Koka töörõivaste arendus

dc.contributor.advisorKuusk, Margit
dc.contributor.authorKrull, Martin
dc.description.abstractDiplomitöö käigus on kavandatud Kesklinna Pesumaja OÜ-le töörõivaste kollektsioon kokkadele. Kavandatud mudelitest valiti välja jaki, pükste ja põlle komplektid nii peakokale kui ka tavakokale. Valitud toodetele teostati moekohased lõiked läbi kaheastmelise konstrueerimise, kus põhikonstruktsioon valmistati Müller & Sohn süsteemi järgi vastavalt saksa mõõtudestandardile. Seejärel koostati läbilõikejoonised mudeli sõlmede tehnoloogiliseks töötlemiseks. Valmistati orginaallekaalid, millele sooritati suurendus-vähendusskeemi analüüs suurustesse 46-58 ja kasvudesse 170-202 cm. Valitud mudelitele koosatati paigutusjoonised, et arvestada kanga keskmine kulu toote kohta, samuti leiti niidikulu mudelite kohta. Kirjeldati tehnilist dokumentatsiooni tootekaartide ja valmistoote mõõtude tabelina. Autori tööna on kavandatud mudelitest valminud prototüübid, mis on ettenähtud testkandmiseks. Selleks kasutatud kangad on saadud töörõivaste tootvas ettevõttes, kus sooritati diplomipraktikat. Antud materjalidele sooritati Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli tekstiilitestimiselaboris pesu- ja hõõrdekindluse testid, veendumaks kontrastvärvide kokku sobivust. Katsete tulemustest järeldati, et parema kvaliteedi tagamiseks tuleb materjalid välja vahetada, et tagada toodete mitmevärviline disainilahendus. Leiti, et kasutada tuleks kangaid, mis on töödeldud paremate värvainetega. Diplomitöö praktilise osana on valminud kaks töörõivaste komplekti, peakokale ja tavakokale, mis sisaldab jakki, pükse ja põlle. Valitud mudelite disainimisel on lähtutud tarbijaküsitluste analüüsist ning autori enda kogemustest restoranimaailmast.et
dc.description.abstractThe present thesis “The Development of Workwear for Cooks” is a continuation of a course project, which aims to develop different collections of working outfits for several professions to Kesklinna Pesumaja for rental purposes. From the selection of different workwear, the ones for chefs were chosen due to the author of this present thesis being directly involved in the restaurant world and the development of this particular subject is in the author’s sphere of interest. The designs for particular clothing for both the chef de cuisine and cooks were chosen as follows – a jacket, trousers and aprons. Basic cuts and fashionable cuts were applied on the chosen clothing items. Next step was to compile cross-section figures in order to technologically manufacture knots for the specific models. Original templates were prepared to which an enlargement and reduction scheme analysis to size numbers 46-58 and height of 170-202 cm was applied. Placement patterns to the chosen cuts were prepared in order to calculate the average cost of fabric to one item of clothing, as well as the consumption of thread for one clothing item. The technical documentation was described with the help of the product charts and measurements of final products. The author has produced prototypes based on sketches, which are aimed to be worn as a test. The fabrics used for these specific prototypes were acquired from a company which produces workwear and where the internship took place. Tests of fastness to washing and abrasion were carried out on the fabrics in order to insure the compatibility of different colour contrasts – this took place in the Textile Testing Lab in TTK University of Applied Sciences. The results of this experiment revealed that in order to ensure the best quality, the materials need to be replaced to ensure multi-colour design solutions. The author found that fabrics which are processed with high quality pigments or colorants need to be used instead. The practical part of the present thesis was to complete two different sets of workwear for both the chef de cuisine and cook which contain a jacket, pants and an apron. In designing these specific models, the author relied on the consumer questionnaire analysis and author’s own experience in the restaurant business.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationClothing and Textiles--Designen
dc.subject.classificationClothing and Textiles--Product Developmenten
dc.subject.classificationRõivad ja tekstiilid--Disainet
dc.subject.classificationRõivad ja tekstiilid--Tootearenduset
dc.subject.otherRõivaste tehniline disainet
dc.subject.otherTechnical Design of Apparelen
dc.titleKoka töörõivaste arendus
dc.title.alternativeThe Development of Workwear for Cooks
