparklat saaksid kasutada vaid esinduse külastajad. • Leida võimalused jätta järelteeninduse külastajate sõidukitesse City Motors As’i bränditud meened (kommid, õhuvärskendajad, veepudelid). Selle tegevuse vahendusel ületab ettevõtte klientide ootusi. • Arendada veebipõhine broneerimissüsteem nii, et kliendil oleks võimalik sisestades sõiduki mudelit ja vanust saada täpset infot perioodilise hoolduse eeldatava maksumuse kohta teenindusaja broneerimise etappil. • Organiseerida järelteeninduse töötajatele kliendisuhtluse ja ettevõtte teenindusstandardi teemaline koolitus rõhutades sellele, kui olulised on teeninduse poolt antavad selgitused teostatud tööde, nende vajaduse, maksumuse ja järgmiste sammude kohta. Autor on veendunud, et kõrvaldades klientide poolt välja toodud ja antud lõputöös analüüsitud kitsaskohti ning rakendades autori esitatud parendusettepanekud saab City Motors AS tõsta kliendirahulolu taset, võita rohkem lojaalseid kliente, parendada kliendikogemust ning seeläbi kindlustada ettevõtte jätkusuutlikkust ja konkurentsivõimet. Vaatamata sellele, et City Motors AS’i Lasnamäe esinduse kliendirahulolu on tasemel, mil ettevõte on valmis investeerima klientide mugavusse, kliendirahulolu on asjaolu, mida peab pidevalt uurima ja parendama. Käesoleva lõputöö tulemused rakendatakse City Motors AS’i Lasnamäe esinduse klienditeeninduse kvaliteeti ja kliendirahulolu parendamiseks. Samal ajal antud töö tulemustega on kasulik tutvuda ka City Motors AS’i teistel esindustel ja ka teistel sõidukite müügi- ja teenindusettevõtetel, kes tegutsevad Eestis. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The research problem of the thesis was the increase in the number of complaints received by the customers of City Motors AS's Lasnamäe dealership and the lack of information on the level of customer satisfaction among the employees of the company. The aim of the thesis was to find out the level of customer satisfaction, to find out, what is most often complained about by the visitors of the dealership and what the company can do to increase customer satisfaction and the quality of service. In order to achieve the goal of the work, the author studied the results of the customer satisfaction survey, which was received by the company in the period from 15.07.2021 to 25.02.2022, by analyzing the level of customer satisfaction of City Motors AS's Lasnamäe dealership and the circumstances causing customer concerns. The analysis of the results of the survey revealed that the majority of customers (76%) are generally satisfied with the work of the Lasnamäe office and have a loyal attitude towards the company. The value of the recommendation index is 70, which according to theoretical sources is higher than the most common indicator (NPS 31-50), although it is one point lower than the theoretical ideal (71-100). This means that customers who participate in the customer satisfaction survey are loyal and prefer City Motors Lasnamäe dealership, turn to City Motors AS with vehicle concerns and share their positive customer experience with friends, acquaintances or colleagues, which in turn attracts new customers and indirectly helps the company increase profits. Customers who are dissatisfied with the company's service play a very important role for City Motors AS Lasnamäe dealership, as it is these people who often leave feedback that shows the management's concerns about the company's work and service. By knowing the most common factors that annoy customers, a company can eliminate them, change certain work processes, and thereby improve the quality of customer service and overall customer satisfaction. In the course of the analysis of the survey results, the author mapped the most common concerns, due to which the level of customer satisfaction decreased: the dealership did not offer replacement cars during the repair period and the lack of a small and inconvenient customer parking lot. Negative customers complained about the lack of information exchange, ie the concern was the transmission of information and the explanation of the repair work performed by the maintenance advisor, which was not clear, thorough, remained incomprehensible to the customer or was missing. In their comments, some dissatisfied customers have written suggestions for improvements to City Motors AS itself, such as providing souvenirs to after-sales service, such as candy or branded items, as is the case with other car sales and repair companies. Many customers also complained that they did not have specific information about the future bill when they delivered the vehicle to the dealership. One customer provided useful and constructive feedback, which included an improvement proposal - when booking a service time on the website, it must be possible to enter the age of the vehicle in the appropriate box so that the expected maintenance price displayed on the website does not differ much from the actual fee. Summarizing the content of customer comments and feedback and relying on the mapped bottlenecks, the author submits to the Management Board of the Lasnamäe dealership of City Motors AS improvements proposals regarding the increase of the level of customer satisfaction. The suggestions for improvement are as follows: • To solve the problem of shortage of parking spaces, ie to change the parking procedure on the territory of the representative office - to consider the introduction of a paid parking system or to mark the parking spaces intended for customers so that only the visitors of the representative office can use the customer parking lot. • Find ways to leave branded souvenirs (candy, air fresheners, water bottles) in the vehicles of after-sales visitors. Through this activity, the company exceeds the expectations of its customers. • Develop a web-based booking system so that the customer can obtain accurate information on the expected cost of periodic maintenance at the time of booking the service by entering the vehicle model and age. • Organize training for after-sales service staff on customer communication and the company's service standard, emphasizing the importance of the service's explanations of the work performed, its need, cost, and next steps. The author is convinced that by eliminating the bottlenecks identified and analysed by the clients in the dissertation and implementing the improvement proposals presented by the author, City Motors AS can increase the level of customer satisfaction, win more loyal customers, improve the customer experience and thereby ensure the company's sustainability and competitiveness. Despite the fact that the customer satisfaction of City Motors AS's Lasnamäe dealership is at a level where the company is ready to invest in customer convenience, customer satisfaction is a fact that must be constantly researched and improved. The results of this dissertation will be applied to improve the quality of customer service and customer satisfaction of City Motors AS's Lasnamäe dealership. At the same time, it is useful to get acquainted with the results of this work at other offices of City Motors AS and also at other vehicle sales and service companies operating in Estonia. | et |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/4131 | |
dc.language.iso | et | et |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | et |
dc.subject | TTK Subject Categories::Transport | et |
dc.subject.other | Autotehnika | et |
dc.title | Kliendirahulolu parendamine ettevõttes City Motors AS | et |
dc.title.alternative | Improving customer satisfaction on the example of City Motors AS | et |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |